Chapter 5

"I'm sorry he did this to you Lia" Harley said trying to comfort me. But it wasn't working

"It's not fair. Why do I have to be the one to marry him? I know we're struggling but that doesn't mean I have to throw my life away just so we can get a few bucks"

"I know it's crazy. I can't believe dad would actually do that"

"Just shows how much he values me"

"Don't say that. He loves you just like he loves all of us"

"No he doesn't. He was just dealing with me. He doesn't care what happens to me"

"Of course he does. He's probably just... desperate"

"Still. He could have asked me to get a job. Even if it was part time. At least it would be something"

"Well there's no fighting him and his pride"

"Please. Says he doesn't want to use dirty money then what will he get. He's basically selling me to the highest bidder."

"Lia it's not like that"

"And mom just sat there. Listening to him. She didn't even try to stop this. Just like a statue. How could she let dad just do this?"

"I'm sorry Lia"

"It's not your fault. Thanks for listening" I hugged her.

"It's what I'm here for" there was a knock on the door

"Lia. Don't forget tomorrow you're meeting your fiance" dad said through the door. Which made me cry even more.