Oxalis criminal organization, run by the high table, and subdivided into 6 parts throughout Kohleria, the largest illegal fundraiser in the entire country, and probably the continent...
It is said that for good to exist, there must be evil, and for it to exist, I achieved a perfect balance, parts must be eliminated, or banished...
A thin balance of forces, such as the state, and the most evil organization in the entire history of a nation's existence, would seem to only exist to turn a conglomerate of people into a bloodbath...
That was what was feared, until he appeared, that man.
Lynx, a cunning subject, according to records, was born in a refugee camp in Oryzences in a border area, and his father apparently betrayed the government of his country to protect his family, or so it was thought, since, at the time After the end of the war, he never heard from him again, this led him to a high struggle for survival in the most hostile environment of the last century, the age of obscurantism... A time that the government wants to erase from the history books, since the mass genocides within its borders led to the persuasion of the Oryza state and its allies, children, women and innocent people were part of that carnage, something that the inhabitants of their neighboring nation... will never forget.
This guy appears in the history books of Kohleria, but even so, I still don't know enough to be able to create a foolproof plan, considering that the mission for hire that they have given me is today, doing something hasty would be foolish, and even so, I want to take a risk, my plan consists of a betrayal taking into account the following, if I manage to hinder the team, it is probable that I managed to make them flee, if they do, I can lead them through some alleys that surely they will not remember where they are led by the emotions of the moment, at that time, I will have them close to the police station, and thus my torment will end, I just have to expose them so that they realize that there are more illegalities than the state maintains, and according to records, they have been able to hide those facts ... It's moment of truth.
Although there is information that I cannot answer, because they would be interested in eliminating government traitors, normally, these organizations hide from the gaze of political situations, and always look out for their interests, but just assuming that they work in some way with the state, It even makes me a ghost, it must be a mistake, surely it must have been a matter of personal hatred, simple nonsense.
Lynx, what kind of person are you... You seem not to have a single vulnerability, you have no children, and you discard those who do not serve you as mere objects, what kind of creature are you.
- Hal?
-Ah, Laely, what are you doing here?
-The question is silly, you know I should be here.
-True, sorry to be like this, I'm a little distracted.
-Reading history, but if you don't need to read something like that.
-It is a personal research work, I need to have a little extra knowledge in my mind.
-That's incredible considering how little you should have studied history.
- What kind of situation are you insinuating?
-I nothing, but I'm still surprised, but don't worry, what if we go for a coffee?
-It would be fine, this topic is killing me
This situation puts me in at least 5 serious trouble, it is possible that, if they discover my connections with a criminal organization, they will think that I am a spy from another country, in addition to investigating all my acquaintances, that means that the father of my girlfriend would lose her rank, if I ever tell her I will just be one more burden, I must keep this secret as deep as possible, I am sure that this day if all my plan works, I will be able to return to my normal life.
Well... Let's go over the plan, when they get distracted, I will extract a bullet from each cartridge that is inside the weapon that the criminals are using, that way I can take them with the surprise factor, as I understand it, since it is of the utmost importance that Lynx approve the job, it'll be a block away from the action, but it won't be too far, that means if the plan fails, they'll find out, and they won't go directly to where the agreed checkpoint is, if I can get them to run Through the streets that I plan to handle them, I can leave them near a police station, precisely where a family acquaintance is, I am sure that in the chaos, they will escape through any area that I suggest, especially for fear of losing their lives , at that time, when they are cornered, I will say that I was kidnapped around 2 in the afternoon for no apparent reason, no matter what they testify against me, it is my word against theirs, and after that, I will tell them where he is your boss, it's simple but effective, nothing can go wrong.
-Lynx, you are aware that this boy is extremely intelligent, right.
-It's more than evident, he was raised by one of the most careful people I've ever met.
Did you know his father?
-Only by sight, but who informed me about him, he was a very cautious person, he knew how to hide his tracks in this country very well.
-I see
-Keep an eye on the boy, don't let his plan be affected, I'll see how far he can go, before I said that he wouldn't be useful to me at all, but I'm a curious being, so I have something that tells me that, in a future, this boy will be very useful to us.
He knows something, something that I have not noticed or rather investigated, Lynx never stays in one place, he will always realize who enters his ranks, and he will use that power against those who betray him, in this case it does not seem that will interfere with what the boy has in his head.
-I have a commitment before the mission, I hope to have your help before I take care of the boy, soon we will see how complicated this situation is.
Walking away elegantly, he has more than 100 years of life, he will always be a subject that radiates that aura of mystery, behind that fine cunning being, hides a very curious being, that you hide from me after so long, Lynx.
-"It's a pleasure that you invited me to today's recital"
That would really mean, the company ruins the entire repertoire of these young talents in a violin and piano duet, the notes are consistent with the personalities of the students, a daring girl and a very shy boy, but when they are in front of their weapons, they will know how to shoot the audience...
As rulers and gangsters, their weapons are different, and point to opposite sides of life, even so, their ability to get what they want is simply exceptional, as exceptional as two ballet dancers, jumping high, elegant and showy.
-Lynx, I understand that today you'll be near the industrial avenue, I'll tell the area manager, not to pay attention to what he hears, I'm interested in getting those stupid people out of an area that doesn't belong to them.
-Oryza is gaining ground in the form of business, something tells me that he already knows something about what the board of directors told me a few days before.
-It is something quite serious, apparently, there is a kind of human trafficking within this country, always commanded by minor criminal organizations, or so we want to believe, if something similar to Oxalis is emerging in this country, it would be a serious problem for both , you maintain the economy with the 'taxes' that you give us.
How death and life that chatter in the sound of the waltz of death, these meetings between different forces will always be a reason for my joy, not only because despite my hatred and aversion to them, my moment to always demonstrate my power comes at the best time.
-Hal, hey land called Hal, are you there?
-Ah, I'm so sorry, I'm really distracted today.
Something strange with this boy, I know very well that something is happening, but that you are hiding from me this time, besides that in two days it is ours we celebrate another month of relationship, he would never forget that date, and he would never be nervous about not having one surprise ready, although you never really need to try that hard, a simple quote is really enough for me
What's going on, I hope it's nothing really serious.
-Hal, you are strange today.
- You think?
-You are always attentive in class, today I saw you faltering when they asked you something, besides you have many notes that are not of this class, I really begin to believe that you hit your head or something.
-Neglect insurance is only the blocking of the student, it should not be anything serious.
-If you say so.
I hope it's real, after all, I've made a friend in this place.
I got home mom.
Hal, are you okay?
Because they always ask the same thing.
-Yes I am, thanks for your concern, I'm sure it's just tiredness, in fact, I have to go out.
- So late?
-Yes, I have to go get something for my apartment, there is a small leak in it.
-But it's very late, are you sure there's a carpentry open at this time of night?
-I know one that belongs to a friend, don't worry, I'll be back soon.
I'm terribly lousy at lying.
Hal never knows how to lie, if there's something strange, I'll figure it out as fast as possible.
-"Well Benn, it's time for you to show me that your judgment in choosing candidates is the right one, let the show begin.
Before everyone gets into the trailer, I knocked out one of the bullets from the 7 cartridges of all the members of this team, this team is small. but it makes sense.
-Listen gentlemen, today we have a small mission, or so I understand, it is possible that we will only meet 7 or 6 security guards, visibly they are quite clumsy, I hope that is the case, so I will be direct and concise, we will try not to call the attention too much, but I don't know if they overreach, I'm interested in everyone getting out alive and going to hug their families, this boy, Hal, would only be a guide when we escape, we won't be able to return with the trailer, since they would have the license plate, we will escape through the alleys, and at the end we will disperse in the commercial area, this day there is a mini festival of international gastronomy, so it is crowded enough to escape without problems, we will leave the weapons, in the trailer next to the boy, and we will go in the cabin.
Let's see what you have planned for this day kid.
It's perfect, my whole plan is well enough underway for it to work, apparently they're not as cautious as I'd hoped.
Entering the industrial zone, apparently at night it is not as it is always seen during the day... There are things that you never expect to see, drugs, strange businesses are held in the warehouses of the area, because this happens and nobody notices account.
-You see boy, this is the face of Kohleria that you could never see, behind that window of protection, you will never know what people are capable of to survive, good and evil must have a balance, if we don't exist, what you eat, acclaimed heroes of justice.
Saying that is almost like declaring that a war will be needed to obtain peace, this is nonsense.
Arriving at the specific area, everything seems to have been calculated, exactly 6 guards, they will go stealthily, it is my moment to stop this stupid plan, with a bullet in the air, it is natural that all those present are scared, and call someone's attention agent, okay.
It's time to run it.
With signs I call the attention of my men, after so many years, it is natural that we understand each other in a simple way, it is the job of someone like me, to make them return to their wives, children and mothers so that they live a moderately normal life, a child as the one from there will never understand what it is to be close to death to be able to obtain a plate of food, or simply a glass of water, this world is not what we have always believed, behind that beautiful peace, there are those who tear it apart and take it away to the boiling point, so those who help hold back an eruption can continue to call themselves heroes, that's my justice, my way of doing things...
Knocked out one by one, we have managed to open the way to the area inside the warehouse, there are... 9, not 15 people inside and 5 are armed, there is no remedy, we will have to...
But what the hell is that noise, the guy started the truck, this is crazy, he's not just thinking about letting us die, if his plan was to turn us in, then this is the biggest stupid thing I've seen in years.
-"Oh, I see, it seems that Beta was not lying in her analysis, not only is he a fool, the lessons of this world have definitely not been a way to learn.
With the spyglass I can not only see Benn from afar, I can also see the future, it seems that you did not expect someone like that to do something so daring, I took your word for it, and from what I see, it was not what you wanted, but, it is perfect for me.
The shots will start at any moment.
It's time for plan b.
We open fire randomly, hoping everyone dies from a stray bullet, 5, 6 6?
I see, I remove a bullet from each cartridge, it is a way of distorting our consciousness, which is used to fully counting each bullet that we use at this moment, I regret that you are the one who crossed my path, what more surprises you have for us, you damn idiot.
-We will make a withdrawal, follow the boy.
Honestly, I didn't expect anything from you boy, apparently you studied us somehow, I don't know how it is, but you did very well.
-Follow me, I'll take you to the agreed area.
Men are upset, it's normal, how will you use this moment in your favor boy...
I just have to take more streets to the north, I've always seen an officer there at this time of night.
Taking them through alleys that they surely know, but not in the directions they take, yes, since that day, I have been reading their movements, every day that they passed through here, I have been watching where they come and go, it is impossible not to see, even if it is one of its members at least once a day, so I know where they can go and how to modify this route.
By the east avenue, not nor by the northeast, he will go by the north zone, directly where I think he will go.
We're getting very close, in a few minutes I'm going to...
-What the hell...
Because this area is crowded... We are 1 kilometer from the mini festival...
-Ah boy, I forgot to tell you, this festival seems to have increased in size this year.
Never trust your eyes or knowledge boy, there's always someone 10 steps above you, and that's me.
Impossible, as today it is precisely more crowded than usual, for more than 20 years, this festival has never had such a large attendance and size, the only one that can and has that power is…
-"I think you've figured it out, the Governor of Kohleria, decided that as long as there were shots, they would make more noise than normal.
Impossible... I met the governor, he shook my hand when my father was decorated... Because he... Who and why.
-"Boy, I told you before, a balance is necessary... And Lynx and the governor, they are those in charge, you can't win by lying to a liar.
Damn it, because, because this has to happen to me in this year, this time, just when everything seemed to be going great... I refuse to believe that this is my last year living as a normal human being... No... No no...
-Your insolence will cost us dearly this day, let me give you your deserved punishment.
At the end of the sentence, everything looked dark again.
Waking up in a strange place.
-Welcome Hal, this place... It's my home.
-That is, the sale of drugs that my parents constantly visited, but I hated why.
-Yes, what you see there, in that jar.
A dark mahogany, the most dangerous snake in all of Kohleria.
-I think the lesson I told you before is not over yet.
The subject there, is uncovering the bottle, he is not thinking...
-Hold her for me.
Throw the snake into my hands, this is my end, killed in fractions of seconds by a snake, although it reacted relatively in time, the snake manages to sit on my lap, making the moment even more complicated, because if I turn to look to any side, it would attack.
-Well enough with so much spectacle, and stop crying, that snake is not poisonous.
-Because I should believe in someone who murders people and thinks that only with you life is a balance.
-Let me tell you a little anecdote from a near past.
It happened... 50 years ago, the country still in crisis found nothing but profitability in exporting flowers as ornamentation, certainly the economy remained stable, but something was needed to position the country as a power, so they discovered a flower that had very strong medicinal properties, and you know very well which flower we are talking about.
It happens that the nations wanted to sign an agreement that would allow the flower in question, the lament flower, to be exported for mass cultivation, but that would eliminate part of that enormous economy that was already beginning to form.
Guess what story they created, that's right, the dark mahogany, it was very common to find it at the base of these flowers, its mahogany color and red eyes, were the basis for the greatest scientific myth of this century, this snake is extremely poisonous, and cunning, what nobody knows, is that this rumor started thanks to an organization that always worked in the shadows with the government that you admire so much.
Tell me, does it really matter a lot who you work with knowing these stories?
Still surprised and not knowing what to answer... My mind is not only relieved for not dying... Not a word comes out of my mouth, I am only relieved that my life will last one more day... And then... Feeling so betrayed... That he probably didn't let me sleep for the next 2 days.
And only one question arises in my mind:
- Because?
Moving to my Academy... Among flowers and more ornaments, I observe what the day before was my own hell, a Flower of Lamentations, prescribed for diseases that were previously considered deadly... And now they have launched the medical market for business most valued in this country... That question simply keeps running through my mind... One of the many that throughout this horrible year... would begin to arise, and later, be answered in the cruelest way possible. ..