Naked And Covered In Blood

Luka struggled to focus his eyes on the road ahead of him, his attention divided between driving and observing the anxious looking girl next to him. Her hands were clasped as they rested on her thigh, her gaze aloof as she bit on her lower lip.

She'd been acting strange lately, and though he knew Keisha would never talk to him about it, something was wrong. The stubborn nerd he knew had turned into a nervous wreck over the past few days, her worsening emotional instability apparent through their mind-link.

Though her personal problems were none of his business, he couldn't help but worry for the human.

"Can you remind me why this friend of yours needs to see me?" Luka spoke up, trying to make small talk to fill the uncomfortable silence.

Keisha's gaze flickered to him, before it averted back to her clasped hands. "He said he'll only give the tickets if we're both there in person."

"Why? What have I got to do with this?"

"I wish I knew."