Current skills (chapter 30)

Summary of the protagonist's current abilities

(I stopped using the name haki or using names for special movements because I feel that it sounds better that way)

Race: Vampire/mutant??


_Superhuman strength

_Superhuman speed

_Superhuman endurance

_Accelerated regeneration (blood needed to activate)

_Soul manipulation (obtained by vampirization) (locked)

-See and touch souls-

-Damage souls-(allows to ignore physical defenses) (locked)

-Destroy souls- (locked)

-Absorb souls- (locked)

-Expel souls from their bodies-(locked)

_Teleportation (Vampire King)

_Telepathy (Vampire King)

_Flight (Vampire King)


(due to the mutation caused by the crown)

_Manipulation, creation and transformation of ice/snow:

-Manipulation: lower the temperature of everything within reach (basically freeze), manipulate ice and snow even if he didn't create it himself

- creation: clones (snow/ice), weapons (melee or long range), tools, shields, barriers, etc.

- transformation: turning into snow or ice to ignore physical damage, changing shape or moving parts of his body unnaturally (grants incredible agility), moving around his surroundings turned into snow (allows him to float small distances)

_ spiritual power:

(caused by reincarnation)

- incredibly enhanced memory capacity (great concentration required)

- feeling the presences in his surroundings (improved by vampirism)

- feeling the emotions of conscious creatures

- completely predicting his opponent's actions (by combining the two previous ones and telepathy)

_ talent for magic: (of all kinds, currently not fully available)

- enchanting objects with specific magical effects

- currently he can only enchant some objects with not very powerful effects due to that magic on earth is incredibly scarce-


-basic use of cold weapons (daggers, swords, etc) (prefers to use long-range ice attacks for safety)

-advanced use of long-range weapons (bows, firearms, etc) (was a hunter most of his life)

-basic martial arts (no teacher, still prefers to freeze things)


(remember the enhanced memory and that he reads everything he finds)

(several cannot be applied due to the lack of teachers, it's like using the internet, having the knowledge doesn't mean you know how to apply it)

_books or experience:

-hunting and survival (applicable)

-sewing and making clothes (barely applicable)

-mechanics and repair (only the most basic like maintenance and assembly of parts)

-medicine (basic first aid)

-various Languages ​​(Spanish, English, Korean, Latin, etc.) (already knew Spanish and English in his previous life) (Latin for incantations)

- theoretical knowledge of biology and physics (not really interested in learning)

- cooking (he's the one who cooks in the house)


- knowledge about gods or cosmic entities and basically anything of interest to the user

- alchemy (not applicable)

- knowledge about magical creatures (ghosts, monsters, vampires, etc.)

- knowledge about other dimensions and interdimensional portals (barely applicable with enough magic and the right materials)

- rituals of great power to summon entities or manipulate various concepts (time, space, etc.) (not applicable, there's not enough magic)

_ all knowledge since the creation of the multiverse (only accessible if the Enquiridion wants it or the current owner is qualified to see it) (canon)


_ Damage from sunlight

_Only able to feed on blood


-Leviathan Axe prototype (an incredibly sharp and durable axe)

-custom dagger (enchanted to absorb sunlight) (now belonging to Chemy)

(all clothing is enchanted to blend with his powers: if he turns into snow or ice his clothes will do so as well)

-round blue glasses


(currently stored on the ship only used for traveling long distances, something not very necessary at the moment)