Chapter 30: Training Chemy

-The next day-

Slowly the sun rose on the horizon and the first rays of light woke up the wild animals around and the early risers

Who woke up in a good mood after waking up in a safe and peaceful place thanks to a certain person who was still sleeping soundly in his room hugging a dark-haired young woman

The room was completely dark and sealed so as not to allow the outside light to enter and set the sleeping couple on fire

This peaceful environment was interrupted by a shadow that moved slowly and carefully so as not to make noise until the door of the room

The door was opened just a little, enough to spy on the occupants of the room

The intruder who had confirmed that the occupants were asleep prepared for her attack by slowly distancing herself from the door with a smile on the corner of her lips

Chemy who estimated that the distance was enough prepared for the attack

without realizing that now A pair of bright green eyes had opened in the darkness of the room she planned to break into

-Blanche pov-

I thought it was going to be a quiet morning, but then I remembered who I'm living with when my powers that I leave activated while I sleep warned me of a presence moving near my door

The presence contained emotions of caution and amusement plus anticipation, with no intentions of harming, just my sleep schedule

It was obviously Chemy who woke up a few seconds after the sun rose, it seems she really wants to start training

I could read her thoughts with the telepathy I inherited from the Vampire King

But that would be excessive

although it's a power I keep off if I don't encounter enemies

I feel like there's no need to invade the privacy of my friends and family and even strangers without a good reason

On the other hand, I really like to sleep in peace

I'm going to throw her out the window

-Chemy pov-

This should be enough distance, today I start my first day of training making it clear that I am not a rookie

Action plan: Run, knock down the door and jump on my caregiver's ugly face

I'm ready

"1, 2 and...3! Ready or not, here I come!"

Chemy began to run at full speed towards the door with the intention of breaking it down

The moment she was a meter away from the door she jumped forward with all her strength flying through the air to execute a devastating kick against the bedroom door

"It's time to- huh?"

Just as her foot was about to connect, the door opened on its own

her eyes expanded as she saw what was behind the door, it was a small ice path that headed straight towards the window

After a brief moment of realization in mid-flight, she understood the fate that awaited her and as she accepted her fate she thought she saw behind the door a young man with white hair smiling at her

"Ahhhhh!" Chemy flew out the window under the gaze of several neighbors who had left early for work

-a moment later-

Sitting at the table having breakfast were Blanche who looked well rested and Chemy who still had some twigs in her hair and small scratches on her body

Luckily there was a tree to cushion the fall

Chemy with a grumpy face was eating bacon and eggs for breakfast while she watched her caretaker slurp a plate of animal blood as her breakfast

When she finished eating everything on her plate her grumpiness disappeared and her memories wandered to the first time she saw Blanche drink blood instead of colors like Marcy

-3 years ago-

shortly after arriving on the island, Marceline and Blanche were preparing for their first dinner as vampires with Chemy

so they both went out to hunt in the still intact forest that had never been stepped on by humans and then came back with several prey to feed all the humans

leaving some meat for Chemy and blood for themselves

Sitting now around a campfire while Chemy devoured the sewn meat

Marceline and Blanche looked hesitantly at their glasses full of blood

The first to try was Blanche who took a sip with a disgusted face and then Marceline who, as she sank her fangs into the glass, the red color slowly disappeared leaving a gray liquid to her surprise, she had no idea she could do that

The days passed and Chemy, who did not want to relive unpleasant memories related to vampires, normally looked away when they both ate

But this time her curiosity won so she stared at her caretakers drinking the animal blood, only to be confused when she saw Marcy turn the red blood into a gray liquid as if by magic

Curious, she turned her head to look at her caretaker to see if this was normal but what she saw was Blanche swallowing blood with a disgusted face

This raised many questions in her young 14-year-old mind

She was never one to think much, she was a woman of action (self-proclaimed)

so she asked without hesitation

"Why don't you absorb colors like Marcy? Do you like the taste of blood?"

Blanche who was wiping the remains of animal blood from the corner of his lips with his sleeve paused momentarily before calmly answering

"Well Marceline is part demon and that for some reason allows her to feed on the color red and I don't like the taste, I hate the taste of blood"

"Then why don't you look for another way to feed yourself?"

Blanche paused to think before answering while looking Chemy in the eyes to emphasize the seriousness of what he was about to say, it was time for a lesson

"Chemy, have you heard the phrase, if you like roses you have to put up with thorns?"

", I have no idea what that means"

"It means that actions have consequences, everything has a price, don't forget that, I drink blood to remind myself that I made a decision that will have consequences sooner or later and drinking blood is just one of those consequences"


Blanche moved the chair back causing a creaking sound that brought Chemy out of her daydream state

He stood up while taking the plates and leaving them to be washed later, then he walked past Chemy who was carelessly wiping her mouth and lightly caressed her head

"Let's go to the backyard girl, we have to start training, before we can hunt you need to learn many things"

Chemy hurriedly got up from the chair and followed him to the backyard while they talked

"But last time I hunted a wolf on my own"

"That wasn't hunting"


everything was covered in grass and trees

There was also a small pond and a couple of swings to sit on and enjoy the fresh air

The grass and trees are the remnants of what was left after cutting down and removing most of the trees when they arrived to start building the small neighborhood

The pond is used to breed several preserved species of fish from before the war with the hopes of later releasing them across the 4 islands

And as for the swings, Chemy wanted swings, she had seen them in pictures from before the war and remnants of houses where children lived but she could never get one for herself

Blanche built it himself

His house was the first to be built and everything else was built around it with the house as the center of the new human civilization

The location of the house and its previous history of saving the human race almost automatically granted them the role of protectors of the island, a position Chemy was hoping to inherit one day

Blanche and Chemy left the house and walked to the center of the backyard where they both sat face to face on the grass with their legs crossed under the warm sun

"Alright, it's time to explain to you what you did wrong hunting that wolf, first, you failed from the start, that wasn't hunting, it was a chase"

"Sounds the same to me, isn't hunting chasing the prey?"

"Yes, but also no, I'll explain, humans are extremely weak compared to almost all wild animals, they don't run as fast or as strong as animals, so how do you think we triumphed in the end and became the top predator?"

Chemy, who listened attentively to each word, seemed a little confused by the question at first, but a few good seconds of thinking turned on the light in her head

"Weapons! We have weapons"

"Very well Chemy, well thought out, that's correct we have weapons, but why? What sets us apart from all other living creatures?

"Mmmh... I know! We're smarter"

"That's right! So back to the beginning, humans invented weapons so they could stay away from predators and cause damage at the same time, they followed tracks or used traps when hunting to make the minimum effort, they hid because they knew they would die face to face"

"You chased that wolf into the cave of a huge bear, you didn't think like a human, but like an animal, you saw your prey wounded, collared and you jumped in head first without thinking"

"You are human, think like one, be patient, learn your prey's weaknesses, their habits and plan each step"

"That is what I am going to teach you and when you pass my test your combat training will begin"

-Chemy pov-

My dream was always to protect, from the moment I saw Blanche and Marcy for the first time defending everyone from vampires and mutants something inside me told me that this destroyed world where I was born needs people like them and I want to be one of those people

And now I'm finally on my way to fulfill that dream

So with all the seriousness I could muster in my voice I asked a question

"What do I have to hunt?"



"Don't worry, I won't use my powers, using them would be too unfair for you"

-later in the dining room-

Blanche and Chemy sat in silence staring at each other without blinking even though she was losing the battle, barely able to keep her eyes open

After a couple of hours of chasing, the clothes of both showed several differences, Blanche's shirt was wrinkled and Chemy's clothes were partially wet, stained with dirt, with small cuts that looked like they were made by the branches of a tree

This staring contest was interrupted by the sound of the door of B/M's room opening on the second floor

Both broke eye contact to look towards the stairs to see Marceline floating as she usually did, she still seemed half asleep without being able to open her eyes properly

She was dressed all in black with shorts and a large t-shirt that was too big on her, almost like a dress

Marceline quickly arrived in front of them floating down ignoring the steps and when she got in front of them her feet finally touched the ground

She approached Blanche yawning and kissed him on the cheek and then kissed Chemy on the forehead Ignoring her current appearance she took a chair to sit in her usual place where there was always a plate of red apples waiting for her in the morning

Marceline woke up completely after grabbing several beautiful apples and turning them into soft gray masses

" good morning, I never wake up until I taste something red"

With her eyes already open she looked at her partner and the girl they took under their care

"Whoa what happened to you girl? It looks like you fell from the second floor or something... ohhh that's why there's broken glass on the bedroom floor"

"Blanchie, did you have to throw her out the window?"

"There were trees to cushion the fall"

"Since when do trees cushion falls?"

"You'd be surprised how many lives trees have saved"

"Well that doesn't explain why she's covered in dirt and moisture on her clothes"

"She tried to chase me all over the yard and ended up falling in the pond, sadly that didn't stop her so I had to make her eat dirt"

"Well that explains everything, so she has to hunt you? Wow that really brings back memories remember?"

"Remembering? My face still hurts "

Chemy, who was remembering the chase in her mind, heard the conversation between her caregivers and a spotlight seemed to almost materialize over her head

Chemy got up from her chair hastily to question her caregiver

"Marcy! How did I not think of it? I still remember when you arrived at the camp, how did you manage to find it? Please tell me, I beg you~~~"

" calm down a little, girl, there's no need to beg, I'll gladly give you a clue"

"Really? Yes! I knew you were the best-"

"If you wash the dishes for me for a week"

Chemy's joy was mercilessly interrupted

"Ohh don't make that face, I promise it will be worth it"

Chemy thought about it for a few moments weighing the advantages and disadvantages of accepting this deal, on one hand she got a clue that would bring her closer to her dream at the cost of washing some dishes and on the other she would continue trying to catch her caretaker blindly"

Tough decision, she really hated washing dishes

But a small look at her caretaker who looked at her with a small smile on his lips that seemed mocking to Chemy's eyes was enough to make up her mind

So gritting her teeth she spoke

"Give me that clue"

"After you wash the dishes"


-a week later-

Chemy dedicated all her time to trying to catch Blanche during the last week

but no matter how fast she ran or how many plans she came up with

he always managed to escape

She was starting to lose patience but today she would receive that clue that would hopefully put her one step ahead of her prey

Chemy with her hands still somewhat wet walked quickly from the kitchen to the couch where Marceline was sitting tuning her axe/bass to demand her payment

"Marcy! It's time to pay!"

Marceline always relaxed since they arrived at the islands did not flinch at the rude debt collector

"I know what you want and a deal is a deal, now listen to me carefully because I'll only say it once and go plan your attack or something, I'm working on a new song honey"

" , okay, tell me what I have to do to catch him"

"Oh, you can't, it's impossible"


"I'm not done talking yet girl, it's impossible if he doesn't want to be caught, but that's exactly what he wants, you just have to work for it, find his weakness and he'll let you touch him"

"But how? I can't think of anything, he's always one step ahead, he's much stronger and faster than me, I tried to expose him to the sun all day and even put garlic in his food, but nothing works"

"Good thinking girl, but garlic only burns a little and he keeps a very thin layer of ice stuck to his skin all the time so he doesn't get reduced to ashes"

"Then how!?"

"Well, you wanted to know how I managed to find him the first time, right? That was easy, I just followed the trail of people who were saved by him, Blanche has a soft heart under that hard layer of ice"

"He is an empathetic person who deeply loves his family and likes to help people whenever he can, that is his weakness"

"Find a way to use that against him and you will easily defeat him"

"Marcy now I know that you are really part demon"

"Thanks honey, now go to your room to plot your next plan to hunt a person, like a good girl"

Chemy excited to get a clue sped up and headed to the second floor to lock herself in her room, she needed to process this new information and create a plan for tomorrow

-Blanche pov-

it seems that this phase of training is coming to an end, it's a shame, I was amused to see her stumble chasing me or see her fall into her own traps

I heard the whole conversation because of my enhanced senses, after the transformation my body was enhanced and even my powers were enhanced, in addition to stealing 3 powers from the Ex-Vampire King and awakening my own vampire power

Apparently it's something that happens when you are transformed into a Vampire by the King himself or maybe just if you are strong enough, it's quite confusing

3 years ago while I was experimenting with my new powers to find out what new abilities I had acquired I saw and touched the soul of a deer I hunted, literally its soul came out of its body in front of me and I was able to touch it

So now I can see and touch the souls of things that recently passed away

I feel like I could do more but something is blocking me, considering who has dominion over souls it's not hard to guess who is responsible

It doesn't really affect me so I don't think about it much, after a short period of training I adapted to my new physical capabilities

I was able to live normally again without breaking things or that the smallest noises bother me

Well, what was I up to? Ah yes, Chemy's training

I didn't really have plans to train her but for a couple of years now she couldn't contain her thirst for adventure anymore and started exploring the parts of the forest we haven't cleared yet, she almost died a couple of times

I decided that I couldn't protect her forever, she's growing up and she's almost an adult with her own dreams and that's something I can't stop

So I'm going to train her to the maximum of her human capabilities, which is quite a lot considering that she was born shortly after the bombs fell and her body mutated a bit giving her incredible physical abilities

Although this is something that happened to almost all babies after the war to varying degrees, but Chemy, she's special

She reminds me of Finn, she's superhuman, the only one apart from me and Marcy on the islands, I have no idea why that is, maybe she was meant to be special

Even though she doesn't have powers many problems can be solved if you hit them with the strength and speed of a car at full speed

And now that she knows my weakness it's likely that tomorrow she'll finally catch me, although I don't know how

I can't believe that that really is my weakness, it sounds too cheesy

-the next day-

In the Petrikov house although the sun was already high in the sky curiously the whole house was silent

Something strange since during the last week Chemy began the chase as soon as the sun came up

This was what went through Blanche's mind when he woke up without anyone disturbing his sleep that day

But he could feel Chemy downstairs sitting on the couch drinking a cup of tea and he couldn't feel any trap outside the door

So still suspicious he got up cautiously taking care of every step he took until he went down the stairs, everything was normal, too normal

So he went to the only person who could give him answers

he walked quickly to the living room to demand answers why he hadn't been attacked yet (strange)

When he finally stood in front of Chemy she was the first to speak with her cup of tea in her hands and her legs crossed

"I know what you're wondering , why haven't I attacked you yet? And the reason is quite simple now that I know your weakness, I'm in control"

"I decide when you pass and when you don't"

", this tea is delicious you know, we need to get more, you're going to pass me and obediently let yourself be caught, you know why? Because to save my life you'll have to catch me"


Chemy had no intention of clearing up the confusion, she slowly stood up to walk to the dining room and gently put the cup on the table

While Blanche stared at her trying not to read her mind to know what the girl would do, the only thing he noticed was that Chemy was getting too close to the door

When Chemy got close enough to the door and grabbed the handle, she turned to look him in the eyes

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to jump off a cliff"

When those words reached Blanche's ears and he understood his apprentice's plan, it was too late

She ran out of the house at full speed leaving her caretaker behind until she got on a runaway horse she had prepared earlier

"You're going to have to save me, old man!"

The horse galloped away at high speed leaving a cloud of dust in its wake

He left the house with one hand covering his mouth so as not to inhale dust, he stared at the horse disappearing in the distance

"It really is a checkmate, I have no choice but to get closer to save her, she won, but I'm going to teach her a little lesson first, just for fun"

Chemy was still galloping at high speed through the streets of the town constantly looking around hoping that Blanche would appear and stop her

But no one seemed to be chasing her and she was getting closer and closer to the edge of the island where there were several cliffs

"Don't think I won't! I'm going to win!"

She didn't doubt for a second that she was being watched by her caretaker, so she had no intention of stopping, getting closer and closer to the cliff at full speed

When Chemy could see the edge of the island well, she prepared for her leap of faith, still holding the reins of the horse, she stood on the saddle waiting for the right moment to jump and leave the horse on the ground

"Okay, here we go,"

Being a few meters from the cliff, her countdown was abruptly stopped

Standing at the edge of the cliff was Blanche, who appeared like a ghost, watching her approach at full speed

"Hey! You used your powers~~~!"

Chemy, distracted by Blanche's sudden appearance, forgot that she was still heading at full speed towards a long drop

The horse stopped right at the edge of the cliff, letting the sudden momentum shoot its owner into the void

Chemy, seeing that the water was approaching quickly, closed her eyes while screaming in terror

Her fall was prevented by a pair of arms that lifted her by her armpits, leaving her hanging in the air like a kitten

"Ahhhhhh- ah? I didn't die?"

Chemy opened her eyes and looked around, she was being held by Blanche and they were both floating in the air a few meters from the water

"Congratulations, you passed"

A/N: Hi, it took me a little longer than expected since the episode is longer than I planned, it's a pleasure to write again for you and for me, it's a bit harder because I don't have a computer anymore but it's worth it

It would be an incredible help if you can donate something, without obligations obviously this story will always be free

PS: I will try to keep the story updated but you know, I'm busy dealing with life