​But now, somehow he was at a lost how to begin .

Seeing him speechless, Jiang Xun arched her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xun's smile that didn't reach her eyes gave him a feeling of transparency, as if she knew everything, although he was probably overthinking it.

Xiao Sheng finally said, "Let's get a divorce."

Jiang Xun was waiting for his words. She pretended to be surprised, staring at him in disbelief, "Why?"

Xiao Sheng felt a bit more confident when he saw her like this. He thought her reaction was just as he imagined it to be. As expected, this woman was still infatuated with him, she had probably never thought about divorcing.

Xiao Sheng took out the divorce papers from his bag and said coldly, "I already signed it, you can just sign here."

Like in the original owner's memories, Xiao Sheng placed the divorce papers in front of her, and handed her the signing pen, pointing to the blank space.

Jiang Xun immediately started being a drama queen. Her body trembled, like she was about to cry, "Why? Why do you suddenly want to divorce?"

"Do you think we are still suitable for each other now? It's meaningless if we continue on, so it's better to just let ourselves free earlier."

Looking at the fragile Jiang Xun, the humiliating words that Xiao Sheng had prepared changed when he spoke, and his tone unconsciously became softer.

"You're lying! You must be having an affair outside?" Jiang Xun swept the divorce papers to the ground.

Although Xiao Sheng had a guilty conscience, he firmly replied, "Don't talk nonsense, just sign it."

"No, I won't sign. If you don't make it clear to me, I won't sign it." Jiang Xun covered her face and burst into tears.

Jiang Xun won't be as stupid as the original owner. After being humiliated, she signed the divorce agreement in a haze. She didn't read the divorce papers carefully. In the end, she ended up with barely anything, except for a small house.

She knew Xiao Sheng's current net worth was roughly about 1 billion at the least, and it was even marital property. If the two were to divorced, she would be able to get half the property, let alone the fact that Xiao Sheng had cheated.

Jiang Xun has been wandering in the mortal world for hundreds of years, and she has seen plenty of this kind of divorce and asset distribution. She knew ways of using it properly.

This time, she won't stop until she makes Xiao Sheng pay for what he did.

However, Jiang Xun didn't expect that in the future Xiao Sheng, in order to keep her, was willing to give up all his assets. He only begged her to come back to him, but that was all a later story.

Jiang Xun's devastated look made Xiao Sheng uncomfortable.

Xiao Sheng thought to himself: After all, she has been with him for seven years. Suddenly forcing her to accept this fact must be hard for her to take .

"I'll give you three days worthy of time. But, I'm leaving this house to you and never coming back again. Just send it to my company after you sign it." Xiao Sheng continued coldly.

"Why are you so heartless?" Jiang Xun choked in tears and looked at him in agony.

When Xiao Sheng faced her teary eyes, he felt a little bit bad for some reason. He couldn't help but want to reach out and wipe away the tears for her.

Jiang Xun blinked and teardrops rolled down her cheeks. Her appearance made people want to pity her, causing Xiao Sheng to actually feel remorseful.

Just as he was about to talk, his phone suddenly rang. He took it out to see it was Ye Wei Wei calling.

Xiao Sheng was reminded that Ye Wei Wei was still waiting for him, so his face sank, and ended cruelly, "So be it, I'll be leaving first."

Seeing Xiao Sheng closing the door and leaving, Jiang Xun's tears stopped immediately. She took some tissues from the coffee table and wiped her tears while saying, "Aiyaya, I'm really made of water. I even made my eyes red from crying ."

After wiping away her tears, she picked up the divorce papers on the table. Flipping through it, she scoffed and then tore it in half before throwing it into the trash can.

She tsked twice. Next, she touched her face, and went to her room to put on a facial mask.

When done applying the mask, she lay down on the bed and got a good night of sleep. With her being a lonely ghost for so long, sleeping was considered a luxury for her.

Jiang Xun slept all the way to six o'clock the next day. Then, she sat up and stretched lazily, "Ah… … Time to get up and start fighting~"

This time, she didn't go to the bar to get drunk, therefore she wouldn't be photographed by the paparazzi. She has to help the original owner return to the top, naturally her reputation was included as well.

In the original owner's memories, there happened to be a party tonight, and she was given an invitation letter. But because Xiao Sheng brought up the divorce, she didn't have the heart to go.

Now it seems like she should go this time.

She heard Xie Xuan will come tonight as well.

Xie Xuan was an influential man, so Jiang Xun suspects that he may also be a lucky son of Heaven.

Xie Xuan was the youngest son of City A's richest man. His family was powerful, and of course wealthy. He was the favored child in the family, but out of nowhere, at the age of twenty, he wanted to become a celebrity. In fact, he was even the superstar of the day until he got tired of it and then started working as a manager for celebrities. Jiang Xun was the first artist under him.

With his background, the resources he found for the original owner back then were far beyond the reach of other artists. That was the reason why the original owner could become famous so quickly.

Later, in order to support Xiao Sheng with huge sums of money, the original owner ignored Xie Xuan's advice. She chose to star in a big commercial film and gave up the more suitable artistic film. As a result, the artistic film she gave up won countless awards that year while the commercial film had a terrible box office.

At that time, Xie Xuan was also young and impulsive. In a fit of anger, he terminated her contract and left. Following that, the other artists Xie Xuan bought under his wings were all of diva, film queen, and the most popular actress level. He also established his own agency. It is said that he doesn't take any artist now, but he does occasionally invest in movies as a producer. With his sharp eyes, all of the movies he invested in have turned out to be a megahit. His current net worth was much more than Xiao Sheng's.

Even Xiao Sheng has a strong luck aura, let alone him.

The system has said the more luck she gets from the lucky sons of Heaven, the more beautiful her appearance would get and the more her temperament and talents would increase in future missions.

Therefore, the luck auras was rather tempting to her. Completing the mission was just en route, her main purpose was to get more luck auras and regain her previous state of beauty.

She wants to meet this Xie Xuan tonight.

Jiang Xun found a formal dress in the closet and put it on. A black v-neck high-waisted long dress with a sexy opening on the back. Not only does it make her seem thin, it also was quite revealing, but so what? It's fine as long as it looks beautiful.

The original owner's foundation was pretty decent, especially the clear skin and the exquisite facial features, so even without makeup, she appeared stunning. Still, it'll be too informal without makeup, so Jiang Xun went to a store that specializes in styling celebrities and had her hair done along with her makeup.

___ ___ ___

Tonight's party was held at the Wen family's pool villa. The guests were all famous people in their circle. The original owner was only invited due to the Wen family giving Xiao Sheng's face. After all, the original owner's glory was long past gone.

When Jiang Xun got there, she saw dozens of luxury cars parked outside the villa. As soon as she got out of the car, she ran into two acquaintances.

Li Qiao Ru and Wang Jia Meng starred with the original owner in a movie some time ago. Both of them played as supporting characters, but one had a sugar daddy behind her while the other was from a good background and bribed her way into the set. So they felt they had the upper hand, thus, their haughtiness in snatching scenes even with their horrible acting skills. On the other hand, the original owner took acting very seriously and tried to correct their attitude. Instead, that earned her their resentment. The two also even posted Weibos accusing someone of relying on her status as a senior actress to bully the newcomers in enjoyment, and how she was already outdated, yet she still put on airs.

Since the two posted Weibo at the same time and they happened to be in the same cast as the original owner, the netizens quickly figured out it was her, causing the original owner to be scolded by the two's fans for more than a month.

The original owner had told this to Xiao Sheng at the time, but Xiao Sheng didn't care at all, which made the original owner depressed about this for a while.

Li Qiao Ru and Wang Jia Meng were both awful-minded, and they soon became friends after that movie. See, they even went to the party together.

They talked and laughed while getting out of the car linking arms. Before they could take any more steps, they saw a voluptuous woman with an extraordinary temperament coming down from the Porsche upfront. Just looking at the back, they could tell she was definitely a beauty.

The two of them glanced at each other. A woman's sensitivity and jealousy made them speed up at the same time, just to catch up and see who this woman is.

Jiang Xun heard the clattering of high-heeled and turned around, in time to meet them face to face.

Both Li Qiao Ru and Wang Jia Meng's eyes widened.

This was Jiang Xun? !

How was that possible? It's not like they haven't seen Jiang Xun before. They had seen Jiang Xun almost every day some time ago, but Jiang Xun wasn't as eye-catching before. They can't deny she was beautiful, however the temperament of her whole body was worlds apart from what it was now, especially those eyes. Her eyes were charming with innocence, unforgettable to anyone who saw it.

After Jiang Xun saw them, she searched the original owner's memory to find information about them, and quickly divided the two into the category of people who she didn't need to be polite to.

Jiang Xun has her own way to deal with such types of people.

Jiang Xun's gaze swept across them faintly as she ignored them, with a hint of arrogance and disdain in her eyes. That gaze made them embarrassed and annoyed.

Li Qiao Ru smiled coldly, and stepped forward, saying, "I was wondering who would dress like this...so mature and slutty, it turns out to be Jiang jiejie."

"Aiya, ren jia isn't young anymore, so her tastes are naturally different from ours. You can't blame her for that." Wang Jia Meng giggled, but her eyes kept staring at Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun's expression was indifferent. She scanned them up and down, her eyes were cold, showing a hint of pity for them, yet she still didn't say anything.

Li Qiao Ru and Wang Jia Meng were stunned, and then looked at each other: there was nothing wrong with them ah. Why is she looking at us like that?

"Did my makeup smear?" Wang Jia Meng asked Li Qiao Ru in a low voice.

Li Qiao Ru, "No, what about mine?"

Wang Jia Meng, "No smear either."

While the two chatted, Jiang Xun had already turned and left.

"What does that mean?" Li Qiao Ru chased after her and complained.

Jiang Xun acted as if she didn't hear her. She didn't even put them in her eyes at all. These kinds of jumping clowns weren't even worth talking to.