Faced with the alluring beauty in front of him, Xie Xuan had already lost his ability to control himself.

Two hours later.

"You're still going? I'm so exhausted, furthermore I have something to do tomorrow." Jiang Xun pushed him away and tried to avoid him.

" To do what?" Xie Xuan froze.

"Terminating my contract with Sheng Yu ya, you have to help me."

"En." Since this wasn't anything difficult, Xie Xuan nodded without hesitation.

"Also, do you currently have any other artists? You can only dedicated yourself to be my manager." Jiang Xun's voice was soft and inviting, which makes people want to indulge in her illusion. Although her tone was domineering, Xie Xuan found it very endearing.


For Xie Xuan, these weren't difficult at all. Besides with what he's doing, he was in no mood to discuss this with Jiang Xun right now.

___ ___ ___

Jiang Xun forgot when she fell asleep. But when she opened her eyes, it was almost eleven o'clock. She crawled up and barely walked two steps from the bed before almost falling.

Xie Xuan was like a wolf, he almost completely devoured her until not even her bones were left.

However, he did attend to her pretty well. After finishing the deed, he helped her to clean up carefully, and his work efficiency was fast too. While Jiang Xun was fading in and out of her sleepy state, she heard him call the company assistant and asked him​ ​to find a lawyer to contact Sheng Yu in negotiating about her contract termination.

On the bedside table, Jiang Xun saw a note Xie Xuan left her with his phone number and a sentence: "Call me when you wake up."

Jiang Xun smiled helplessly. She held the note and saved his number, but she wasn't in a rush to call him.

Xie Xuan left a new set of clothes that he prepared on the bed. Jiang Xun changed into it and left afterward.

On the way, she received a call from Xiao Sheng.

As soon as the call connected, she heard Xiao Sheng angrily roar, "Jiang Xun, where are you now?"

Jiang Xun said nothing.

"Why aren't you answering? Are you listening?" Xiao Sheng already knew she was about to terminate the contract with his company and had reconciled with Xie Xuan.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Xun's tone was indifferent like the person who cried and refused to divorce yesterday wasn't her.

Xiao Sheng was stunned, "What's the matter with you and Xie Xuan?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Xun said lightly.

"You're going to terminate the contract with Sheng Yu just so Xie Xuan can be your manager?" Xiao Sheng questioned in a rude tone.

"Yeah, you don't say?"

Jiang Xun's attitude made Xiao Sheng even angrier.

"I heard you left the party with Xie Xuan last night. Why, as soon as I don't want you, you're going around to hook up with other men?"

In fact, Xiao Sheng didn't think so at all, he was just too agitated and humiliated Jiang Xun on a reflex. Who knew Jiang Xun would quickly admit, "Yeah, how can I not find the next good home? Looking for a horse while riding a donkey, ma."

"What did you say?" Xiao Sheng couldn't believe his ears.

"Didn't you hear me?" Jiang Xun said lazily, "Enough about this. I still have things to do, bye."

Xiao Sheng stared at the phone in shock, speechless with anger, and almost smashed the phone.

This woman must be trying to rile him up by irritating him.

Hehe, in order to not get divorced, so she thought of this method. Does she think he'll fall for that? Don't even think about it!

Xiao Sheng called Jiang Xun's former manager, "If Jiang Xun wants to terminate her contract, let her cancel the contract, but the fees for breaching the contract can't be negotiated at all."

"Um, President Xiao, Jiang Xun's contract has already expired. She won't need to pay any penalty fees." The manager said carefully, fearing he would upset the boss.

When Xiao Sheng heard that, he got increasingly mad and his expression grew serious.

"There is one more thing I want to tell you. The media heard rumors that Jiang Xun was going to terminate the contract with our company and jump to Xie's. Several companies have already called to confirm the news. Do we need to suppress the news? This morning, there were reports disclosing how you and Jiang Xun had divorced secretly, while Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan have an ambiguous relationship..." The manager's words were simply adding fuel to the fire.

"Which media company spread the news?" Although Xiao Sheng had deliberately tried to suppress his anger, the manager still felt his fury.

"Xin Yu and Su Xing. Wang Jia Meng and Li Qiao Ru both simultaneously posted on Weibo last night about Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan quietly sneaking away. Although they didn't tag any names, many netizens were discussing them, and they managed to figure it out. Furthermore, hidden pictures of them from yesterday were released today. Now, people online are all over the news."

"He, Jiang Xun, this woman, is ready to do everything just so she won't get divorced."

"President Xiao, what did you say?" The manager didn't catch what he said.

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about this. If she wants to cancel the contract, just let her terminate the contract. Let's see how well she'll be at the Xie's." Xiao Sheng callously.

"Okay, President Xiao."

There was a knock on the door, and the assistant's voice came from outside.

Xiao Sheng put down the phone. He returned to his seat behind the desk, "Come in."

The assistant pushed the door in. "President Xiao, Miss Ye is here and said she wants to see you."

Xiao Sheng frowned. Normally, he would let her in, but now he wasn't in the mood to see her, "Just say I'm busy and let her..."

Before Xiao Sheng finished speaking, he heard the sound of a clacker of high heels, and the sound of her entered first before she did, "A Sheng, your assistant is too responsible. Every time I come, he always has to ask your permission. How troublesome."

The assistant looked at Xiao Sheng embarrassedly, "President Xiao..."

"You go out first." Xiao Sheng waved his hand and looked at Ye Wei Wei, feeling inexplicably fed up.

Ye Wei Wei closed the door and embraced him from behind. Xiao Sheng only felt the smell of perfume was too pungent, causing him to feel uncomfortable. He remembered Jiang Xun's fragrance that he sniffed at home yesterday. In comparison, Jiang Xun smelled extremely refreshing and wonderful.

Xiao Sheng's eyes turned somber when he thought of Jiang Xun.

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Xiao Sheng's eyes fell on the file on the table. He then reached out to close the file and set it aside.

"I missed you." Ye Wei Wei said with a smile, "I heard that Jiang Xun is canceling the contract with the company? Did you make the decision? Isn't it too fast? I just mentioned divorce yesterday, and you're terminating the contract with her today. Is this alright... ...ai...she is also very pitiful."

Ye Wei Wei sighed, acting as if she was sympathetic for Jiang Xun, but there was a subtle trace of joy in her tone, and her eyes were gleeful.

Who knows that as soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Sheng's expression changed, impatient, "Since you think this way, then let's just not divorce for now."

Ye Wei Wei's expression froze. She didn't know how to begin what she wanted to say. She awkwardly mentioned, "I mean, you already bought it up."

Xiao Sheng replied, "She didn't agree."

"Of course she wouldn't agree..." Ye Wei Wei didn't finish her words. She actually wanted to say that Jiang Xun was already outdated while Xiao Sheng was now thriving in his career like the sun at high noon. How could Jiang Xun be willing to give up on him, but she was afraid Xiao Sheng might misunderstand what she meant by this, so she refrained from finishing her sentence.

Xiao Sheng didn't speak, causing the atmosphere to be a bit awkward.

Ye Wei Wei kind of regretted mentioning Jiang Xun, and hated her even more. She changed the subject with a smile, "A Sheng, has the movie, "Qing Mei 70% Sweet", where Xie Corporation invested in, begun to cast people?"

Whenever Xiao Sheng heard the words "Xie Corporation" now, it caused his heart to feel stuffy. He gave a cold hum.

Ye Wei Wei didn't know what she said wrong, but what she wanted to say was terribly important to her, so she continued to ask, "I want to audition for the female protagonist of this movie, Ah Sheng, what do you think?"

"The female protagonist? I remember that the audition opportunity seemed to belong to Wang Min Jia." Xiao Sheng furrowed his brows and said.

Wang Min Jia was also an artist under Sheng Yu. She entered the circle two years earlier than Ye Wei Wei, and already made some fame for herself. Although the box offices of the recent movies Ye Wei Wei had starred in was decent and her career was flourishing, it was still slightly worse than Wang Min Jia.

She heard that this time, Wang Min Jia's manager used a lot of effort to secure a chance for auditioning in "Qing Mei 70% Sweet".

Ye Wei Wei pressed herself against him again, seductively purred, "Just give me a chance, please?"

Seeing Xiao Sheng not speaking, she knew that he was hesitating, and tried to convince him, "I really do like this script, plus you promised me to have Jiang Xun sign the papers yesterday, yet you still didn't bring yourself to..."

Xiao Sheng took her hand away from his neck, and couldn't figure out why he was so annoyed, "Enough, I understand. I will arrange it for you."

Hearing what he said, she knew that he agreed. Ye Wei Wei smiled and hugged Xiao Sheng, "Let's go to my place later."

Xiao Sheng looked at Ye Wei Wei and suddenly felt that it was meaningless. He rejected without even thinking about it, "No, I still have work to do tonight."

Ye Wei Wei got the benefits she wanted, so she was satisfied and didn't think too much. She was eager to discuss this with her manager, and hurried away after a few words.

___ ___ ___

After Ye Wei Wei left, Xiao Sheng called someone to arrange her audition for "Qing Mei 70% Sweet".

Then Xiao Sheng remembered Jiang Xun's manager said how he was secretly divorced with Jiang Xun along with pictures of Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan circulating online. He frowned and checked on Weibo.

His Weibo followed Jiang Xun. As soon as it opened, he saw Jiang Xun's latest Weibo.

JiangXun✔: "Missed my previous self, 18 years old, carefree and naïve."

She also posted a photo. In the photo, Jiang Xun smiled very brightly. She looked like she was outdoors, the lighting was perfect, causing her skin to seem crystal clear in the sun. The slight smile and the beaming eyebrows, as if she was in a good mood. What's more, she had no makeup on while her bare face looked exceptionally pure and innocent, like an 18-year-old girl. Especially paired with the white floral skirt she was wearing.

Xiao Sheng immediately thought back to the time the two just got together. At that time, Jiang Xun was as youthful and energetic as in the photo.

He clicked on the comments, and they all praised Jiang Xun's breathtaking beauty, like how gorgeous or so beautiful... Of course, there were some people asking her to respond to the rumors that came out today.

Jiang Xun also replied to several comments; one of which praised her for forever being an 18-year-old angel. Jiang Xun answered with a cute expression.

A netizen called "Floating Clouds Birthing Dreams" commented: "I heard that you divorced Film King Xiao, is that true?"