"Xiao Sheng, what do I do now? Can I come to you now? I'm so scared." Ye Wei Wei was dumbfounded by the hate comments online. Now, there are tens of thousands of DMs under her Weibo that were all were scolding her.

In response, she exited out of the comments section and even deleted Weibo. She was at a loss of what to do. Her manager was also freaking out and scolding her. She been calling Xiao Sheng, but she couldn't get through. Now she receives Xiao Sheng's call, she was like a drowning person who caught a piece of driftwood and wanted to cling to Xiao Sheng tightly.

"Why did you do that, are you out of your mind?" Xiao Sheng redirected all the anger he endured from Jiang Xun to Ye Wei Wei, "Why find a marketing account to tarnish Jiang Xun? What benefits are there for you?"

Ye Wei Wei was so flustered by his scolding that she couldn't speak clearly, "I... I did it for you, she and Xie Xuan..."

Xiao Sheng sneered, "For me?"

"Yes... Yes... She refused to sign and even hooked up with others, so I..." Ye Wei Wei explained in a panic.

"That's enough. I'm calling you to tell you, we're breaking up. Don't contact me ever again," Xiao Sheng announced coldly.

"Why?!" Ye Wei Wei lost all the colors in her face. Even when she was scolded like that on the Internet, she wasn't as shocked, but when Xiao Sheng suddenly said he's breaking it up with her, she literally broke down, "Why break up? Is it because of Jiang Xun?"

"Does this still need a reason? With the situation right now, how can I continue to be with you?" Xiao Sheng's tone made Ye Wei Wei feel he was speaking to someone mentally retarded.

The call ended abruptly. Ye Wei Wei loosen her grip, and the phone slipped from her hand. She seemed to have lost her center of gravity and collapsed to the ground.

Gradually, her eyes changed from being lost and hurt to ruthless and resentful. She gritted her teeth and screamed, "Jiang Xun."

"Just you wait, I won't let you be smug for much longer. Don't even think about snatching Xiao Sheng away."


In just a few days, Jiang Xun has been on several hot searches, and her Weibo fans have also risen by several million, which also made the movie "Qing Mei 70% Sweet" become more well-known before it was started filming.

"Slim Little Waist", the original work which "Qing Mei 70% Sweet" was based from, was a hit novel on a large book platform with countless book fans. When it was reported that there was going to be a movie adaption, all the fans were extremely excited and were buzzing about which actors or actresses would best fit the roles.

As soon as they heard the female protagonist was Jiang Xun, the fans were very dissatisfied, because they felt that Jiang Xun's appearance wasn't like the haughty, energetic, outgoing and bright Su Luo Bai since Jiang Xun was already twenty-five years old this year. There's no way she'll be able to act out the youthful charm of Su Luo Bai.

Although everyone wasn't satisfied with Jiang Xun, because of Ye Wei Wei and Xiao Sheng's affair, many netizens turned into Jiang Xun's fans, even some of haters, and the overall voice of boycotting her as Su Luo Bai became much smaller.

At this time, the official Weibo of "Qing Mei" crew posted a list of actors and tagged several main cast including Jiang Xun, and also forwarded the interview video of the author, the screenwriter, and Director Li Yun Tu.

They all spoke highly of Jiang Xun's acting skills, saying she was the ideal Su Luo Bai in their hearts, and they couldn't imagine a better person for the role. They were looking forward to Jiang Xun's performance.

This video made the book fans thrilled. If the original author said so, Jiang Xun must have performed well. But looking back at her previous works and her fan cams in the past two years, she had a completely different style.

Yet this time, the netizens were even more curious about how wonderful her acting skills are to make Li Yun Tu praise her so much.

___ ___ ___

On the day for the cast photo shoot, Jiang Xun headed to the filming set early.

She came an hour earlier than the other actors, and the crew arranged a separate dressing room for her. First of all, this movie was invested by Xie Xuan and Jiang Xun was the female lead, naturally she would enjoy the best treatment.

Both the makeup artist and the stylist only serve Jiang Xun alone, but because it's a school-life movie, there aren't any complicated makeups for Jiang Xun. At most, Jiang Xun has on a light natural makeup look, but Jiang Xun's skin condition was fantastic. It was crystal clear with the right amount of rosiness, and there was no need for makeup since her complexion was great.

The makeup artist stared at her face for a long time before finally decided to give her only a little brow powder and then a light-colored lipstick.

This was the first time the makeup artist has encountered this kind of situation. Previously, she had to worry about covering up the blemishes on the actor's face and to make the makeup look natural. This time, the problem was Jiang Xun's skin being too perfect that she didn't know how to start.

The stylist was also very relaxed. The outfit was just a school uniform and the hairstyle is only a simple ponytail, which was done in a few minutes.

But even with such a plain attire, Jiang Xun still attracted everyone's attention. The school uniform made her look ten years younger than her actual age and fitted her role as a sophomore high school student.

When Jiang Xun came out of the dressing room, Yin Rou only just arrived. Li Yun Tu was a little dissatisfied with her late arrival, since even the female lead had arrived early, yet she was so unpunctual.

After seeing Jiang Xun, Yin Rou stared at her for two seconds. She was obviously stunned, because she didn't expect Jiang Xun would be able to look so young and naïve. Yin Rou's eyes subtly changed, but she quickly smiled and greeted Jiang Xun.

"You must be very anxious these days. With so many problems going on, if it were me, I probably would have broken down." Yin Rou said sympathetically.

Her hidden message was quite evident. Jiang Xun could hear she was gloating gleefully about her.

"Yeah, some people are naturally different from each other. Currently, work is the most important to me." Jiang Xun flipped the tables on her.

Yin Rou's expression froze again, but she quickly recovered, "You look good in this school uniform, I can't even tell you're already twenty-five."

"That's true, they all said I looked fifteen or sixteen years old. Oh, I got to go. Director Li wanted to discuss business with me, something like the female lead having more photos taken than others, and they want my opinion on it."

Jiang Xun's tone was casual, as if careless, but she poked all of Yin Rou's sore spots. No matter what she says, either way, Jiang Xun is still the female lead of this movie.

Yin Rou watched Jiang Xun leave with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, let's see how much longer you can be smug for.

While Jiang Xun was discussing roles with Li Yun Tu, Xiao Han and Lin Shen, who's playing "Lu Chi", also finished changing into their outfits and showed up.

Xiao Han was the male supporting character in this movie. Jiang Xun only learned about this two days ago. He was portraying the good friend of the male lead "Lu Chi" in this film and also likes the female lead, "Su Luo Bai."

Jiang Xun learned from Xie Xuan that Xiao Han took a lot of effort and used a personal favor to get the role.

Jiang Xun thought it was rather funny. This Xiao Han's thoughts were too obvious, but she was still very happy. She was pondering how to meet up with Xiao Han and absorb some of his luck because she was at the moment in a huge conflict with Xiao Sheng. Now he's here, it'll be easier to absorb his luck.

Moreover, with him coming here will infuriate Xiao Sheng, so why not.

It was the second time Lin Shen had met Jiang Xun. The first time was when Li Yun Tu arranged for the protagonists to meet and practice the scripts together. That time he was amazed by both Jiang Xun's beauty and her acting skills. As he met her again today, he thought he would be able to keep his poise unlike the last time. But after Jiang Xun entered his vision, he still couldn't look away.

There seems to be a particularly dazzling light around her body. Even if she is far away, he can feel her charm, and it was even more remarkable when she is close up, the fragrance on her body was simply fascinating.

While Lin Shen stared at Jiang Xun, he asked Xiao Han, "Hey, Jiang Xun is your sister-in-law, how is your relationship with her?" Lin Shen and Xiao Han have worked together before, and the two are quite familiar, so he spoke bluntly. "Is she really divorced with your brother?"

Xiao Han also stared at Jiang Xun, with a torch-like gaze and no expression on his face, "I don't know. I don't have a great relationship with my brother."

Lin Shen understood and didn't ask anymore, but changed the subject with a smile.

Li Yun Tu looked at them, furrowed his brows before deciding to take the male cast's photos first.

Lin Shen was tall and handsome in appearance along with having one of the best acting skills among younger small fresh meats. He made his debut with "The Shy Young Boy" two years ago, and immediately became popular. Then he studied theater with a famous teacher for a year. This time Li Yun Tu chose him as the leading actor after careful consideration and having him prove his skills.

He's only twenty-two years old this year. So when dressed in a high school uniform, paired with that handsome face, wherever he stood, he became the focus of the crowd.

He entered the character very quickly and the image of the male lead, "Lu Chi," was very well presented. His youthful, innocent but confident look attracted the attention of all the girls.

Li Yun Tu was watching from the side and after taking several pictures he was satisfied with, he called Xian Han to be next.

Li Yun Tu asked the workers to bring in a chair. Xiao Han sat on the chair with a violin in his hand, posed, tilted his head, and slowly played the violin with his hands. His pale face and melancholy eyes looked as if a prince walked straight out of a fairy tale.

Li Yun Tu nodded in surprise. His image was way too suitable for this role. Originally, it was only a friend who asked him to put Xiao Han in, so he was a little apprehensive. Now it seems unnecessary, Xiao Han was a pleasant surprise.

The cast photo shoot took two hours. Everyone had a few photos individually and several group photos of the main cast were taken. Jiang Xun's performance was the most satisfying to Li Yun Tu. She had almost no dead spots in front of the camera. No matter from which angle, she always stayed in role and extremely photogenic. In fact, she was the "Su Luo Bai" he imagined, even maybe even better.

With the howls of the fans waiting to be fed, the official Weibo of "Qing Mei" finally released the cast photos.

Due to the high attention on this film, the photos were reposted a lot as soon as they were released, and they got on the hot search again.

The photos of the male lead and the male supporting character were the first ones released, which made the fans cheer.

With the first wave as an appetizer, everyone was anticipating the female lead's photos. Fans have been arguing about Jiang Xun's role as "Su Luo Bai". Even netizens who support her thought she wasn't really suitable for playing the pure, cute and innocent high school girl.

Finally, Jiang Xun's outfit photos were released and those who had strongly opposed her previously were all silent.

The author wants to say something:

Since the brother-in-law can't be shaken off, should Jiang Xing eat him? Hehe...