"You haven't been home recently, where have you been?" Xiao Han stared coldly at Jiang Xun without blinking his eyes.

"How do you know I didn't go home? And are you checking up on me for your brother?" Jiang Xun teased him.

"I..." Xiao Han was speechless. He really had no reason to ask Jiang Xun these questions. She had already separated from his brother. Logically speaking, she no longer has any relationship with him.

Ex sister-in-law, this bond was almost equivalent to a stranger.

Xiao Han pursed his lips, "What are you going to do next? I mean...after you divorced my brother, what do you plan to do."

"This ah, of course it is looking for the second spring." Jiang Xun replied half jokingly.

"You..." Xiao Han flushed, "You're simply..."

"Simply what? Bluntly adorable?" Jiang Xun lay on the back of the sofa on her stomach and looked up at him. Her eyes were bright and shiny, appearing as if she was a teenage girl.

"How old are you, still using these types of words to describe yourself." Xiao Han said, but his heart was pounding, "Who's your second spring? Xie Xuan?"

Jiang Xun looked straight into his eyes. Then, she covered her mouth and giggled, "Guess... Were you expecting me to say you're my second spring?"

Xiao Han was startled for two seconds, his eyes dodgy. He retorted loudly, "No way!"

"That's a shame, I thought you would anticipate that." Jiang Xun pretended to sigh with pity.

Xiao Han's eyes widened and looked down at her with surprise and joy. He opened his mouth and hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Isn't it time for Lin Shen and your scene now, aren't you going?"

A trace of disappointment appeared in Xiao Han's eyes. This woman always changed the subject after flirting half-way, which made people feel unbearable, yet she never took responsibility for taking care of the itch.

Jiang Xun's phone dinged. She guessed it was Xie Xuan responding to her message, so she quickly picked it up and glanced at it.

It was actually him. Xie Xuan texted: [Isn't my little lover you? ]

Jiang Xun suddenly chuckled openly and replied: [Of course not. ]

Xie Xuan: [Then what are you then? ]

Xiao Han looked at Jiang Xun chatting happily. His chest got stuffy as he grinded his teeth, a little angry.

[We're only friends. ]After Jiang Xun sent it, she smiled slyly. She could imagine how Xie Xuan would react after seeing that reply, it probably was funny.

[En, I'll be friends with you tonight. ]

Xie Xuan's reply made Jiang Xun laugh till her stomach ached. When she glanced up, she saw Xiao Han looking at her bitterly.

She blinked, "Why are you still here, I thought you were gone."

Of course Jiang Xun knew he had been standing aside and watching herself. She's just saying this to deliberately irritate him. This kind of little boy just couldn't control themselves after being flirted with, he would lose control with a little teasing, and only after losing control would he realize his own feelings.

Xiao Han snorted and left.

But the system reminded her that Xiao Han's affection had increased once again.


The filming of "Qing Mei" ended a few days earlier than expected. After the scenes of most of the protagonists were all finished, the crew organized a celebrating dinner.

Except for Yin Rou, all the actors and staff members of the crew came. The crew spent a large amount of money and generously reserved the entire hotel lobby. The atmosphere was very lively.

Everyone was very happy. People drank a lot of beer and champagne. Xiao Han approached Jiang Xun to toast her, and she couldn't refuse in front of everyone. With Xiao Han setting an example, Director Li also came to toast her, saying how he would cooperate with her if he had more chances in the future. Now, he done it. Almost all the other actors also came to toast her.

Even if Jiang Xun didn't toast everyone, she still drank too much. By the time she left dinner, she was quite intoxicated.

In the end, the assistant had to drive her home for safety.

It was ten o'clock in the evening after Jiang Xun arrived home. Xie Xuan knew that she had a gathering tonight, so he didn't come find her. On the way, she vaguely heard the assistant answer a call, probably one from Xie Xuan.

Just as Jiang Xun was about to change clothes and take a bath, the doorbell rang without warning.

She stumbled to the door and turned on the display of the video doorbell, but no one was there. She asked, "Who's there?"

"It's me."

It was Xiao Han's voice.

Jiang Xun rubbed her eyes and took a closer look. Turns out, Xiao Han was sitting on the ground outside the door.

"Why are you here? Do you need something?" Jiang Xun was muddle-headed, making her words slurred, soft and coquettish.

"Open the door." Xiao Han got up and leaned against the wall. At this time, his eyes were like vines, gripping tightly onto her through the display screen: staring at her, as if he could really see her.

"What's the matter with you? It's late, I need to rest." Jiang Xun certainly wouldn't let him in so easily.

Xiao Han pounded the door. Crying both angrily and aggrieved, "Are you hiding some wild man at home? So you won't open the door and let me in."

Jiang Xun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What wild man?"

"Then you open the door and let me have a look." Xiao Han said stubbornly.

"What if you don't see any?"

Jiang Xun's tone was dainty, both cute and sexy. Xiao Han couldn't help but imagine her current appearance; the blushing face, slightly perky lips, misty eyes, and the whole body exuded an intoxicating fragrance, making people want to eat her in one bite.

"If... If you didn't have any, what do you want?" Xiao Han said this, who knows what he thought. His heart was inexplicably hot, and the blush on his face deepened.

He waited for a while, but did not hear Jiang Xun's reply, and there was no movement at all.

Xiao Han frowned and continued to press the doorbell. Just as he thought Jiang Xun wouldn't let him in and was about to leave, the door suddenly opened.

The tightly closed door loosened a gap. As soon as he pushed into it, the door swung wide open.

Xiao Han's throat became dry and he swallowed nervously.

"Jiang Xun?" He walked in slowly, calling softly.


He headed toward the sound. Jiang Xun was actually sitting beside the shoe cabinet in the hallway, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed, and a tipsy smile on her face.

"Weren't you going to search if there was another man in my room? Go look." Jiang Xun's tone was drunk, and sultry enough to send chills throughout his body.

Xiao Han knew that she must be alone when he saw her so righteous and confident.

"Don't sit on the ground, it's cold." Xiao Han reached out his hand to help her up.

Jiang Xun placed her hand on the palm of his hand obediently. Jiang Xun's hands were petite and soft, while Xiao Han's hands clearly looked bigger. Xiao Han grasped her hand, feeling that Jiang Xun's finger was boneless . It was quite comfortable, causing him to not want to let go.

Jiang Xun was pulled into his arms and staggered on top of him. Half of her body was stuck to him, and the weight of her whole body pressed onto him.

"Let me help you into the house to rest. You drank too much today." Xiao Han said nervously.