Audiences who were watching the live broadcast left comments on the official Weibo of "The Big Movie".

xxI'mLookingForFans: "Yin Rou is crazy, right? Pointing out people's emotional injuries on a TV show? Doesn't she know about Xiao Sheng's divorce with Jiang Xun?"

ILikeToEatMustardTheMost: "OMG, is she cursed?"

TheProcrastinatingMe: "It seems that the relationship between Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan is definitely not normal. The way Yin Rou looked at Jiang Xun was as if her man got stolen."

BreakingUpScenes: "I mean, when compared to Jiang Xun's exquisite aesthetics, Yin Rou literally became just an everyday bystander. It's not strange she's angry. She probably hates Jiang Xun to death, but she actually made it so obvious on a show. That's way too stupid! Sigh, thinking I used to be her fan. Defanning her now!"


Yin Rou's manager was also livid. He didn't know what was wrong with Yin Rou. After so many days of staying low, she just had to explode on this occasion.

Yin Rou truly couldn't help it anymore, she suppressed her feelings for too long. Her emotions have all accumulated in her throat; the jealousy, anger and hatred overwhelmed the originally rational and composed her into her present appearance. A few months ago, she still was looking down and disdaining her. But now, she's being crushed by her everywhere: the role of the female lead was snatched by her, the good resources were robbed by her, and her man was stolen by her too!

She wasn't willingly for this to happen!

Yin Rou wants to drag her down from her aloof throne and tear off her hypocritical mask!

But Jiang Xun was still cool and unfazed. She smiled at Yin Rou, not angry at all as she replied, "Of course, it was helpful. At that time, I was as naive and innocent as Su Luo Bai in the movie, but Su Luo Bai was much braver than me."

Yin Rou scoffed in her heart while disregarding the unfriendly eyes of everyone, and continued, "I have always wanted to ask Jiang Xun, your relationship with Xiao Sheng was so deep, it should be like Su Luo Bai and Lu Chi in the film. After being together for so long, why did you guys arrive to this point today? You said Xiao Sheng cheated with Ye Wei Wei, but there are many scandals between Xie Xuan and you on the Internet. Which one is true? Can you answer everyone's doubts?"

As soon as Yin Rou spoke, the number of people who watched the live stream skyrocketed, breaking through the record of the highest ever online audience tuning in to the show.

Xiao Han, who was sitting next to her, suddenly turned cold. He said aloud, "Your question doesn't seem to have anything to do with the movie?"

Yin Rou glanced at Xiao Han, "I'm just curious. Of course, Jiang Xun can choose to not answer me."

The director of the show stopped Ye Xun from interrupting Yin Rou, "Let her ask and see how Jiang Xun respond. The situation is already like this, forcibly changing the subject won't do any good. No matter what the result is, Yin Rou has ruined herself."

Jiang Xun didn't expect Yin Rou to stumble her here, however, her facial expression didn't change. She sat elegantly, and her gaze at Yin Rou was as if she's a loser, emotionless.

"I really don't need to answer this question, but since you have asked this question here, it means that you really want to know the answer. If I don't reply to it, you probably will continue pestering me." Jiang Xun finished speaking with a smile like the spring breeze.

NeverForget: "Ah, ah, ah, so beautiful, Goddess! Goddess!"

It'sYou,Meow: "Jiang Xun's smile makes my heart pound."

ColdCucumber: "I feel like she's smiling at me. No, I can't take it. I have to leave here to calm down!"


A large number of comments are left in the comment area. If someone opened the live chat, they wouldn't be able to see anything.

Jiang Xun's response can be said to be very smart. Her answer didn't lower herself to Yin Rou's level, and she mocked Yin Rou's pettiness from another angle. Many parents who watched the show along with their children praised; this girl is excellent. Not only does she have a beautiful appearance, she also has high emotional intelligence.

Yin Rou suffered yet another defeat. Her face couldn't decide on which expression to show as she lost control of her face.

WhyDoYouComeToSeeMe: "Haha, Yin Rou is embarrassed."

TwilightEmptyMoutain: "Jiang Xun vs Yin Rou, KO!"

SmallTownGirl'sHouse: "I can feel her awkwardness through the screen! Hahahahahaha..."

Jiang Xun said, "I started dating Xiao Sheng in high school, and I faced the rejection of everything and everyone around me at that time. But fortunately he was very outstanding and I wasn't too bad academically, so we persevered and got accepted to the same university. We both worked hard toward the same goal and our relationship was very stable. We understood the hardships of the entertainment industry, so we extremely cherished each other and had many good memories along the way. Now that we are separated, it is the same as when we were still together. The reason is very simple. Since we liked each other, we got together. And if we didn't love each other anymore, then we separated. If you had to say which person was right or wrong, maybe we're both at fault."

After Jiang Xun finished speaking, she paused, and sighed quietly, as if she was a little sad due to her past memories.

ThreeFishes: "Goddess, don't be sad, you're not wrong. Giving you a hug!"

FleetingTime: "I don't know why it breaks my heart to see her like that. Jiang Xun, I love you, don't be sad!"

ARabbitAh: "Heartbreaking! Xiao Sheng, that scumbag! Even now, Jiang Xun didn't say anything bad about him, I really want to beat him!"

Xiao Sheng was also watching the live broadcast. After listening to Jiang Xun's words, he recalled the time he had spent with Jiang Xun and remembered the Jiang Xun who smiled like a flower at him and was gentle like water. His heart cramped, and he stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Xun through the screen as he showed a sad expression.

He whispered Jiang Xun's name, just like when they were first together, but the taste has changed.

Jiang Xun heard the system report Xiao Sheng's favor had risen again. She guessed Xiao Sheng was watching the live broadcast and must have been guilty or distressed by her acting just now.

Jiang Xun didn't reveal any of her true thoughts on her face. She focused on Yin Rou and continued: "As for your question about Xie Xuan and me... He and I have known each other since many years ago. When I first debuted, he also just became a manager. We supported and experienced many unforgettable things, but later ended our contract together due to various misunderstandings. This time he was willing to turn around and help me, I'm very grateful to him. We are good friends."

After that, she stood up and smiled at the camera while bowing, "Xie Xuan, you should be watching the live broadcast too. I want to thank you."

Yin Rou's eyes widened. She didn't expect Jiang Xun to not admit her relationship with Xie Xuan. At the door of the beauty salon that day, Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan were intimate with no possible space between them. She would never forget the scene.

"You're lying!" She stood up abruptly, retorting.

The atmosphere in the studio returned to the previous freezing point again...

Ye Xun's complexion turned pale; what exactly does this Yin Rou want to do, doesn't she not want to record the show?

Jiang Xun looked at her calmly, "Where did I lie?"

Yin Rou was refuted by her question. Her reason returned to her as she gritted her teeth and turned speechless. Was she really going to say that Jiang Xun and Xie Xuan have an improper relationship in front of the entire country?

She has no evidence, not to mention she was still an artist under Xie Xuan's company.

Just the same, she has already reached this point. Will Xie Xuan continue to keep her in his company? Thinking of this, Yin Rou's face turned pale and she bit her teeth, fracking herself to preserve on, "Can you vow you don't have any romantic affection for Xie Xuan?" She decided to throw herself out there. At most she'll have to terminate her contract with Xie Corporation, but if she can pull Jiang Xun into the water with her, it'll be worth it.

DelicateBabe: "What? Vowing? Who gave you the face, huh? Why would our family's Jiang Xun swear to you."

ColdColdColdNight: "This Yin Roumo must be possessed, the show is ruined by her. Didn't we agree on only discussing the movie? It seems like I came to the site of Love Battle, is she treating Jiang Xun as a love rival?"

I'mJustABackgroundBoard: "Eating the melon, such a big melon!"

ABigPeach: "Who will drag this Yin Rou out, I don't want to see her anymore!"


Ye Xun didn't wait for Jiang Xun to speak, he interrupted Yin Rou's interrogation, "Yin Rou, you seem to have forgotten. This is the live show of "The Big Movie". Here we talk about movies and characters, not your personal feelings. If you can't comply with that, then I'll have to ask you to leave."

Yin Rou's face flushed red. People's eyes fell on her, some indifferent, others speechless, and several contemptuous... all these made her feel ashamed.

She raised her head unconsciously, seeing her manager shaking his head in disappointment. Xie Xuan walked in from the side and looked at her in disgust.

She stood up, gave Jiang Xun a bitter look and then lifted her skirt, leaving the scene.

Ye Xun didn't think she would actually leave. His impression of her has fallen to rock bottom, and he'll be blacklisting her. He never wants to have any intersection with her in the future. At this time, many people had the same thoughts as him, most of them being advertisers and directors.

Ye Xun was worthy of being a veteran host. He quickly eased the tense atmosphere coupled with Jiang Xun's unaffected cooperation with his interview, the program continued as planned.

This episode of "The Big Movie" has the highest broadcast volume as well as the most chaotic one, but because of Jiang Xun's participation, the quality of the show wasn't really affected without Yin Rou disturbing them during the second half.

Ye Xun discussed the filming process of "Qing Mei" with other starring actors in the cast. Everyone tactically ignored Yin Rou and no one mentioned her at all.

However, after the show finished, the discussion on #YinRouIsCrazy# continued on the web.

Jiang Xun's fans left messages on Yin Rou's Weibo and Xie Corporation's official Weibo to make Yin Rou publicly apologize to Jiang Xun.

Xie Xuan also issued a statement immediately, citing Yin Rou's violation of company regulations as their ground to terminate the contract with Yin Rou.

The popularity of Jiang Xun kept skyrocketing after the show was broadcast, her Weibo fans exceeded 30 million. Not to mention, the box office of "Qing Mei" also made a breakthrough a week later. A large number of fans doubled and some triple watched "Qing Mei" for Jiang Xun.

At night, Jiang Xun was pressed down by Xie Xuan, "Didn't you say you wanted to thank me? How come you can't continue? Just this much as thank you, huh?"

Xie Xuan's voice was low and sexy, with a hint of irritation, clearly angry by Jiang Xun's words on the show.

"Don't be like this."

Jiang Xun's delicate voice was counterproductive, making Xie Xuan be even more forceful.

"Then how do you plan on thanking me? Tell me." Xie Xuan was annoyed while he watched the live broadcast. When mentioning Xiao Sheng, she actually had such a look in her eyes, but she was so indifferent when she mentioned him.

"Ah..." Jiang Xun looked at him with reddened eyes, begging for mercy, "I was wrong. I had to do it for the show, I didn't really mean it."

"Since you made a mistake, then you should be punished." In short, Xie Xuan wasn't going to let her go this easily.

Jiang Xun cried in disbelief. Her other words for mercy were all eaten by Xie Xuan since her lips were so tightly blocked that her breathing became difficult.

"If Yin Rou asked you, what was your answer?" Xie Xuan questioned, staring into her eyes.

"What?" Jiang Xun said subconsciously. Currently, she was all messed up by Xie Xuan, so she had no brainpower to think about Yin Rou.

Xie Xuan thought she was pretending to be stupid, so he brutally bit a tooth mark on her chest, "You vixen."


Jiang Xun woke up at noon the next day. She was tortured all of last night, obviously she was laying down, but it felt like she did an entire night of rough work. She didn't remember how many compliments she said to convince Xie Xuan to let her go.

Xie Xuan had some business in the morning and had to leave early. Jiang Xun gave herself a day off today, so she wasn't in a hurry to get up. She has been working too much recently for over two nonstop months. It wasn't too much to ask for a couple days of rest, further she agreed to meet Xiao Han today.

This brother-in-law's affections has been increasing steadily. Jiang Xun thought it was finally time to make a breakthrough.

The two met in a restaurant with a pretty good privacy level. When Jiang Xun drove there, Xiao Han was already waiting inside.

"You're here?" Xiao Han quickly stood up after seeing Jiang Xun. His eyes gleaming with joy.

"En, what business do you have with me?" Jiang Xun sat down across him.

"First let's order something to eat. The steak in this restaurant is pretty good, we can try it." Xiao Han stared at her intensely.

"I'm on a diet." Jiang Xun shook her head, "Just tell me, what do you need?"

Xiao Han was a little bit crestfallen. He hesitated for a while before summoning the courage to say, "I thought about it for a long time. Jiang Xun, can I pursue you?"