Jiang Xun ignored Xiao Sheng and said to Li Yun Tu, "Director Li, let's head in first."

Li Yun Tu knew their grievances, and he also had a bad impression of Xiao Sheng, so he cooperated with Jiang Xun in disregarding Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng was secretly annoyed in his heart, but it wasn't a good time to express his anger, so he could only endure it for now.

Xie Xuan sneered when he saw this. His voice was neither loud nor low, it just happened to be heard by the sensitive Xiao Sheng.

The two locked eyes with each other, and a raging undercurrent seemed to have appeared within the room.

Jiang Xun turned her head. Seeing the situation, she squeezed the corner of her mouth, feeling a little helpless.

The ex-husband meeting the former sex friend, if this happens to someone else, I am afraid they will become nervous and panic, fearing they will cause a commotion. But Jiang Xun is different. She has long been accustomed to it. In the past two lives, she had always been fought over by numerous men and even changed several husbands. It was not uncommon for her to see brothers, fathers or sons turn against each other because of her.


The private room of nearly 30 square meters was decorated in a charming ancient style. Outside the window was a small bridge and running water with the faint gurgling sound of the water and the fresh fragrance of flowers.

The environment here was truly magnificent and most of the dishes on the menu were its specialties. The hired chef was said to have lineage from a family of royal chefs. The taste of the dishes was excellent, and had different foods from various regions.

Jiang Xun was a foodie, but not a picky eater. She can eat homely dishes, but she still understands the proper etiquettes required to enjoy this kind of delicacy. After all, she has eaten all the delicacies of mountains and seas in her previous life. To make her happy, who knows how many methods those men attempted. Just the chefs had been swapped over a dozen times, allowing her to try all kinds of dishes. For some of the long-lost famous dishes, she even knows how to make them.

Some of the people at the dinner table were old acquaintances with the owner of this restaurant-Chen Wen Shu. Coincidentally, Chen Wen Shu was in the restaurant today. Hearing they were here, he came over to say hello and requested the chef to make a few gourmet delicacies he wouldn't normally put on the menu.

When Chen Wen Shu opened the door and came in, he began chatting with the directors as he noticed everyone was eating the same dish in the wrong way. He was about to inform them of the most authentic method, when he discovered Jiang Xun's slow movements were the exact same as the ones taught to him by his chefs, especially since she made it extremely pleasing to the eye.

Chen Wen Shu was born with an incredible love for food, otherwise he wouldn't have spent such a huge amount of money to open up a private kitchen club like this, although the money it earned in the past two years has already paid him back and his annual income was at least seven figures.

Chen Wen Shu, who is over 40 years old, was still as passionate about food. After he saw Jiang Xun's actions, he was pleasantly surprised and excited, "It seems that Miss Jiang is also a fellow connoisseur. Where have you eaten this dish before?"

Originally, Jiang Xun sat silently on the side. Although her appearance was breathtaking, everyone only glanced at her a few more times at the beginning, and didn't keep staring at her. Once the important directors and producers had all arrived, everyone began chatting and didn't pay much attention to her, only Xiao Sheng and Xie Xuan peered at her from time to time.

However, Chen Wen Shu, who had always been high and mighty, suddenly took the initiative to talk to Jiang Xun, which surprised everyone.

Chen Wen Shu wasn't lustful for beauties. He has been in the entertainment industry for more than 30 years and seen all kinds of beautiful women. Therefore, Jiang Xun must have caught his attention because something related to food.

"En, I have eaten it." Jiang Xun nodded with a smile, both respectful and polite, and didn't show any joy or nervousness because of Chen Wen Shu talking to her.

"Then how does the one here compare to what you had before?"

Jiang Xun carefully recalled the taste. Not only did she have an eidetic memory, she also can remember the taste of foods she had.

"The dish made by your chef here is pretty decent, but it's not the most authentic because it lacks a few ingredients."

"Oh?" Chen Wen showed a strange expression.

Jiang Xun hesitated, "Could I please borrow a pen and paper from you?"

Chen Wen Shu asked someone to bring the paper and pen. Jiang Xun lowered her head and wrote down the recipe, and handed it over to Chen Wen Shu with both hands.

Chen Wen Shu himself often cooks. At the first glance, he was amazed by her beautiful handwriting, and then rapidly revealed an ecstatic look because of the content of the paper.

The chef had shown him the recipe for this dish, which was almost the same as the one written by Jiang Xun, but Jiang Xun added a few more ingredients. The cook said the recipe he had was incomplete, meaning what Jiang Xun gave was probably the complete recipe.

Regardless of whether this recipe was the complete recipe or not, Chen Wen Shu's impression of Jiang Xun can already be rated as an eight out of ten. He rarely has such a good impression of a person in such a short period of time.

With a big smile on his face, he asked his staff to add a chair and sat down. Instead of continuing to mention food, he asked about Yao Ke's new movie.

Everyone came here today mainly to discuss the movies and investments. Now when it was time to get down to business, everyone put down their chopsticks and faced Yao Ke seriously

""The Ideal Man"script that you discussed with me before, is this the one you're going to film?"

All the people present knew Yao Ke was going to make a new movie, but few knew the plot. The reason why Yao Ke talked to Chen Wen Shu about the script was because there was a character in the script he thought was particularly suitable for him, and wanted to invite him to act in there as a favor from friends.

Although Chen Wen Shu has already washed his hands from the golden basin, he occasionally does some free cameo when he encounters a plot he likes. Since he was well-known and famous in the circle, his friendly participation can draw a lot of attention to the movie and many film critics gave him face.

"En, it took me two years to finally finish editing the script." When it comes to his new work, Yao Ke was also very happy. He who rarely laughed had a smile on his face.

"Are the main protagonists set yet?" Chen Wen Shu asked, smiling.

"Currently the female lead is vacant, but I'm planning for Nie Zhen to act as the male lead." Yao Ke said.

"I have a recommendation for the heroine." Chen Wen Shu replied.

"Oh? Teacher Chen, you mean?" Yao Ke turned to his right and fell on Jiang Xun.

"Haha, it seems you guessed it. It's not just a random suggestion. Doesn't Xia Meng Lan, the heroine of "The Ideal Man", need to be proficient in cooking and has a keen sense of taste? I think she is very suitable, besides she also has a similar temperament." Chen Wen Shu explained enthusiastically.

Hearing what Chen Wen Shu said, Yao Ke knew he was serious, so he became too serious and examined Jiang Xun carefully.

Jiang Xun has a unique temperament. At first glance, she was stunning. At the second glance, you'll find her to be an ethereal light like a bright moonlight. If you continue looking at her carefully, you can notice a variety of contradictory and harmonious qualities from her all blending together. In short, she was one of the kind distinctive femme fatale.

Recommended by Chen Wen Shu to Yao Ke, Jiang Xun remained unsurprised. Every action she just made, every word she said, was to pave the way for now.

Others don't know what movie Yao Ke is going to film, but she knows since the original owner has seen it, which means she too knows the plot. Naturally, she realized the female lead needed to have culinary skills while Chen Wen Shu played the heroine's father.

Her actions were nonchalant, but she did achieve the best effect that she envisioned.

She didn't even have to relay a single word to Yao Ke. Yao Ke now remembered her and regarded her as one of the candidates for the heroine. Her purpose of coming here today has been finished.

The next step depends on her performance, although Jiang Xun feels with her strength, this opportunity is basically guaranteed.

The next topic didn't continue about Jiang Xun. After all, there were many people present, and Yao Ke was not the protagonist today.

Several other directors also bought up about the movies they were preparing. If the producers were interested, they'd invest tens of millions dollars easily. Besides, they are all top-notch directors, there's no way they'll lose a significant amount of profit, plus these producers weren't lacking in money.

For Yao Ke's new movie, all the producers here wanted to get a share, so they all mentioned their interest in investing in the particular film, especially Xiao Sheng as he believed Jiang Xun might become the heroine. He was very proactive, so he opened his mouth and said he would invest 30 million.

Xie Xuan picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and smiled coldly, "I'll invest 80 million."

Xiao Sheng jolted, and his eyes flashed across Xie Xuan's face like a knife.

The two began to stealthily taunt each other, and the atmosphere on the table became a bit awkward. In the end, Yao Ke broke the ice, saying they'll decide on that after they discuss the overall script.

Jiang Xun had no reaction to their confrontation, as if it had nothing to do with her. She sipped her wine and taste the food gracefully.


Two hours later, everyone was full of food and drink as well as being done with their business. Now they were going to head home separately. Chen Wen Shu specially gave Jiang Xun a business card and asked her to contact him the next time she came over for a meal.

Jiang Xun thought since the two might be cooperating in a movie later on, she smiled, "Of course, of course."

Director Li Yun Tu had someone to pick him up and was heading back to the hotel, which was in a different direction. Jiang Xun assured him she didn't need him to escort her. Li Yun Tu thought someone was going to pick her up plus he drank quite a bit before, so he didn't say much and left first.

Jiang Xun also drank a few glasses of wine, but in these types of occasion, it was near impossible for her to drink that much. Therefore, only her cheeks were slightly blushed and wasn't actually drunk.

She stood at the door of the clubhouse while giving her assistant a call. Before the call connected, Xiao Sheng came over, saying he wanted to escort her back.

Jiang Xun's eyes were cold, and it fell on Xiao Sheng filled with irony, "No need, I got someone."

"Let me escort you, it's too desolated here. It will take half an hour for your assistant to come here at the earliest." Although Xiao Sheng was depressed by her attitude, he insisted on driving her home.

"No, thank you. Please stay away from me." Jiang Xun didn't appreciate his efforts.

Xiao Sheng wanted to say more, but then saw Xie Xuan exit out of the private room.

Seeing Jiang Xun and Xiao Sheng being close together, his expression was very gloomy, like the dark clouds before a thunderstorm.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to see you off, alright?"

"No, you can go now."

Xiao Sheng felt his tone was modest enough, but Jiang Xun still didn't give him any face, which made him rather discouraged.

Thinking Xie Xuan saw that too, Xiao Sheng couldn't lose anymore face, he could only leave dejected.

Xie Xuan watched Xiao Sheng walk away brokenhearted, his eyebrows eased a little. He stared at her for a while, frowning and hesitated a few more steps. Eventually, he entered his car.

The driver asked him, "President Xie, heading home now?"

"Wait a minute, don't move for now." Xie Xuan's gaze followed Jiang Xun closely.

After waiting for about half an hour, the assistant finally arrived. Jiang Xun got inside the car. She was already tired. After a few words, she closed her eyes and leaned on the seat to rest.

The private kitchen was too far away from her residence, it took her about an hour to get home by car. By this point, she was very sleepy, but when she got out of the car, she saw a black car following behind her.

It was very familiar, she knew it was Xie Xuan's in one glance.

Jiang Xun smiled playfully and asked the assistant to head back. She stood there for a minute before entering the building.

Xie Xuan watched her go in, feeling uncomfortable. He kept staring at the direction she left in with mixed emotions.

The driver didn't dare to ask him if he was leaving. He sat quietly there for half an hour.

Finally, he looked up, "Let's go."

Then his cell phone rang.

Xie Xuan saw Jiang Xun's name on the screen. He quickly commanded, "Wait, don't drive yet."

The author has something to say:

Xie Xuan: You finally called me! So you can't forget me, after all? If you admit your mistakes, I can forgive your mistakes

Jiang Xun: Hehe, everyone is still a friend