Jiang Xun thought for a bit before pushing Xiao Han away, "You go home first."

Xiao Han didn't want to leave, "I'll leave later."

Jiang Xun shook her head, "No, be obedient."

Xiao Han sighed and felt a bit astringent in his heart. He looked at Jiang Xun with longing before switching to staring at Xie Xuan with a hostile look. After dragging it out as long as he can, he left.

Jiang Xun turned and entered the room without closing the door.

Xie Xuan was outraged when she appeared indifferent, but still followed her in and closed the door.

"Why were you looking for me?" Jiang Xun sat on the sofa, without looking up or facing Xie Xuan.

"You can tell it's your home at the first glance from his photos. Aren't you afraid of being discovered?" Xie Xuan glanced at her condescendingly. His expression was callous, while his tone was indignant.

"You're angry?" Jiang Xun ignored his question. Instead, she smiled playfully.

Xie Xuan's prepared words were all blocked by her words, what should he say?

Yes, he was angry. Very angry.

He couldn't wait to press her under him, so she'll cry and beg him to forgive her along with promising she won't dare to do it again.

He endured for so many days, waiting for her to submit. But instead, she was both unrestrained and wild. She never even thought about him at all.

Xie Xuan clenched his fists tightly and released them again. After several times, he finally felt recovered. His heart went through a roller coaster ride. "Were you that confident I would come find you?"

"No." Jiang Xun was obviously insincere. She beamed coquettishly, while her eyes were shiny, "Didn't you dismiss me, I thought you wouldn't care about me anymore."

Finally, Xie Xuan couldn't help but lean over and pressed her on the sofa. He grabbed her wrists with both hands, so she couldn't push him away.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Xun didn't attempt to struggle either. She only stared at him with a look of surprise.

"You didn't miss me at all?" When Xie Xuan said this, he was basically throwing out most of his pride.

He never thought he would give in to a woman. Not only did he graze on an old pasture, he also was the one actively seeking to reconcile.

"I did miss you." Jiang Xun replied softly, "But you didn't look for me either. What use is thinking about you?"

Jiang Xun laid back comfortably, absorbing the golden luck from Xie Xuan's body. She could see a gentle light shrouding her body.

Xie Xuan kissed her lips and stroked her cheeks, "You couldn't just go looking for me?"

"I'm a girl. Of course, I have to be more reserved."

"Reserved?" Xie Xuan sneered, "You already bought other men home. Did you forget why we broke up?"

His tone was irritating as his face became uglier every time he said a word.

"Nothing happened between me and him." Jiang Xun retorted confidently.

Xie Xuan was silent for a second, "You really didn't do it?"

"Uh-huh." Jiang Xun shook her head and glared at him, "I said it last time, you just wouldn't believe me."

Xie Xuan was both angry and annoyed, as well as a little regretful, "Then why did you try explaining it more?"

"You made a mess out of me that day, and you even left right after speaking. Plus, I was still angry." Jiang Xun was aggrieved. "And I said I didn't do it. If you don't believe me, I am not explaining it further."

Xie Xuan was at a loss for words. Her words completely refuted his following arguments.

Jiang Xun continued, "Besides, why should I explain myself to you? We weren't even lovers."

"Then what is our relationship?" Xie Xuan pressed against her and could smell the faint fragrance of her.

"A friend, or should I say sex friend?" Jiang Xun spoke nonchalantly. She looked at him with the expression "we're all adults here."

"You're pretty optimistic." Xie Xuan berated sarcastically.

"Of course I'm optimistic, maybe you'll get tired of me someday." Jiang Xun blinked.

Now, Xie Xuan saw what was happening; Jiang Xun was speaking to him as if he was a fool. But he was helpless against her. Whoever gave up their heart first would lose, meaning he had already lost.

"Then let's say, I wanted to develop a relationship with you now?"

This was equivalent to a disguised confession...

Jiang Xun heard the system prompt, [Xie Xuan's affection level has exceeded 90, congratulations.]

Yet Jiang Xun didn't show a happy expression, instead she awkwardly curled her lips, "But I haven't officially divorced. Legally, I still have a husband."

Xie Xuan questioned in a deep voice, "Xiao Sheng still wouldn't sign it?"

"En." Jiang Xun said lightly.

"In half a month, I will make him agree to sign." Xie Xuan vowed.

Jiang Xun raised her eyebrows and looked at him. She didn't ask why or what he was going to do. Things like this, she didn't take heart. As per usual, she only had to wait for the results.

"Once you divorced, you can announce our relationship. As for Xiao Han, you aren't allowed to interact with him anymore." Xie Xuan touched her earlobe and whispered in her ear.

"I don't want to, you're too controlling." Jiang Xun pushed him away and said reluctantly, "Moreover, you're the one that wanted to break up. And now you want to coax me back."

"It's fine if you don't want to. I'm regretting my previous action. This time, I'm going to tie you to my body." Xie Xuan kissed her lips, like a traveler who had been walking in the desert for three days and three nights without drinking water, and treated her as a sweet spring, sucking her eagerly.

"It hurts, you be gentle..." Jiang Xun frowned with pain.

"I can't help it." Xie Xuan said difficulty. However, his movement became gentler as he fought with the desire for her inside him.

___ ___ ___

That night, Xie Xuan worked her all night. She didn't know when it was over. Jiang Xun wanted to ask him if he took any medicine to be able to do it for such a long time, but she didn't dare to ask. She was afraid he would pester her several more times to prove himself.

Xie Xuan never left, not even for the company. He laid on the bed with her, embracing her waist. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't push him away. In addition, his hands weren't honest at all. He groped all over her, making it impossible for Jiang Xun to fall asleep.

Fortunately, today's audition was in the afternoon. She laid in bed until noon, before finally recovering some strength to get up and eat something. Xie Xuan then personally dropped her off at the audition.

The audition went incredibly smooth. After watching her performance, Yao Ke was shocked. He bluntly said she was the most nimbus actress he had ever seen, moreover Jiang Xun memorized all the lines and learned the dishes that appeared in the script, which gave her a lot of bonus points.

Many actors could act well, but weren't committed to the profession. Besides, Jiang Xun could actually prepare this fully made Yao Ke more satisfied with her, and can hardly point out any faults in her.

Yao Ke was decisive in his work. The next day, he signed a contract with Jiang Xun and let her join the team to start filming in a month.

And Xie Xuan didn't forget what he said. He directly took out a billion yuan investment to invest in Yao Ke's new movie and squeezed Xiao Sheng out.

Then, through the Xie family's relationship, he found someone to mess with the projects Xiao Sheng's Company was investing in. The main investment projects under Xiao Sheng Company can only be suspended and it lost nearly one million every day.

Xiao Sheng tried all kinds of connections he had, but it was to no avail. A few days later, not only did he lose more than three million yuan, he also lost all the liquid funds in his hands to the project. If he stopped his investments, it would directly cost them one billion yuan. Yet if he continued, there was no guarantee when the project would start again.

Just as he ran out of places to get help, Xie Xuan had someone to bring him a message: as long as the divorce papers were signed, he would stop suppressing him, otherwise he could only wait for bankruptcy.

Only then did Xiao Sheng realize that it was all caused by Xie Xuan. He was furious, but powerless. With his background, there was no way he could compete with the Xie family's forces. He might not be afraid of Xie Xuan alone, but the Xie family was an existence that he couldn't afford to offend.

Xiao Sheng fell into a dilemma. Either he had to go bankrupt or sign the divorce, but will Jiang Xun return to him if he refused to sign?

Xiao Sheng thought about it and knew it was impossible, because ever since he knew it was Xie Xuan's work, he called Jiang Xun multiple times, but it never connected. She had already regarded him as the past and didn't want to get involved with him in any way.

On the tenth day, Xiao Sheng's company had lost twenty million yuan. For the entire day, he sat in the company office, staring at the divorce agreement without any drinks or food. Finally, he showed a sarcastic and remorseful smile before signing it. Then, he put the divorce papers in the courier envelope with his own name, added a note in it and then handed it to the secretary for her to send it to Jiang Xun.

At the same time, Xiao Sheng's affection for Jiang Xun broke ninety.

After Jiang Xun received the packet, she wasn't surprised. Since Xie Xuan promised her, there must be a way. She took out the papers, and a slip of paper floated down to the ground. Jiang Xun bent down and took a look at it.