32 Part1

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xun asked in a small voice.

Duan Qing Chu looked away, "Ling Chen called and asked me where I was."

"Then how did you respond?" Jiang Xun's eyes remained unchanged. She didn't seem awkward at all because of Ling Chen's name.

Duan Qing Chu didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed.

"I told the truth." Duan Qing Chu said, "He said to come over after class to wait for him."

Jiang Xun, "Oh."

She smiled and didn't continue to ask further, but focused her attention back to the blackboard.

Fifteen minutes before class was dismissed, the teacher assigned the homework before leaving in a hurry as if he had some important business to take care of. When the assistant teacher came, a portion of the people in the classroom had already left.

Jiang Xun packed up her books and glanced at Duan Qing Chu, "Let's go too."



"Weren't we going to wait for Ling Chen?" Duan Qing Chu asked in confusion.

"I didn't say that." Jiang Xun stood up, and walked out. "Didn't you say you'll accompany me to buy my medicine?"

Duan Qing Chu saw she was leaving, so he could only follow her out.

Because class hasn't been dismissed yet, the corridor was extremely quiet. There were only a few students who left early like them. Jiang Xun waited for him to catch up to her side before moving on.

After leaving the teaching building, Jiang Xun suddenly interrogated him, "I thought you passed by today?"

"What?" Duan Qing Chu was startled.

"Students of your film department don't have classes on our side. Moreover, your department is quite far away." Jiang Xun said with a smile, "So, you specifically came here to find me?"

Seeing he couldn't hide the truth, he nodded, "Yes."

"What for?"

Jiang Xun's gaze was exceptionally gentle. And when it fell on his face, it made his heart hot.

Duan Qing Chu hesitated for a second, "You suddenly disappeared last night and didn't even answer the phone. I was worried that you might have encountered trouble."

Jiang Xun smiled brightly as her cute dimple made people's heart pound, "I'm fine, thank you for caring about me."

"It's nothing." Duan Qing Chu changed the subject unnaturally, "I know there is a pharmacy on the west side of the campus, let's head over there."

Jiang Xun let out an "en." She still wanted to say something, when suddenly Duan Qing Chu stretched out his hand to grab her arm and pulled her against him. She banged against his strong chest and made a thud.

Jiang Xun was taken aback. She raised her eyes and saw a motorcycle zooming past them. There was a large insulated box on its rear, it seemed to be someone delivering takeout.

"Are you okay?" Duan Qing Chu was a little nervous.

"I'm alright. Fortunately, you reacted quickly. I didn't even see it." After that false alarm, she let out a breath of relief. Just now, she was musing about things, and really didn't notice a vehicle coming. If she did get bumped into and become disfigured, she'll definitely not be in the mood to do her task.

"You stay a little to my side." Duan Qing Chu suggested.

Jiang Xun nodded as she observed him, "I feel like, you're pretty different from what I imagined you would be like."

"In what way?" Duan Qing Chu's eyes flashed.

"Just that you're not as aloof and difficult to talk to as your appearance let on. In fact, you're a very gentle person." Jiang Xun seriously commented.

Duan Qing Chu cleared his throat, "Really?"

There was a smile in his words. It was obvious Jiang Xun's evaluation made him feel better.

Jiang Xun looked up at him, then suddenly stared at his face, "Wait a moment, don't move."

"What happened?"

"There is something dirty on your face." Jiang Xun said.

"Where?" Duan Qing Chu asked in surprise.

"On the right side of your face." Jiang Xun pointed.

Duan Qing Chu tried to wipe it off.

"No, not there." Jiang Xun shook her head, "A little bit on the left and a little bit down."

Duan Qing Chu used the back of his hand and tried again.

Jiang Xun still responded, " That's not it."

She sighed helplessly, "Come here, I'll help you."

Duan Qing Chu paused as his heart pulsated.

"Lower your head."

Duan Qing Chu stared at her face absently. His mind was blank while he bent down and bowed his head slightly.

Jiang Xun approached him and raised her hand. She rubbed the corner of his mouth with the pads of her thumb and index finger as she gently wiped it off.

"Right here, it's dirty."

The distance between the two was neither too far nor too close. However, Duan Qing Chu could feel her breath when she spoke. He could even see the fine fuzz on her face, her gentle eyes...every single feature made him fascinated.

Jiang Xun's fingers were soft, with a hint of coolness. The moment she touched his lips, his body froze.

Jiang Xun didn't seem to realize the situation. She slowly lowered her hand after wiping, but was grabbed by Duan Qing Chu.

Jiang Xun's hands were small and soft. Since she lived a privileged life, she didn't have any callouses. So when he held her hand, it was incredibly smooth and felt really comfortable.

A puff of air was transmitted to Jiang Xun's body through the hands clenched by the two of them. The heat was tumbling, and a strange feeling grew on her.

"The affection level has reached seventy-five, and appears it'll continue to increase." The system announced out of the blue.

Jiang Xun seemed to not have heard it. Her expression was puzzled as she glanced at Duan Qing Chu, "What's wrong?"

Duan Qing Chu didn't know what was wrong with himself or why he would do this suddenly. He quickly let go of her hand and shook his head, " It's nothing."

After he let go, he immediately felt a sense of loss. There was a voice in his heart saying he should hold onto her and never let go.

The dismissal bell rang. After a while, a crowd rushed out of the teaching building. Jiang Xun and Duan Qing Chu, these two people were always the focus wherever they went. When anyone saw them, they wouldn't be able to resist taking a few looks.

Ling Chen called again. He must not have found them there at the waiting spot.

Seeing Duan Qing Chu didn't answer the phone, Jiang Xun glanced at him, "Your phone is ringing."

"En." Duan Qing Chu picked it up and turned the ringtone off. He raised it to his ear, said a "hello", then put down the phone before reporting to Jiang Xun, "That other side just hung up when the call connected."

Jiang Xun gave a cooperative "Oh" and continued to walk forward. With her back to Duan Qing Chu, so he couldn't see her expression, she grinned.

In reality, back then Duan Qing Chu's face wasn't dirty at all. She just wanted to tease him, therefore she deliberately lied to him. As she expected, this trick works pretty well. Doing some casual intimacy at the right time can easily increase the affection value.


After purchasing the medicine, Jiang Xun went home by himself. Duan Qing Chu said he wanted to escort her, but she refused. Today's affection value has been brushed up enough, plus if the affection value increases too much at once, it'll be extremely easy to drop as well.

Moreover, because Duan Qing Chu didn't answer Ling Chen's call just now, Ling Chen also called her multiple times. However, she muted her phone, which Duan Qing Chu didn't know about.

Since neither of them answered his call and Ling Chen wasn't a fool, he would definitely suspect they had something going on. He'll probably come find her this evening.

Jiang Xun took the medicine home and was just about to place it in the medicine box, when she received a WeChat message from Duan Qing Chu to remind her to take the medicine.

She smiled lightly as she continued to put the medicine away. She wasn't actually sick, what medicine was there to take.

At this time, the auntie at home came over to ask her. "Elder Young Miss, what would you like for dinner tonight?"

"Where are my parents?" Jiang Xun asked.

"Sir and Madam said they'll be back soon."

"Oh, let's stew some chicken soup." Jiang Xun felt like she still needed to replenish herself. After all, she had just lost her first time.

Jiang Xun's bedroom was on the second floor. Not long after she returned to the room, she heard Mother Jiang calling her downstairs, saying that Ling Chen came over.

Jiang Xun knew she guessed his behavior right. She changed into the casual clothes she wore at home and was about to go out when her bedroom door was knocked.

"Xiao Xun, it's me." Ling Chen's voice came from outside the door.

Jiang Xun raised her eyebrows and replied flatly, "The door is unlocked, come in."

Ling Chen opened the door and entered. He just happened to see Jiang Xun tying her hair. Her beautiful long hair was tied into a bun by her slender hands. A few strands of hair dangled from her small v-shaped face, which made her appear both playful and feminine.

Ling Chen was attracted by this side of Jiang Xun. He couldn't help blurting out, "Xiao Xun, why didn't you answer my calls?"

Jiang Xun glanced at him and coldly replied, "Didn't want to pick up."

"Why?" Ling Chen was stunned.

Jiang Xun never spoke to him like this before. She had always spoken softly and gently like a proper lady.