Right now, Gu Li hasn't yet revealed that he has social phobia. In the original owner's memories, he only said it on the fifth day after he came to the villa, because everyone was wondering why he didn't speak much and was so quiet nor did he vote for a female guest yet. The few times Lu Jia tried to question him about it were all interrupted by Zhao Wen Yin in dissatisfaction. On the fifth day when they were playing games, Bai Ran also asked about it. This time Gu Li finally took the initiative to tell them his problem and explained why he joined the show.

After that, everyone thought of various ways to treat him. Among them, Bai Ran and Zhao Wen Yin were the most active. However, Bai Ran was very scheming. Every time, she would secretly call out Gu Li while no one was paying attention. The original owner encountered them once, but Bai Ran casually found a reason to pass it off.

It now appears that Gu Li chose her in the end because she helped Gu Li. Only she didn't know how much she helped and whether he had completely cured his social phobia.

Just when Gu Li didn't know what to do, Jiang Xun asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

She took out a small box of fruit candy from her bag, "Have some candy, will the strawberry flavor be fine?"

Gu Li froze. Before he could react, Jiang Xun opened the box and stretched out her hand.

Looking at her, Gu Li didn't know why. His heart pounded extremely fast, but not for a nervous reason.

"Stretch out your hand." Jiang Xun said.

Gu Li hesitatingly stretched out his hand. His fingers were beautiful like an artist's perfect hands. They were slender and distinct, not particularly white, but their color was beautiful.

Jiang Xun dropped two rose-pink candies in his palm, then took one purple one and put it in his mouth.

"Go ahead." Jiang Xun said, "It's very sweet."

Gu Li actually had face-blindness and also didn't dare to look up at strangers, so he had a decent impression of Jiang Xun. However, from listening to the others, she didn't seem to have a good moral character.

Among the four female guests, he was the most familiar with Zhao Wen Yin. But Zhao Wen Yin was also pursuing him the most aggressive, which placed him under a lot of pressure. Therefore, he didn't dare to talk to her. As a result, he actually had no one to talk to on the show. Since he didn't know how to communicate with others, he's been distressed.

He didn't sleep well all night last night, worrying about today's date.

But now he saw the fruit candy in his hand, he felt relieved.

He hesitated before putting the fruit candy into his mouth. It was just as sweet as Jiang Xun said.

He had forgotten how long he hadn't eaten fruit candy. This kind of sweet feeling has a magical power to heal people's hearts.

Gu Li whispered, "Thank you."

System: "Congratulations, Gu Li's favorability has risen."

"No need to remind me if it hasn't exceeded the baseline." Jiang Xun stated.

"Okay, the sons of Heavens in this world all have relatively low favorability values for you." The system mumbled.

Jiang Xun replied indifferently, "Only when the favorability value is low is there a challenge. Since it hasn't passed the baseline now, I can't absorb the luck aura. It's useless even if you tell me."

"Then alright, I'll tell you when it does." The system left helplessly. It was a bit powerless to a host like Jiang Xun.

When done eating the candy, Jiang Xun didn't talk to him. Her phone was behind in the villa and because the program group didn't allow them to carry their phone when they went out, Jiang Xun was a little bored and kept staring out the window.

Within the car, it was very quiet, causing Gu Li to gradually become less nervous. As he was very sensitive, he knew Jiang Xun hadn't looked at him again and promptly felt relieved.

After a while, the fruit candy had already melted. However, the sweetness was still spreading in his mouth. For some reason, he looked up to watch Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun had her side profile facing him while she stared out the window. Since the car window was open, the wind came in and blew her long hair up, blocking her face. Through the hair strands, her eyes could be seen from time to time.

She won't discover him looking at her.

Once this kind of thinking emerged, Gu Li became even bolder.

When Jiang Xun extended her hand to lift her hair, he saw Jiang Xun's perfect profile face and smooth pink lips. Under the natural light, it would turn pink sometimes and orange other times, which was very irresistible.

Looking at Jiang Xun from this angle, she was so non-intrusively beautiful in the sun, gentle and peaceful.

She seemed to have become a part of the sunlight, shining into his heart. There was an area internally that he didn't want people to see which just happened to be discovered by this light.

Gu Li stared at her in a daze. He felt this feeling was extremely strange. This throbbing he had never felt before made him uneasy again, yet he was reluctant to move his eyes. Therefore when Jiang Xun turned her head to look at him, he didn't have time to shy away.

His body froze immediately and his mind suddenly stopped turning. He didn't know what to say to explain why he was peeping at her.

But this didn't matter. Because when he met her eyes, those pure and clean eyes like a mysterious lake, could suck his whole person in.

It gave him a strong urge to paint this down.

To draw her and capture this moment.

A voice in his head sounded.

Moreover, Jiang Xun only glanced back at him for a while, didn't speak, before calmly turning her head around to admire the scenery outside the window.

Since the villa was in the suburbs, to get to the city, they had to pass by a flower field and a large plot of farmland. So the scenery on the road was really lovely and today's weather was great, therefore Jiang Xun immersed herself in the scenery comfortably. For the time being, she forgot her target.

Although Jiang Xun didn't make any response, Gu Li's face was still red. He lowered his head, who knows what he was thinking.


When they arrived in the city center, the driver parked the car at the intersection of Pedestrian Street where Jiang Xun and Gu Li got off the car. Their arrangement today was equivalent to no arrangement, thus the program team simply found a place suitable for shopping with a lot of food stalls.

Because today is the weekend, there were plenty of people on the road. The grand arrangement of the program group and the looks of Jiang Xun and Gu Li quickly attracted the attention of the people around them.

Gu Li was so nervous that he didn't raise his head the whole time. He had never been out shopping like this, so he didn't expect to be stared at by this many people. His palms began to sweat as he became extremely anxious.

Jiang Xun soon discovered that something was off with him.

She approached Gu Li and asked him in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

Gu Li shook his head. He wanted to say it was all right, but he couldn't even make a sound.

Jiang Xun sighed. It seemed like she couldn't buy her clothes. She didn't expect that Gu Li's social phobia would be so serious. Didn't he say it was only mild?

It may be that he was well protected by his family that he had never been to the downtown area alone. He probably stayed at home and painted every day. This might have been the first time he encountered this kind of situation, no wonder he looked like this.

Jiang Xun suggested, "Shall we find a quiet place to sit for a while?"

Hearing this, Gu Li nodded like he was granted an amnesty and looked at her with some gratitude.

Jiang Xun's eyes were unexpectedly gentle, unlike her usual coldness. The concern in her eyes was just enough to comfort him and made him relax a little.

Glancing around, Jiang Xun saw they were surrounded by people. It didn't seem to be a good place to go to. She suddenly thought of an idea. Weighting the feasibility and benefits, she made a decision.

Jiang Xun turned around and said to the staff who followed them, "Let's go over there and eat something."

The staff nodded. Thinking that they hadn't had breakfast yet, he didn't doubt them. They usually didn't speak, lest their voices were recorded.

Jiang Xun pointed to the snack street with the most people in front, "Come with me."

Seeing so many people, Gu Li panicked a little. However Jiang Xun's eyes were so firm. He hesitated for a moment before nodding.

Jiang Xun led the way and would glance back at him from time to time. The distance between the two of them never exceeded more than one meter, which gave Gu Li a great sense of security.

The cameraman and the accompanying staff try to follow them as closely as possible, but they keep being scattered out by the crowd.

There were many girls and couples in the snack street and most of them were watching Jiang Xun and Gu Li. A few people even dared to ask if they were celebrities. Gu Li was startled, but Jiang Xun was quite calm.

Jiang Xun observed the shops routes of the snack street along the way before finally finding an opportunity.

When the cameraman was apologizing for bumping into someone, she grabbed Gu Li's hand, "Let's go over there."

Stunned, Gu Li looked down at the two's held hands, his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

Jiang Xun walked very quickly. As Gu Li followed her, his mind was blank. He didn't even notice that the cameraman and the staff had no idea where they were going.

"You… …" He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

Jiang Xun looked back and found they had separated from those people. Only then did he laugh and let go of Gu Li's hand.

Gu Li's blush was incredibly obvious, making him seem slightly dumbstruck.

"Your face is very red." Jiang Xun said.

Gu Li lowered his head. He replied both hurriedly and restrained, "Is it?"

Jiang Xun pointed out, "Eh, we seem to be separated from the staff."

Only now did Gu Li realize that they were inside a shop selling handicrafts, "Where are we?"

Jiang Xun said, "I don't know."

Her expression looked calm. Gu Li paused, not knowing what to say for a while.

"We'll wait for them to come find us." Jiang Xun stated calmly, "I'm hungry. I'm going to eat something, are you coming?"

Gu Li nodded. Maybe it was because no one was following them, he wasn't as anxious as before.

Jiang Xun was also not familiar with this place. However, in order to avoid having the staff from finding them too quickly, she led Gu Li to a small alley. After walking for ten minutes, she found a commercial building. Maybe because it was close to Pedestrian Street, so not many people came here, but the commercial building had everything someone would want to buy.

Jiang Xun blinked, "Let's just stay here and wait."

Gu Li glanced around suspiciously. After entering, was she sure that they could wait for the staff to find them?

Yet as he thought, he didn't know what to say. Moreover, Jiang Xun had already walked in, so he had to follow her.

Scanning the map on the first floor, Jiang Xun found that there was a cosmetics counter on the first floor, a clothing store on the second floor, restaurants on the third floor and a movie theater and video game city on the fourth floor as well as an escape room.

She narrowed her eyes and thought this was good.

By now, Qi Yi should know that they were lost. Without anyone staring, she can freely flirt with Gu Li here and get Qi Yi's punishment when she goes back. How exciting!

Jiang Xun first took Gu Li to the third floor and found a restaurant with few customers. "You can order first. Give me 20 minutes, I'll go shopping and should be back when the dishes are brought out."

Gu Li froze and nodded, "Okay."

Jiang Xun took these twenty minutes to run to the first floor and the second floor. When she returned to the restaurant, she already had a dozen bags in her hand, all of which were clothes and shoes.

Gu Li looked at the pile of shopping bags, dumbfounded. How was she able to buy so many things in such a short time?

Jiang Xun laughed. She sat down next to him, "Did I leave you waiting too long?"

Her voice was ambiguous and sexy as if she had changed person.

Gu Li's brain couldn't react in time at all.