After the interview, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Except for Jiang Xun, the other three female guests were all holding their phones in their room, waiting for the voting results to be announced.

Only Jiang Xun was lying on the bed, not worried or looking at her phone. Who knew what she was thinking? Her face wasn't as pale anymore, but she still appeared very weak.

Zhao Wen Yin and Lu Jia seemed to be the most nervous. At eight thirty, they both held their breath and stared at the WeChat group intently.

Although Bai Ran was also paying attention, she poured a glass of red wine and behaved elegantly while waiting.

The first message popped up in the WeChat group on time: [Zhao Jiu Xuan's heartbeat ticket owner: Bai Ran]

Seeing this, Zhao Wen Yin and Lu Jia didn't have any expressions. They already knew Zhao Jiu Xuan's feelings for Bai Ran.

When Bai Ran thought of what Jiang Xun told her today, she felt it would be a bit too fake to pretend not to understand Zhao Jiu Xuan's intentions. She furrowed her brows, a little in a dilemma. Looking at her phone screen, she whispered in a hesitant tone, "Could it be what Jiang Xun said was true? But why do I feel like he treats me like a friend? He just finds me easier to talk to."

Everyone in the master control room could see Bai Ran's reaction and all said, "No way, is Bai Ran really this dense? Zhao Jiu Xuan obviously treats her differently from the other female guests."

"Didn't Bai Ran say before that when she was in school, she couldn't feel it when someone liked her? She only realized it when someone else pointed it out to her."

"But didn't Jiang Xun point it out to her today? She should know it now. I feel that Zhao Jiu Xuan is a bit pitiful. He obviously likes Bai Ran so much, yet Bai Ran doesn't feel it at all. Does this mean that Bai Ran doesn't hold that kind of feeling towards him, otherwise shouldn't she be more sensitive to him?"

"It can't be all like that, maybe there is someone with this kind of personality."

As everyone discussed, the voting results were all sent out.

Gu Yu still voted for Jiang Xun, while Yan Xiao abstained and didn't vote for Lu Jia again. Everyone felt it was a little strange, but what surprised everyone most was that Gu Li voted for the first time and it was even for Jiang Xun.

Therefore, the current voting result was that Jiang Xun had won the heartbeat votes of two male guests, Zhao Wen Yin and Lu Jia zero votes and Bai Ran one vote.

When Zhao Wen Yin saw Gu Li voted for Jiang Xun, her first reaction was to stand up and shake her head, "Impossible, Gu Li, he… …"

She would rather Gu Li still not vote rather than him voting for others.

Lu Jia was also very disappointed. She thought that although her date with Gu Yu today was not perfect, she and Gu Yu got along quite happily. She thought that Gu Yu would think so too, so she kept expecting that Gu Yu's heartbeat vote might be given to her today.

Who knew he would still vote for Jiang Xun?

Two days before, Jiang Xun still had zero votes. It can be seen there was quite a reversal in the past two days.

Lu Jia couldn't think of how she did it.

As for herself, yesterday she still had Yan Xiao vote for her. However, today there is no vote at all. Yan Xiao seems to have noticed her kept paying attention to Gu Yu, so he just gave up voting this time.

Lu Jia was in an extremely bad mood. She put down her phone and zoned out with a low expression for a while.

On the other side, Zhao Wen Yin was very angry. She opened her door to find Gu Li. She wanted to ask him what he was thinking and why he suddenly voted for Jiang Xun.

However, when she arrived at the door of Gu Li's room, she hesitated again. She didn't know what she would say when she knocked on the door. Before coming to the show, Gu Li was not familiar with her. It was only because the Zhao family and Gu Li's mother's company had business transactions that they met once. At that first sight, Zhao Wen Yin fell in love with Gu Li. When she learned they were even from the same school, she became infatuated with Gu Li. But it was just her one-sided unrequited love. Although she confessed to him a long time ago, Gu Li never responded, so she had no right to interrogate him.

Zhao Wen Yin struggled at the door for a long time before finally leaving without knocking.

Within the room, Gu Li didn't even know that she had been there. He was currently writing a letter per the arrangement of the program group. Each male guest can send a letter to the female guest they like or want to know better to invite her on a date. Then the female guests can choose to agree or decline. If the female guests accept, the program team will arrange a romantic date for them.

Gu Li held the paper and didn't know what to write. The paper only had the words, Jiang Xun, written on it, and nothing else.

His gaze was very lost. He had no idea how to invite Jiang Xun on a date with him. He had never done such a thing before, but he wanted to hang out with Jiang Xun again, just the two alone like today.

When everyone else was around, Jiang Xun treated him coldly, making him a little upset.

He still wanted to watch her smile at himself.

Suddenly, Gu Li thought of something. His eyes softened as his cheeks turned red. He reached out to touch the corner of his mouth and an urge to eat sweets overcame him.

However, soon, he frowned and sighed again. The letter hasn't been written yet, but it needs to be delivered early tomorrow morning.

Compared with Gu Li, the other three male guests are much more comfortable. Their letters are already half finished.

Especially Zhao Jiu Xuan, who is extremely talented in writing. People can tell at first glance that he was very good at writing love letters, he definitely had lots of previous experiences.

He eloquently wrote two pages and checked it with satisfaction.

Since Yan Xiao didn't vote tonight, he only casually wrote one. Besides, he hadn't thought about whom to write the letter to. Leaning back in his chair, he thought about his impression of all the girls in the past few days. At first, he liked Lu Jia. But he doesn't know why he feels that she is very noisy these past two days. Plus, obviously she was very interested in Gu Yu. Just thinking about it made Yan Xiao feel uninterested. He wasn't interested in pursuing a girl who liked someone else.

As for Zhao Wen Yin, it was the same. She obviously liked Gu Li.

Bai Ran... … She didn't seem bad, but mature elder sister wasn't his type.

Then only Jiang Xun was left.

Jiang Xun's appearance immediately appeared in Yan Xiao's mind.

Her appearance was truly appealing, just she was a bit cold. In the past two days, she wasn't like a gold digger like he thought. Not only does she have her own business, she is also very independent.

Such women are usually cold on the surface and warm inside, right? Yan Xiao speculated based on his own experience.

Why not invite her on a date?

Yan Xiao lived in the room next to Gu Yu. After he returned to his room, he took a shower and changed into his pajamas. The light blue checkered pajamas made him look very gentle. Once he washed his hair, he casually dried it with a towel. With his hair damp, it gave off a slightly messy feel. However, it didn't affect his appearance. A metal-frame glass different from those worn in the daytime, paired with a languid expression made him very enjoyable to look at.

Right now, he was sitting at the desk with his head low, writing a letter seriously.

He has already written a whole page, but the camera couldn't capture what was written on the paper.

The side profile of his face is really heart-throbbing. He had a beautiful chin shape, prominent Adam's apple and very kissable lips. The more people watched him, the more and more attractive he seemed. In real life, there were few boys like this. With his clean appearance, him just sitting there quietly and writing made him appear like the perfect first love male god.


When all the guests turned off the lights and got ready to go to bed, the program team also got off work. Everyone was tired after a busy day, but Qi Yi and the on-site director still didn't leave the master control room.

Qi Yi was giving them a meeting.

"Today's recording is pretty okay overall. A lot of usable material was shot, some can even be edited and used as a trailer for the next episode."

However, Qi Yi's tone was frosty as well as a serious expression. The few directors knew that he had something to say, so they didn't say anything and waited for him to continue speaking.

"But there was almost nothing filmed for Jiang Xun's and Gu Li's afternoon date. Lin Wen and Chen Xi are fully responsible for this. No matter what the reason, you guys can pack your things and go home if this happens again."

Lin Wen and Chen Xi nodded at the same time. They have been working under Qi Yi for a long time. This result has already opened up Qi Yi being lenient. Moreover, he seemed to be in a rather good mood that his words weren't too ugly, which surprised the two of them.

"What are your opinions on what happened today?" Qi Yi asked.

Lin Wen looked at the others and spoke up first, "I think Jiang Xun's sudden discomfort can be used as a hooker. For example, 'Aloof Fairy Girl is Sick, Which of the Male Guests Will be the Most Worried?'"

Qi Yi didn't speak. Obviously he wasn't very satisfied with this.

"I think Gu Li suddenly changing his attitude and giving his first vote can be the highlight of this episode. 'The Genius Prince Votes for the First Time. Who Has Won the Prince's Affection?' Gu Li's popularity has always been very high. The owner of his affection is also one of the audience's main concerns."

Qi Yi slowly nodded, "This can be used as a highlight, but I don't think this is enough. For the audience, romance and love are no longer buzzworthy. Reality shows are different from TV series, but there are similarities. What do you think the audience wants to see the most?"

Several of the on-site directors are all veterans at making shows. Hearing this kind of problem naturally they each have their own opinions and all addressed the point.

After Qi Yi listened to them, he said with satisfaction, "The audience for our show is mostly younger girls. What these younger girls want, we'll give them what they need. Of course, there is no script for this show. But as the producers of the show, we need to lead the development of the entire show. This is the same as that of a TV series. Thus, the bad guys cannot be absent from the show. We need a villain."

"So now, you guys need to discuss, who in your mind is the most suitable villain?"


Half an hour later, Qi Yi returned to the lounge. He forgot to eat dinner again, so his stomach was hurting again. He clutched his stomach and took out the medicine box from the drawer. Pouring out a cup of hot water, he took the medicine. He slowly walked over to the sofa and sat down, furrowing his brows.

His stomach ached terribly. However, once the effect of the medicine slowly acted up, it became better.

These days his stomachaches were more frequently than before. His complexion worsened when he thought of what the doctor said when he saw the doctor last month.

Qi Yi took out his phone and glanced at the time. It was already past midnight. He wanted to re-watch all the footage they took today. After all, with so many people and so many cameras, there will always be some missed spots and the raw materials weren't enough. There were still a lot of documents and quotations waiting for him to process.

The daily expenses of the program group and the budget for outings were all things he needed to vie

Qi Yi thought about it and got up to make another cup of coffee.

He turned on the computer and opened the copied video folder, intending to watch it from the beginning.

The staff has already sorted out each video, but Qi Yi still saw the folder named 'Jiang Xun' at a glance.

He hesitated before double-clicking it open.

Because they needed to cut more material, there were still many photos of Jiang Xun in the folder, all of which were captured by the cameraman.

He had to say that every one that was taken was exceptional.

It had Jiang Xun standing under the tree at the entrance of the villa in the morning, enveloped by the morning light, quiet, with a refreshing cold look. There was also her sitting in the car leaning against the car window, looking out the window indifferently, seemingly troubled. As well as the gentleness of the moment when she reached out and handed Gu Li candy.

Qi Yi stared at this picture for a long time.

It suddenly occurred to him that during the day he heard the staff whispering, "Looking at it this way, Gu Li and Jiang Xun really seem to be a good match."

For some inexplicable reason, he felt very upset. He moved his fingers to copy the picture, intending to use it as a material. However, after another glance, he thought of Jiang Xun lying on his chest in this room in the afternoon, her eyebrows furrowing due to the pain and her whispering it hurts.