63 Part 1

"I don't think I need to make a decision right now?" Jiang Xun said lightly.

Bai Ran was taken aback, causing her eyes to change, "That's right, you can take your time to slowly think about it. But... … Isn't it a little bad to leave everyone hanging?"

"Yeah, if you choose early, then the program team could also get better prepared too." Lu Jia said.

Jiang Xun looked at them and then said to Bai Ran, "Did you knock on my door this early in the morning just to ask about my envelopes?"

Bai Ran was secretly fuming, but responded, "No, I'm here to see if you feel any better. Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"I am. If there's nothing else, I'm going back to my room to rest."

Bai Ran wrinkled her brows, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No need, I just need to have some quiet rest." Jiang Xun's faint eyes made Bai Ran speechless.

Was she calling her out for being noisy?

Bai Ran sneered internally, but Jiang Xun didn't look at her again. She emotionlessly returned to her room and closed the door.

Lu Jia seemed really sad and asked in a low voice, "Will you accept Zhao Jiu Xuan's invitation?"

Bai Ran thought for a while before shaking her head, "Probably not, I'm not sure about my own feelings yet, so it's better not to let him misunderstand."

If she still accepts it at this time, it would be equivalent to accepting Zhao Jiu Xuan's intentions. Before she could still act stupid, but this was destroyed by Jiang Xun. Now she can only change a plan since Zhao Jiu Xuan isn't in her consideration at all. If Gu Li doesn't work, then she'll turn her goal to Yan Xiao.

However, Yan Xiao also chose Jiang Xun this time.

Only now did Bai Ran truly feel a sense of crisis.

All three of them chose Jiang Xun. She originally thought there would be two at most.

What should she do? She has to quickly find a solution.

Lu Jia suggested, "Let's go downstairs and see if the others are up."

"Eh." Bai Ran nodded, linking her arm and walking downstairs with her.

As he walked, Bai Ran suddenly looked at Lu Jia, "Why did Yan Xiao write to Jiang Xun too? Didn't he always vote for you before?"

Lu Jia was stunned for a moment. Her face turned a little embarrassed, shaking her head, "I don't know, maybe he was just voting casually before."

Her tone was unnatural. It was obvious that she also minded this.

"How can that be?" Bai Ran wanted to say that he definitely likes you since he voted for her. But she suddenly thought of what she said in Jiang Xun's room last night. If she changed her words now, wouldn't she slap her own face?

So she quickly changed her words, "Aren't you curious why? Yan Xiao didn't seem to have said more than a few words to Jiang Xun."

Lu Jia thought about it thoughtfully, "I am curious, but that's no use. It's not like I can just ask him."

Bai Ran sighed, "That's true, but I just think it's weird. I can't tell where it is strange, but I feel sorry for you."

Lu Jia pursed her lips and stopped talking. Who knew what she was thinking?

Bai Ran asked, "Who do you think Jiang Xun will choose? She wouldn't say anything just now."

Lu Jia shook her head, "I don't know. The choice is hers. Naturally, she can choose whoever she wants. It may be Gu Li. After all, their date was pretty good yesterday. You saw it too, Gu Li gave his first heartbeat vote to her, Zhao Wen Yin probably is livid right now."

"But she went back to her room without saying anything just now. I didn't know how she must feel."

"Are you talking about Zhao Wen Yin?"

"Eh." Bai Ran nodded.

"She must be extremely uncomfortable." Lu Jia felt a little empathetic, "The happiest person is probably Jiang Xun."

Jiang Xun couldn't hear what they were saying, but she was indeed in a good mood as she was opening the letters.

The first one was Gu Li's. Within the envelope there were; two pieces of paper, one filled with her name and the other a portrait of Jiang Xun. Gu Li drew very well and managed to capture her essence.

This fits Gu Li's character. Jiang Xun wasn't surprised at all.

Then, she opened the other two letters. Yan Xiao wrote a very simple and straightforward letter, saying that he thought she was quite special and wanted to know her better. He didn't know what her feelings were and also asked Jiang Xun if she would ask someone younger.

The last letter was written by Gu Yu. The letter was very long and directly expressed his affection for Jiang Xun. He said that he wanted to treat Jiang Xun to a meal on the weekend and wanted to bring her to do something he wanted to for a long time now, but has not been able to. He also wrote he liked Jiang Xun's quiet appearance. It gave him a very comfortable feeling. In addition, he also mentioned he had fun cooking with her the other day.

Comparing the three letters, it can be seen that Gu Yu's emotional intelligence has completely defeated the other two people. Gu Li and Yan Xiao were obviously not his opponents.

This is also the first time Gu Yu has clearly expressed himself on the show. Previously, he had not always had a strong sense of existence, but now his image suddenly became clear. It shocked people into thinking: Oh, Gu Yu is also getting serious. He has a good impression of Jiang Xun.

After reading the letter, Jiang Xun made a decision. The program team asked her to text the names of the male guests they chose to the WeChat group before tomorrow, so she wasn't in a hurry.

Once she tidied up the letter, she headed to the living room downstairs. Everyone else was already there. The male guests had just drawn lots to determine who they would make breakfast for.

As soon as she appeared, everyone looked at her with different gazes. It seemed that they already knew she had received three letters.

Jiang Xun was still ever so calm and composed.

"Jiang Xun, Gu Yu is going to make you breakfast today." Bai Ran said.

Jiang Xun glanced at Gu Yu. He wore a light-colored sweater today, contrasting his white skin and warm appearance.

"Morning." Gu Yu greeted her.

Jiang Xun nodded. Just as she walked over to sit down, Gu Li suddenly walked towards her and stood not far from her. He lowered his head and whispered, "Good morning."

When he spoke, everyone was all stunned. Him sitting there and silently staring at the stairs, was it just to wait for Jiang Xun?

Jiang Xun's expression didn't change as she also replied, "Good morning."

"Are you feeling better?" Gu Li's voice was still very small, like a mosquito. He lowered his head, making people unable to see his face, but his ears were pink as if he was embarrassed.

Zhao Wen Yin had never seen Gu Li look like this. She looked at Gu Li and Jiang Xun, a little hard to accept.

In the morning, after learning that Jiang Xun received three letters, Zhao Wen Yin was already very angry. However, she had her proud self-esteem that didn't allow her to lose control in front of others, so she turned around and went back to her room. But since there was also a camera in her room, she had to hide in the bathroom to vent her emotions.

Yet now, Gu Li's attitude gave her another heavy blow.

It's only been a day, how did she do it?

Zhao Wen Yin stared at them, beaten down.

Although she liked Gu Li, she didn't understand Gu Li, so she didn't know that Gu Li was extremely innocent emotionally-wise. Once he likes someone, that kind of faint liking will ferment in his heart until he's sure wants this person and won't change his mind anymore.

Jiang Xun might have just walked into his heart yesterday, but now Gu Li's heart has been filled with more than half of her. The feeling Jiang Xun has brought to him is something he has never had in his life, sweet and practical, leaving him addicted. Even in his dreams, he dreamed he was kissing Jiang Xun.

As soon as Gu Li woke up, he was sure. He wanted to be close to Jiang Xun and won't look at anyone else.

Jiang Xun replied, "Eh, much better."

Gu Li nodded, appearing relieved.

"Since everyone is here, let's make breakfast. We don't want to keep the girls hungry." Zhao Jiu Xuan stood up.

"Alright." Gu Yu nodded.

"I don't know it at all, so… … Zhao Wen Yin, would you like to have some snacks first? I'm afraid you won't be able to eat what I make." Yan Xiao spread out his hands and helplessly claimed.

Zhao Wen Yin was still immersed in her own emotions. Hearing Yan Xiao calling her, she only said "Okay" amidst her dazed state.

Gu Li drew Bai Ran. Because he didn't know how to cook, he was a little glad that he didn't pick Jiang Xun, but he felt depressed because Gu Yu got Jiang Xun. He knew that Gu Yu's cooking skills were exceptional. Moreover, there was a saying that conquering a person's heart starts with their stomach. Therefore, Gu Li was worried that Jiang Xun would like Gu Yu because Gu Yu's cooking skills were better than him. As he was struggling internally, Bai Ran came over and said to him, "Gu Li, do you not know how to cook? Why don'tI help you? I also want to be able to have breakfast earlier."

Gu Li raised his eyes to look at Jiang Xun and found that Jiang Xun was currently looking at him. He nervously retracted his gaze and waved his hands, "No need."

Jiang Xun actually didn't expect Gu Li would be such an innocent boy. Ever since they returned yesterday, his favorability value for her has been slowly increasing. Because it increased too frequently and only increased a little each time, Jiang Xun let the system stop reminding her. By now, it's probably almost eighty.

Jiang Xun couldn't help feeling that men were really a magical creature. When she thought she already knew most men through reading countless people, every time she'd still encounter some special cases to surprise her.


Sure enough, Gu Yu's cooking skills were exceptional. Therefore, Jiang Xun had a very rich and delicious breakfast. Among the other three male guests, only Zhao Jiu Xuan could cook a little Western-style breakfast, which is bread with hot dogs and milk and so forth. Although it couldn't be considered delicious, it was barely edible. Whereas Gu Li and Yan Xiao's breakfast couldn't be called breakfast. They probably have never cooked for themselves, so the food they made is a bit unbearable.

Bai Ran wanted to help, but Gu Li refused. She could only stand by and watch, nor did Gu Li talk to her. She had to talk a bunch of time before Gu Li would reluctantly answer her.

At Yan Xiao's side, it was more lively. Yan Xiao started off working alone. When he saw Zhao Wen Yin sitting there in a daze, he simply called Zhao Wen Yin over to help. With the two of them working together, in the end, they managed to blend two glasses of soy milk and toasted some bread.

While Gu Li worked hard for an hour and made nothing.

Zhao Jiu Xuan saw that Bai Ran had nothing to eat and wanted to give her some. But since Lu Jia had eaten it all, he had no choice but to give up. Gu Li stuffily watched Jiang Xun eat Gu Yu's breakfast. Bai Ran was completely speechless. Getting angry, she simply went back to her room alone to eat some snacks.

Their morning just passed like this and their week's recording ended here. Because the program will be updated tonight, the people in the program group will be very busy starting from the morning. After the recording, sending out the letters and the interview with the guests, the staff will enter a tense preparation to send out the edited video to the TV station, which will be broadcast at 7 P.M. sharp. The highlights of the program will also be released on the official Weibo along with trailers that will be needed to release at noon on Green Mango TV to work up the audience's appetite.

Every time an episode is updated, the program team won't arrange an itinerary for the guests. So after eating breakfast, they'll only have to return to the villa next week to start recording the next episode. This is equivalent to them recording two episodes a week in the villa and then resting for a week.

Once Jiang Xun returned to her room after breakfast, she packed her things, ready to head home.