66 Part 1

Jiang Xun asked nervously while supporting him.

Qi Yi revealed an embarrassed look. He furrowed his brow and thought about the cause of the abrupt abdominal pain. However, because the pain was too severe, he couldn't think at all. He did also thought it might be due to the food he ate just now, but Jiang Xun seemed fine. If there was really something wrong with the meal, Jiang Xun would be uncomfortable as well.

Shaking his head, Qi Yi forced himself to say, "I'm fine."

"Did you get a stomachache from eating too much?" Jiang Xun hesitantly probed.

Qi Yi felt even more awkward. This reason was truly a little unacceptable. Did he really get a stomachache from eating too much?

Qi Yi's face turned green for a bit and then white.

Seeing him not speaking, Jiang Xun said again, "Do you need me to help you head back to your room to rest?"

"Eh." Qi Yi nodded weakly.

This is probably the first time he has been so embarrassed since he became an adult, Qi Yi thought.

He didn't want other people to see him like this. He plans on resisting it first and it should feel better once he takes some medicine.

Jiang Xun's strength wasn't that strong, so it was rather difficult for her to support him walking. They stumbled the entire way and the two almost fell over several times.

For some reason, Qi Yi's legs didn't have any strength at all, so he couldn't use them at all. Therefore, his whole person could only press against Jiang Xun and plastered himself next to her. With the two of them leaning so close together, it was inevitable that they'll have some physical contact. There was a constant faint fragrance on Jiang Xun, which was extremely pleasant and heart-tugging.

Although Qi Yi didn't have the mind to think in that direction, he was still distracted by her.

Qi Yi's bedroom is upstairs from the lounge. Heading up from the lounge, it was a loft. The space isn't small and was designed as a bedroom, study and a small balcony. It appeared much better than the rooms where the guests were staying.

Jiang Xun helped him sit down by the bed, "Are you feeling any better?"

Although he didn't feel any better, Qi Yi nodded and then said, "The medicine is in the drawer, help me get it."

At this time, his voice seemed a little fragile. His consciousness was so scattered by the pain that he kept staring at Jiang Xun while speaking.

Jiang Xun took the medicine and fed it to Qi Yi. He obediently swallowed it into his stomach with the hot water without taking a closer look.

Observing him indifferently, Jiang Xun thought: No matter how strong or influential a person is, there are times when they misstep. For example, now, Qi Yi didn't even realize that she switched out his medicine and just ate it obediently. If it were poison, she's afraid he would be dead by now.

Jiang Xun pursed her mouth. Looking at Qi Yi's painful expression, she didn't feel anything. She only thought that maybe if the original owner saw this, she might feel better.

Qi Yi's stomach pain didn't alleviate at all, but instead his head started to ache as well. Sweating on his forehead, he was about to faint in discomfort.

Jiang Xun stretched out her hand to wipe the sweat from his head, "Are you feeling hot?"

Qi Yi wanted to say no. Yet when he opened his mouth, no words would come out.

He shook his head slightly, but Jiang Xun directly ignored it.

"If it's hot, want me to help you take off your jacket?" Jiang Xun asked.

Qi Yi somehow felt that her voice became soft and gentle, very pleasant to listen to. It was completely different from usual, thinking it was his own illusion.

Staring at Jiang Xun, Qi Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say no need. However, who knew what Jiang Xun heard that she would say, "Alright." Then she reached out and helped him to take off his clothes.

Qi Yi and Jiang Xun faced each other. Jiang Xun held his shoulder with one hand and raised his arm with one hand, trying to move his arm out of his suit jacket, but she couldn't support him. With an accidental loosening of her hand, Qi Yi's upper body leaned forward and fell on her body.

Qi Yi felt her face hit Jiang Xun's shoulder. He could see her slender neck, tender fair skin, and even feel her softness and fragrance.

Under his state of unclear consciousness, Qi Yi suddenly felt a burning inside his chest as a hot fire ignited within him.

At the same time, he could feel a small hand moving on him, trying to help him take off his jacket.

Qi Yi frowned. The pain in his body seemed to diminish slightly, but he didn't know why he still didn't have any strength.

After Jiang Xun took off his jacket, she lifted him from her shoulders.

At this moment, Qi Yi raised his head to meet Jiang Xun's eyes. He suddenly felt that these were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Her soft brown eyes, glowing with moisture, looked at him happily. It was also somewhat brisk, like a puddle of clear water, making people's hearts skip a beat.

Unfortunately, they only locked eyes for a few seconds before Jiang Xun looked away.

Jiang Xun helped him lie flat on the bed. Then, she set his jacket aside and leaned over to help him unbutton the two of his shirt's buttons.

Her hair strands fell on his face, tickling him. Her breath also lingered around him, constantly challenging his endurance.

His physical weakness made Qi Yi forget many things, including the principle he has always adhered to: as a producer, he must never have any out-of-line interactions with the female guests.

He wanted to take a deep breath to calm the restlessness in his heart. However, all the air he breathed in was full of the fragrance from Jiang Xun's body, which made him unable to extricate himself.

Was this woman doing this on purpose?

A voice in Qi Yi's mind sounded.

He tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't.

When he thought Jiang Xun would continue to do something, Jiang Xun helped cover him with the blanket and then stood up, "Are you feeling better? Rest well, I'll be going back first."

Qi Yi frowned subconsciously. She was going to leave when he looked like this?

Qi Yi wanted to say no, but he didn't know why he couldn't talk. Therefore, he waved his hand, irritably.

Jiang Xun glanced at him, confused, "What's the matter?"

Qi Yi stared at her. He didn't know what he wanted, but at the very least he didn't want her to go right now.

"Are you still feeling very uncomfortable?" Jiang Xun asked.

Qi Yi nodded with difficulty, annoyed that he had become so weak and had no strength at all.

Jiang Xun showed an awkward expression. She hesitated and sat down again, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Of course Qi Yi doesn't want to go. He actually hated the hospital. Because he has always been in poor health, he often went to the hospital as a child. Once he grew up, he rarely went to the hospital anymore. Even with such a serious stomach problem, he only occasionally takes an hour or two off to go to have an examination at his private doctor.

He shook his head.

Jiang Xun said helplessly, "Well then, I better stay here, lest something happen to you. You seem to be unable to speak."

Somehow Qi Yi was relieved when he heard what she said.

He quickly noticed his strange thoughts. Could it be that his physical weakness also caused him to become weak?

This had never happened before. No matter how painful and uncomfortable he was, he never thought about whom he could rely on.

However, he thought again. Maybe because there hasn't been someone he can rely on, so he has always been by himself.

Ice formed in one part of Qi Yi's cold heart, while another part melted. The ice melted into water as water dripped in his heart. It was cold and wet, but for some reason, a warm wind blew inside.

Qi Yi's favorability value for Jiang Xun has been rising, but once it rose to fifty-eight, it suddenly stopped moving just as it was about to break through sixty. Generally speaking, sixty is considered a like above friendship and the system really wants to tell Jiang Xun. Yet, it recalled that Jiang Xun had clearly stated not to tell her if it was below sixty points, so it held back and said nothing.


As Qi Yi stared at Jiang Xun beside him, something in his heart was quietly changing that even he himself didn't realize it.

Soon his consciousness gradually faded. The sleepiness overwhelmed him, causing his eyes to slowly close.

By the time he woke up, it was already midnight and Qi Yi felt his throat was uncomfortably dry. When he opened his eyes, he was stunned.

There was a person motionlessly lying on his arm, sleeping deeply, with docile expression. Both her hands folded on top of each other on the bed, while her face rested on his hands and his lips lightly pressed together.

Because it was late at night, the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Qi Yi silently watched her, motionless from rapture. After a while, he looked away, but his expression couldn't remain calm anymore.

When Qi Yi woke up, Jiang Xun was already awake. She could feel him staring at herself, so she didn't make any movements. Until he glanced away, did she shift her body in a disoriented manner and change her posture to appear like she was cold.

Qi Yi's attention returned to her. He hesitated before getting up and picking Jiang Xun up to place her on the bed. She must be sleeping very deeply because when he picked her up, she didn't wake up at all. Yet Qi Yi was still nervous. He furrowed his brows and his expression became exceptionally serious.

Although he had carried Jiang Xun on his back before, carrying someone on his back and holding them were completely different.

Having a beautiful woman in his arms made it inevitable that his heart would become turbulent. Moreover, it was even such a beauty like Jiang Xun, who was flawless all over. Her sleeping appearance evoked others even more.

Qi Yi thought of how she had been keeping herself on guard, and his hard heart also softened a bit. The gaze he had towards her also softened. The moment he slowly set her on his bed, his thoughts couldn't help but go crooked.

He had already forgotten when was the last time he did it. He has never had a big need for this kind of thing. He doesn't want to or like it that much as he was quite repulsive to contacts with unfamiliar people. However, he didn't have many women he knew well. Therefore, he could count the women who slept with him with one hand. Even among them, there was no one that he particularly liked.

When Qi Yi thought of this, he felt it was a little ridiculous. He probably never loved anyone at all.

But at this moment, he did feel that way because of Jiang Xun, which surprised Qi Yi.

Because he knew he wasn't a ravenous person, that was the reason why he was so surprised. The temptation of beauty to him was minimal, so why was Jiang Xun an exception?

The last time he carried her, he had a spark of that strange feeling. However, that feeling pinched out by him the second it started.

Right now, it is different from last time. The feeling he had currently was so powerful that he can't just easily ignore it.

For other men, when they want a woman, it may not mean anything. Perhaps it was only out of pure lust, but Qi Yi was different. This is the first time he felt this way and Jiang Xun hasn't done any actions to seduce him.

Qi Yi fell into self-entanglement and denial.

He put Jiang Xun down with a sullen face, but his body's reaction still wouldn't subside.

Turning around, he stopped looking at Jiang Xun. In the pocket of his jacket, he found his phone.

It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening. Qi Yi remembered that he fell asleep at around two or three o'clock. How did he sleep for so long?

It should be because of the medicine, Qi Yi thought.

He was feeling much better now. Except for a little fatigue, his stomach no longer hurts.