70 Part 1

"I also don't know, but she told me that you're the wolf." Jiang Xun whispered.

Gu Li hurriedly said, "She's lying."

"Why would she lie?" Jiang Xun countered.

Gu Li froze. Thinking about it for a while, he said, distressed, "I don't know, I… … I haven't spoken more than a few words with her."

Jiang Xun looked at him, not very convinced.

Gu Li asked Jiang Xun, "Did you think I was the wolf this entire time?"

Jiang Xun didn't speak.

Gu Li took it as her agreeing, making his face turn ugly, "Then did you not accepting my letter or choosing my gift before had anything to do with this?"

Jiang Xun lowered her head and replied "Eh".

Gu Li thought sadly, if it weren't for this, he might have been the person who went out with Jiang Xun the previous two times.

Why did Bai Ran hurt him like this?

Gu Li couldn't understand.

Is it too late to explain it now?

He anxiously uttered, "But I'm really not. Although I don't know why she lied, I can swear that I really am not."

Jiang Xun sighed and looked into his eyes, "Alright, I believe you."

Gu Li let out a sigh of relief. However, his mood didn't feel much better.

"Then do you like Gu Yu?"

Jiang Xun was taken aback for a moment. Without a hesitation, she directly answered, "I don't like him."

Gu Li didn't expect she would answer so decisively. He exclaimed in surprise, "Really?"


"Then... … Then you won't choose him?"

"I won't."

Jiang Xun's expression was faint. When she mentioned Gu Yu, her gaze didn't waver at all.

Gu Li's eyes brightened. He was extremely happy. Instantly, he wanted to say a bunch of things, but he didn't know how to begin.

"That's good."

"I'll ask Bai Ran to clearly find out why she was lying."

"Now?" Jiang Xun said.

"En, is that not good?"

"Why don't you ask in private? Maybe it's a misunderstanding?" Jiang Xun suggested.

"I suppose."

"En, then let's head in." Jiang Xun decided.

Yet Gu Li didn't move. He looked at Jiang Xun and pleaded expectantly, "Can we stay a little longer here?"

Once they went in, Jiang Xun would be cold to him again. Gu Li knew that Jiang Xun would change in front of others.

He wanted to be alone with Jiang Xun. When he finally got this opportunity, but the time was so short, Gu Li was particularly reluctant.

Jiang Xun hesitated before nodding, "Alright4."

Gu Li immediately burst into a beam, a little shy with excitement flashing in his ink-like eyes.

"Then let's put these things down first." Jiang Xun pointed to the big bag of food in his hand.

"Okay." Gu Li nodded.

The two stood quietly outside the door. The dim lights, warm atmosphere and the soft glow fell on Jiang Xun and Gu Li's faces, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

After a while, Gu Li asked, "Who do you plan to choose for tomorrow's date?"

Jiang Xun thought about it, "That's a secret."

Gu Li nervously probed, "Will you choose me?"

Jiang Xun smiled without saying a word.

Seeing her smile, Gu Li fell in a daze. He was in a magical mood. If he could, he really wanted to just keep watching her like this. He would be satisfied just by being able to keep guard over her.


In the past, it was always the male guests' giving the gifts to the female guests. This time it was the female guests' turn to send a date invitation to a male guest. According to the program group's arrangement, male guests who received only one invitation must accept it while those who received two invitations at the same time can choose one from the two female guests.

The next morning, everyone had their breakfast and got together again.

The final vote will be held in just a few days. This date will be the last time they'll be able to go out alone, and this time it was the female guests inviting them. The program team will formulate the date according to the wishes of the female guests. The female guests will lead the date, while the male guests will be kept in the dark.

Therefore, everyone was looking forward to this and attached great importance to it. The last date may change a lot of things for them.

At least Bai Ran cared about it very much. She already calculated it. Jiang Xun will choose Gu Yu, Zhao Wen Yin has already picked Yan Xiao and Lu Jia was no longer obsessed with Gu Yu. Instead, she seems to have a good impression of Zhao Jiu Xuan. Thus. Gu Li is still hers.

It wasn't a waste of her so many days of painstaking work to make Jiang Xun firmly choose Gu Yu, secretly matching Zhao Wen Yin and Yan Xiao, and whisper plenty of Zhao Jiu Xuan's strengths in front of Lu Jia. She finally waited for this day. With her leading the date, she was confident that she would make Gu Li develop a good impression of her.

Bai Ran suppressed her expectations and excitement. After clearing her throat with a cough, she announced, "Okay, let's get started."

"Who will go first?"

"Let's decide by Rock-Paper-Scissors."


Jiang Xun was very good at this. Based on the other's expression, she can guess what the other person was going to play. Therefore, she deliberately lost several times so she would be the last one to choose.

Like Bai Ran expected, Zhao Wen Yin chose Yan Xiao while Lu Jia chose Zhao Jiu Xuan. Bai Ran glanced at the others and showed a hesitant conflicted expression, "I… … I choose Gu Li."

For the first time, Jiang Xun felt her acting was on point. It did confuse everyone, but Gu Li showed a surprised expression when he saw Bai Ran choose him. He seemed to have thought of something and quickly looked at Jiang Xun to shake his head nervously, as if saying "I had nothing to do with her."

Maybe because he thought Jiang Xun wouldn't choose him and how he couldn't refuse Bai Ran, he was anxious and didn't know what to do.

Jiang Xun smiled secretly.

"It's your turn, Jiang Xun." Bai Ran couldn't help remind her, seeing how Jiang Xun hadn't spoken.

"Oh, okay." Jiang Xun nodded.

Now only Gu Yu wasn't selected. However, he still appeared confident, looking at Jiang Xun, only waiting for Jiang Xun to call his name.

Jiang Xun also looked at Gu Yu. When the two locked eyes, although Jiang Xun's eyes didn't show any emotions, Gu Yu still felt Jiang Xun would definitely choose him. After all, she liked him that much.

Gu Yu showed a faint smile. The gaze he watched Jiang Xun's with became more gentle and even a little bit doting.

Jiang Xun articulated word by word, "The… … person I chose… … is Gu Li. Gu Li, would you be willing to accept my invitation?"

Both Bai Ran and Gu Yu exclaimed in unison, "What?"

Jiang Xun raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"You chose Gu Li?" Zhao Wen Yin peered at her, confused.

In fact, everyone thought Jiang Xun would choose Gu Yu, they didn't expect such a reversal.

Jiang Xun nodded, "Eh, I chose Gu Li."

Gu Li blinked in surprise and said excitedly, "Then I want to choose Jiang Xun."

In his eyes, he could only see Jiang Xun. He never even looked in Bai Ran's direction. What he didn't know was that when he said this, Bai Ran's nails were digging deeply into the palms of her hands, breaking some of her nails.

Her expression became uncontrollably hideous. In addition to the surprise, it was anger she felt more. Although she soon realized that she was out of control and returned to normal, it was still caught by the camera.

"With this, Gu Yu and Bai Ran will be alone." Lu Jia said straightforwardly with a little regret in her tone.

Lu Jia and Zhao Jiu Xuan locked eyes, both a little awkward.

After all, at first, Lu Jia liked Gu Yu while Zhao Jiu Xuan liked Bai Ran. However, now they have a mutual good impression of each other, whereas no one chose Gu Yu or Bai Ran, which was truly ironic.

Yet for some reason, Lu Jia and Zhao Jiu Xuan secretly felt a refreshing feeling when this happened.

Didn't you disdain me at the beginning? Now you're getting rejected by others too.


On the way back to the room, Zhao Wen Yin couldn't help but ask Jiang Xun, "Why did you choose Gu Li?"

Jiang Xun didn't answer the question. Instead she asked, "Then why did you choose Yan Xiao?"

"I... … forget it, if you don't want to answer. You choosing Gu Li is good too, he always likes you anyway." Zhao Wen Yin stated ruefully.

Jiang Xun didn't speak.

Zhao Wen Yin glanced at Bai Ran for some reason, "Jiang Xun, you have to treat Gu Li better. It's the first time I've seen him be so proactive towards a person. Don't make him sad."

When Jiang Xun looked at her, she saw acceptance and sadness in her eyes.

Jiang Xun gave a soft "Eh".

"What about you? Bai Ran! Why did you choose Gu Li?" The gaze Zhao Wen Yin threw at Bai Ran was a little strange.

"I, I thought none of you guys would choose him and didn't want to separate your pairs, so I had to choose Gu Li ah. Who knew Jiang Xun would suddenly change her mind and not choose Gu Yu?" Bai Ran had already prepared what she was going to say beforehand.

"I suddenly changed my mind? When did I say I would choose Gu Yu?" Jiang Xun looked at her coldly and said pointedly, "Or? Did you think I would believe your words? And that's why I won't choose Gu Li?"

Lu Jia asked strangely, "What words?"

Understanding what she meant, Bai Ran was afraid that she would say it here. She quickly ended the conversation "Now that the selection is over, you guys have a good time. Why are we still here talking about this? I'll be returning to my room first."

Jiang Xun smiled in her heart. Did she think she could escape this way?

This was just the beginning.


Jiang Xun was about to change clothes in her room when she heard someone knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Gu Yu."

Jiang Xun put down the skirt she had just taken out of the closet, "Give me a moment."

She opened the door and looked at Gu Yu, "Is there something wrong?"

Gu Yu faced her with a serious expression, "Can you come out for a chat?"

"Just say it here." Jiang Xun shook her head, "I have to go out later."

When Gu Yu saw that the skirt she put on the bed was new, he hadn't seen her wear it before, causing his gaze to become deep, "May I come in?"

Jiang Xun was stunned. Then she deliberately hesitated before nodding, "Come on in."