71 Part 2

When everyone saw Zhao Wen Yin fluttering her lashes at Yan Xiao and was ridiculed by him, the audience all commented that Zhao Wen Yin and Yan Xiao were cute together and they matched rather well.

One is a wealthy family's arrogant daughter, while the other is a rich second-generation high IQ student. The two felt like a good match.

However, before everyone could be too excited and happy, they saw Bai Ran ask Lu Jia to sit on Gu Yu and feed him crackers.

Although the atmosphere in the show was pretty good, the camera gave Bai Ran a few close-ups. All her gazes and little movements were seen by the audience.

"I don't know why I feel like Bai Ran did that deliberately. Before she spoke, she deliberately glanced at Jiang Xun. Gu Yu openly said he didn't like Lu Jia and had a good impression of Jiang Xun. Why would Bai Ran do this?"

"I used to think she was a straightforward mature elder sister and liked her, but that gaze just now really swayed my opinion."

"No need for everyone to get into conspiracy theories, they're just playing a game. It's not like Jiang Xun and Gu Yu actually got together yet."

Perhaps this sentence worked in that the barrage was silent for a while, but it exploded again immediately.

"Jiang Xun is simply too handsome! Beating someone at their own game ai. Bai Ran's careful ruse, has been completely seen through by Jiang Xun."

"Wawawa, Bai Ran's eyes! I'm frightened by it, I never watched her that closely before."

"It's so weird. The camera didn't give Bai Ran this many close-ups before, right? What happened this time? In every close-up, I can see her weird look."

"Uh-Oh, my instinct tells me that Bai Ran isn't what I imagined. Look how stiff her face became when she hugged Zhao Jiu Xuan."


"Haha, our Baby Gu is still the cutest. When he says he has someone he likes, he threw those glances at Jiang Xun!"

"I have a feeling like my family's son being opened up to love for the first time… …"

"The one above me, me too +1!"

"Jiang Xun, won't you please take a look at our Gu Li?"

"Haven't you guys seen that video on the Internet? Gu Li is the wolf."

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it."

"I hope the program group can leak some information and not let our Gu Li get wronged."

"Wait, Bai Ran came to find Jiang Xun to talk? This-this can't be what I thought, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"My God, the two people talking in that video can't be Bai Ran and Jiang Xun, right?"

"What video? Please enlighten me."

"Just search for the name of the show on Weibo and you'll see."

"No need to search, it's already on the hot search."

"Okay, thank you, I'll go check it out right away."

Everyone was arguing in the barrage and comments, but they didn't forget to closely watch the screen. Who knew that a sentence would appear on the screen: "After half an hour, Jiang Xun and Bai Ran returned to their respective rooms. No one knew what they talked about."

Everyone fell silent for a few seconds and then frantically barraged the screen: "Why isn't there anything after that? What's going on?"

"I think I understand something… …"

The second half of this episode is the date between Jiang Xun and Gu Yu. Although it is also very interesting, the audience's thoughts were completely attracted by the video circulated on the Internet, especially where Bai Ran called out Jiang Xun to chat. It really made people crazy, what exactly did they talk about?

If the online video wasn't fake, then it is almost certain that Bai Ran told Jiang Xun that Gu Li was the wolf.

Just when everyone wasn't sure, the other half of the video circulated on the Internet. It was still a conversation between the two people. One of them persuaded the other to be with Gu Yu.

This time, it was definitely Bai Ran and Jiang Xun.

Unless these two voices were both fake.

There is no one else except the program group with this sound source.

In order to find the truth, everyone went to the official Weibo to tag the program group on Weibo. The discussion area on the official website was almost overwhelmed by fans' questions.

Qi Yi naturally got wind of these things.

He speculated that these two videos were released by someone Jiang Xun found. She probably suspected Bai Ran long ago, so she recorded an audio herself. No wonder she didn't need his help and didn't tell him about the recording.

Qi Yi's face wasn't pretty. He was a little angry that Jiang Xun distributed the recording without telling him, but he still secretly thought about how to help Jiang Xun clean up the follow-up. After all, the two processed recordings can be labeled as fake unless the program group comes forward to admit that they released it.

Currently the other guests shouldn't know these things yet, but it won't take long. The guests will be able to head back home to rest tomorrow. They'll only need to record for two more days next week until the whole show is over.

Qi Yi hesitated for a bit and quickly made a decision.

He processed a part of the video clips of the next two episodes overnight and compiled a plan. The next morning, before it was even light, he called the directors and the screenwriter for an emergency meeting.

Although the meeting was mainly targeted at how to deal with the video exposed last night, Qi Yi actually wanted to discuss with them how to film the rest of the show within two days and asked them to negotiate with the guests to not take the break and end the recording directly after the two days of shooting.

Everyone was surprised that Qi Yi suddenly made this request, but Qi Yi was always dictatorial in the program group. Everyone was accustomed to just doing whatever he said and this time it was the same. No one refutes and were all racking their brains to find ways to implement it.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour. At the end of the meeting, the guests had just gotten up. Several of the directors went to discuss with them separately. Because the previous contracts signed were different, it was overall more troublesome to talk about. It took a lot of twists and turns to negotiate terms, but fortunately everyone agreed in the end.

The final vote that was going to take place next week was changed to tomorrow night and the long-distance travel plan was changed to a final farewell party in the villa today.

The planning scheme was created by Qi Yi staying up the entire night last night, but it was also very detailed. Everything was arranged properly, they only need to assign people to make purchases. This was a trivial matter. As long as they can hide it from the guests first and prevent them from going online outside the villa, it was fine. Otherwise the following recording will be extremely troublesome.

Qi Yi was secretly annoyed. Did Jiang Xun really not know how much trouble she caused him?

Qi Yi was so busy that there were two heavy dark circles on his face, making his entire person also seem a bit beaten down. Without the elegance and dignity he had before, he instead appeared frazzled. Therefore he wasn't able to go find Jiang Xun, nor did he want to go see Jiang Xun like this.

Although he didn't go look for Jiang Xun, his favorability value still gradually increased. Obviously, he had been thinking about Jiang Xun. Without doing anything, Jiang Xun was still able to obtain luck, making her both happy and comfortable.

Moreover, in the past two days, the look in Gu Yu's eyes at Jiang Xun made Jiang Xun secretly very satisfied. It was as if he was heartbroken by her yet still missed her.

It was precisely because she knew that he was acting that Jiang Xun found it more fun, because his favorability value was also increasing. However, Gu Yu didn't seem to know that he had already fallen in love with her.

A self-claimed love veteran like him, on the contrary, couldn't see his heart as easily as a love newbie like Gu Li.

Jiang Xun didn't intend to continue flirting with him and didn't bother to pretend anymore. She was just waiting for the end of the show to humiliate him. After completing this task, she would completely retreat.


The atmosphere in the villa seemed a bit tense today due to the final vote being suddenly changed to tomorrow night, that many days in advance. It really caught people off guard.

Although everyone has a certain candidate in their minds, they initially thought that they could have time to think about it. However, now they have to decide immediately. It was inevitable for them to be nervous.

The most comfortable person was Jiang Xun. Compared with the restlessness of other people, she was by far much calmer.

Today's farewell party is actually just karaokeing and watching a movie together in the entertainment room of the villa and then having an outdoor BBQ party.

Everyone was pretty satisfied with this arrangement. They could eat, play, relax or just have a chat. Taking advantage of the alcohol, they can also probe the other party's feelings and make tomorrow's voting easier.

After Jiang Xun was toasted a few glasses of wine, her face became flushed. Those luminous pupils stared at people silently, making people's hearts tremble, and that soft alluring little mouth. Because she had some wine, it seemed so moist and delicious that people just wanted to keep her in their mouth and taste her.

Both Gu Yu and Gu Li stared at her without blinking. Seeing the corners of her mouth curled up and the corners of her eyes becoming enticing, completely different from usual, they were stunned.

Others were also fascinated by Jiang Xun's beauty. Since everyone drank, they couldn't help but praise Jiang Xun's attractiveness.

Even if it was Jiang Xun's cold temperament, she seemed to be dyed soft with a feminine charm after drinking. The red clouds on her cheeks gave her some spring-like beauty, which is simply an unconcealable beauty.

Even the people in the master control room who were watching Jiang Xun through the screen were stunned.

Not to mention Qi Yi, who had long wanted Jiang Xun.

Seeing other people staring at Jiang Xun, his face was sullen. He really wanted to bring Jiang Xun away to cut off other people's sight and only let her show that appearance in front of him.

If he thought so, why wouldn't Gu Yu and Gu Li think so as well?

This farewell party didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening. Gu Li and Gu Yu were vying to escort Jiang Xun, making the scene a little awkward. Gu Li stubbornly glared at Gu Yu. He, who didn't say a word normally, seemed to be possessed in things that regarded Jiang Xun and refused to give in. While Gu Yu was also mild-tempered, today maybe because he drank, so his face sank as he wouldn't let Gu Li bring Jiang Xun away no matter what.

Everyone glanced at the three of them and didn't know how to persuade them. Bai Ran gritted her teeth, feeling angry and speechless. She already knew she had no hope and secretly resented that Gu Li, this fool, only had Jiang Xun in his eyes. She didn't know if it was because Jiang Xun didn't believe her words or something, but she didn't avoid Gu Li either.

Bai Ran was upset. Too lazy to put on an appearance anymore, she said, "I'm tired, I'll be heading back first." Then she left.

Since she stopped pretending, although others had already noticed she had changed, which was very different from before, but still were a little surprised to see her unabashedly impatient appearance.

Especially Zhao Jiu Xuan, his expression became a bit weird. When Lu Jia saw him staring at Bai Ran's back, she thought he was still thinking about Bai Ran and heng coldly before leaving.

Zhao Jiu Xuan quickly followed, calling Lu Jia's name.

Zhao Wen Yin and Yan Xiao smiled at each other when they saw it. Then, Yan Xiao said he would escort her back to her room.

In the end, no one didn't expect them to become the most stable pair.

Watching Gu Li and Gu Yu were still in a stalemate, Jiang Xun ignored them and said lightly, "I don't need you guys to escort me, I can go back by myself."

After she finished speaking, she left while Gu Li and Gu Yu quickly followed behind her. Although Jiang Xun was a little drunk, her steps were still steady. When she returned to the bedroom, she opened the door and looked back at Gu Li and Gu Yu but only said to Gu Li, "Head back, have a good night."

She actually directly left Gu Yu hanging there without even looking at him.

Gu Li happily replied, "Eh, rest early."

After Jiang Xun closed the door, Gu Li stood there laughing foolishly whereas Gu Yu stared at the door with a dark face, without saying a word or moving.

Gu Li thought happily, he had to listen to Jiang Xun and go back to rest, so he ignored Gu Yu and left.

Standing in front of the door for a long time, Gu Yu's chest became stuffy and his expression turned gloomy.

He thought for a long while before knocking on the door, "Jiang Xun, I need to talk to you."

"It's late, let's talk tomorrow."

Gu Yu paused, still insistent, "Just two minutes."