Exploring and Beyond

The Continent of Fordalt, roughly the size of all of Earth's continents combined. It was home to more than six billion Humans, Beastmens, Demi-humans, Elemental, Monsters, Majins, and other types of Races. Magic was present in forms of energy within life itself, Humans had the most concentration of magic, the highest of them would be able to harness this power, they were called Mages. Kingdoms and Empires ruled the lands with an iron fist, wars between races were also common. The continent itself has seen its fair share of war and suffering throughout its history and only a few hundred years ago did peace finally happen.

Three superpowers in the continent joined forces and coerced all the other states into joining the World Leadership Conference, an organization of states who wished or are forced to make peace or discussed with the rest of the continent.

Not even all of the states in the continent if they all joined hands and could take on the might of the three Empires at once; they were forced to comply.

This move by the three superpowers came after what was known as the Second Great War. A war that killed billions of the people on the continent and prompted the creation of the Forgotten Era. The Forgotten Era was a period in history roughly a thousand years in a span that lead up to the Second Great War, the war destroyed countless nations and powerhouses, all known knowledge made by famous scholars before the war and the war itself. Dozens of Kingdoms and the Theocracy were the only survivors of the war. Some argued the war never happened. How could they know for certain if all research concerning The Forgotten Era was outlawed?

Whatever the Second Great War was, it caused a decline of magic throughout the continent. Mages who were once abundant among all of the races dwindled to the point of rarity. The average magic energy of a healthy person has decreased abit.

But, there was only one thing the people were certain about. After the war, the last remaining millions of refugees would found their own states, beginning the Era of Rebuilding. Influential Families would rise and seize control, most were benevolent, while some dreamed of domination and supremacy. Thanks to the founding of the World Leadership Conference, all hostilities mostly ceased except for limited wars between states.


Team 6's Current Rank: Rank 2

Team 6's Current Rank: F–

Team 6's Current Level: 11


(Unknown Lands, 61km West from the Team 6's commune)

As of now, their elytra wings upon their back and their firework rockets in hand, Vanoss and Wildcat flew unknowingly to the land of the unknown.

They had been flying for around an hour, given the speed that they were going in, and already they were a little bit bored.

As for their first accident, well, of course it was just an hour ago by the time they were about to get out of their commune.

The reason...?


At the time when the team were about to flew out of their home and onto the unknown lands, all of the sudden all of their heads started to ring and gave out a massive headache, they all screamed in pain like never felt pain before, at the same time they also hear a female AI voice that seems to be a warning.

[Warning: Leaving the safe zone will automatically activate Hardcore mode, I repeat, leaving the safe zone will automatically activate Hardcore mode. There will be no respawn once you die outside of the safe zone, so be careful out there. Safe travels, idiots]

When that warning came up, they now learn that going outside of their commune will be automatically mode, once they die, they die for real with no respawn. They were hesitant and not going outside for a few hours before they decided to go but with more weapons and resources of chance to survive. 

They also all nearly die from falling because of not flying properly, it was a miracle that they didn't die on the first day of their adventures.

(Flashback Ended)

"See anything?" Wildcat asked.

"I spy with my little eye, something or nothing but trees, grass, hills, and a few streams." Evan trailed off as he lazily looked around at their surroundings.

"So in other words, the same stinking shit we saw for the past one hour. Awesome!" Tyler dryly spoke with a lowered gaze. "You know, I'm starting to think we got the short end of the stick here on this exploration.

"Could be worse." Evan responded as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, yeah. Could be stuck with Nogla." Wildcat, said, mentioning their idiot friend.

"Not what I meant, but ok." Evan replied to the human who became a pig man as he lazily looked around as they flew.

Vanoss continued to look around until he looked straight ahead, squinting his eyes and starting to spot something like some sort of large structure up ahead.

"Hey, I see something up ahead!" Evan said to Wildcat, grabbing his friend's attention.

Wildcat turned his head towards in front of him, just like Vanoss did as they definitely spotted something.

"Oh, yeah!"

The two members of Team 6 looked as they neared the first structure they found in this new land they had transported recently. It was a large mansion surrounded by large forest, it could easily be spotted once someone was in the sky. The mansion appears to be very large, probably about the size of a football stadium.

"Hey, I think this is similar to a Woodland Mansion?" Vanoss said.

"Yeah, I remember the time we set up loads of TNTs in the structure, blew the shit up on these pillager bastards, served them right! Hehehe!"

"Oh, don't need to worry, I got one right here, wanna blow up that mansion?" Evan stated as he pulled out a TNT block from his inventory while giving Wildcat a mischievous smirk on his face.

"You got that many tnts? Since where did you get that many? Don't tell me Brian can make him or any of us in creative mode?"

"Technically no, I got spares under your house by the time were about to leave :v "

"You WHAT!?!" Tyler exclaimed angrily.

"Hey, calm down, Wildcat. I put those TNTs just many months ago…

(He lied)

...and it doesn't matter when I already take all the tnts out, so no hard feelings 🙂 "

"Sigh. 😑 Fine, hope you don't blow up my house again. I'm tired of it."

"Okie :3 "

Turning his head back towards the Mansion, Vanoss was about to move forward but was stopped by Wildcat.

"Wait wait wait, what are you doing?"

"Blowing up the mansion like good times :T "

"Hell no, Evan! This isn't Minecraft anymore, there could be some good shit inside. Like ancient treasures, gold, an infinity Gauntlet, or tons of good loot."

"Hm, when you mention it, I change my mind, let's go treasure hunting then!"

With that, Vanoss flew down towards the Mansion's entrance, leaving Wildcat in the air.

"Sigh, sometimes I have several questions why I'm friends with you."

After he says that, he follows his Canadian friend.


By the time they entered the mansion, what they first felt was not something good.

"Aurgh! Who cut the vieux-boulogne?" Evan asked as he waved his hand near his beak.

"Blah! It smells like my fiance's ass when I lick her second hole! We finally found something interesting on this trip, but it smells like a rectum."

"Well we might as well see what's in here." 

Evan said as he and Wildcat changed their elytra to their diamond chestplate in full armor and began to move forward in their first exploration.

"It's better to be something cool, or secretive. Like a hidden passageway, treasures or some great hero's tomb or something! Otherwise, I'm gonna be pissed. Like, the stench is horrible." Wildcat said with an annoyed look as they continued roaming around the abandoned  mansion.

The two continued to travel around, looking for anything that would catch their interest, but little did they know that they would soon meet a dangerous magic user and soon will make them learn the dangers they were in on this world.


(Unknown Lands, 97km North from the Team 6 commune)

As Vanoss and Wildcat journeyed West, Terroriser and Nogla continued to travel North. The two duos had thus far found the trip to be peaceful.

Terroriser roamed his eyes over the land as he and Nogla flew over, spotting nothing but green hills and spread out trees.

"You know, you'd think we would've seen a few more of those  hobgoblins, Shreks, or whatever those things were." Brian said as he looked around, using his cybernetic eyes that he learned he has that skill, he uses it to look for anything noteworthy further up ahead.

"Well, they definitely weren't mobs like in Minecraft, for sure. Mobs don't talk, and they definitely don't r*pe anything." Nogla told his cyborg friend.

"Yeah, what's with that anyway? I can't say I know a lot of monsters outside of COD, Minecraft, and Phasmophopia, but I've never heard of any monsters that like to r*pe chicks."

"I think I read somewhere that satyrs like that stuff." Nogla said as they continued to fly.

"Yeah, but I don't remember seeing the man look like Wildcat's father in that fight."

"I mean, I heard a man with a pig voice back there, but I dont think Wildcat counts." Nogla took a crack at the non-present pigman.

"Haha! Wow, Nogla. Least you could do is insult the man when you see him."

"Like we never say anything behind Wildcat's back?"

"True, true," Brian relented with a shrug. "Idiots aside, those monsters back there including Wildcat's father definitely sounded horny. Should I call my discord friend Bonk_Master_876, his a Thot Slayer and his really good at doing his jo—"

Before Terroriser could finish his sentence, he and Nogla heard what sounded like explosions in the distance.


Nogla questioned with a furrowed look as he and Terroriser turned their heads to the left.

"Sounds like it came from this way, let's check it out." Brian suggested as he swerved left, Nogla soon did the same.

The further the two friends flew in the leftward direction, the more they started to hear the faint sounds of explosions and cannon fires.

Squinting his regular eye,  Terroriser focused with his cybernetic eye which he got a hang of his newfound abilities, he used his cybernetic eyes to zoom his vision further to see what seemed to be a few dots in the sky.

"Hey, I think I see something up ahead." Brian called out to Nogla as he focused his attention further in the distance.

"Was it some birds or planes over there or something?"

"No, not really. But... I think I see... flying wooden ships?"

As the two got closer to the battle, they did indeed see flying wooden ships, about three smaller ones attacking the large one. From what they could tell, there were several what appeared to be other humans, or more likely, sky pirates or bandits. These bandits were attacking what seemed to be a fancy ship, very fancy that could make all of Earth's ships as a work of trash. From what Terroriser and Nogla could also make out, it seemed that some sky pirates were already attacking in the fancy huge Airship but were being fought back against a group of knights in there. But the knights were outnumbered, about 20 vs 90 of them, while they were indeed outnumbered, surprisingly they get the hang of it and are extremely skilled. And what made them very astonished was that the most skillful among them was a red-headed figure in the very front that appeared to be the commander of the knights.

"Well this should be interesting." Brian muttered aloud as he and Nogla looked at the ensuing skirmish that they got closer to.

"Let's hide in one of those clouds, and see what is going on from a better angle." Terroriser said as he flew towards the cloud.

"Uh sure, why not."

Nogla shrugged as he went along with Terroriser, though feeling as if they should try and help the knights as soon as they could. Unbeknownst to them, the red-headed knight already knew their presence thanks to his superhuman senses, but he won't do anything to them yet because he was still busy facing numerous sky pirates in front of him.


Vanoss and Wildcat had been circling around the mansion for 20 minutes now, roaming around the creepy and smelly abandoned place to spot anything that would seem interesting. Though thus far, all they could see are nothing but more junks and more rat corpses.

"You know, at this rate Imma blows this mansion up to shreds." Evan said as he pulled out a TNT block and began to place it on the floor.

"You really love blowing stuff up?" Tyler raised his brow at Vanoss.

"What? People knew me well, that's why people call me the Decimator."

"Tsk, I'm just saying, it may smell shittier in here, and I want to make sure you won't be complaining the whole time."

"I won't!"

"I'm just saying…" Tyler shrugged before looking to his right, squinting as he spotted something. "What's that?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"I think I see a room light up over there."


Evan proceeded to follow his friend towards what he was seeing, the two soon coming up to a large room with purple wallpapers. But what surprised them was the room looks clean and more luxurious than the ones outside of the room.

"What do we have here? Suddenly we're in the Dark Crystal." Tyler said as he placed his hands on his hips.

"The what?"

"A movie with creepy ass puppets that is somehow meant for kids?" Tyler asked, seeing if Vanoss recognized it.


"It was made by Jim Henson."

" ( °o°) Oh, that's the guy who made the Muppets, right?"

"Yes." Tyle proclaimed while at the same time snapped both of his fingers and pointed in Vanoss' direction.

"Well I didn't know he made something called the Dark Crystal."

"I swear you have no childhood."

"That's not true! I watched Transformers when I was a kid."

"What action show or movie haven't you watched?"

Vanoss just waved him off before looking back at the room.

"So what? Should we take a risk and go there?"

"Well, I see some books on the shelf, I bet I might learn something there." Tyler said as he examined each book on the shelf, he threw the book like trash everytime the books seemed useless to him.

"So we'll look around here, should we worry about booby traps?" Vanoss said as he lay in the wall to rest.

"Well, that, or we'll die repeatedly by bobby traps or something. Oh wait, that system on our heads said hardcore mode was on, we'll might die permanently."

"Right... 😑 "

" ( •_•) ( >_>) OI! Are you trying to help or you're just lazing your ass off there!" Tyler yelled at the lazy Owl boi.

" Just resting, do it yourself…"

"Tsk, you were a hard worker in Minecraft of creating Doomsday from scraps, now you are just lazing your ass off over there, you'll regret it later." Tyler muttered.

As Wildcat continued to check every book, when he took out one book from the shelf, he suddenly saw a strange looking button deep inside the shelf by the time he took the book. Out of curiosity, he pressed it.


By the time he presses it, nothing happens.

"Huh, strange. Why would there be a secret button in a—"

Before Wildcat could say his sentence, the wall behind Vanoss magically vanished.

"What the fuck?!" 

Evan yelled in surprise, but before he could escape, thanks to gravity, his feet were already on the edge and Vanoss already fell.

"OW—!...GAH!!... FUCK!"

Vanoss shouted as he repeatedly hit each of the stairs to his body parts. His figure began to disappear into the darkness of the stairs below.

"EVAN!!" Tyler yelled out to his Owl friend who is still groaning in pain every time he hits the stairs until it stops.

"Evan? Are you okay!"


"WILDCAT! COME TO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!!" Vanoss, to Wildcat's relief yelled with a shocking tone in his voice.

"You annoying ass motherfucker."

Signing in relief of his friend survives, but what made him curious was what Vanoss found. Without hesitation he stroll down in the darkness.

When he made it to the bottom, he spotted Vanoss in front of him, he moved forward towards him.

"Evan, you sick son of a bitch, what is it?" Tyler asked.

"Look in front of you." Evan said as his eyes brightened by the beauty in the large room in front of him.


Play Music: Jurassic Park Theme Song

(Skip to 2:20)

Link: https://youtu.be/D8zlUUrFK-M


Slowly turning what his friend was gazing at, by the time his eyes lay on the large room, what he saw nearly took his entire breath away out of his lungs.

(Now go to 2:35)

"Holy Mother of God, we are definitely going to make a fortune out of this." Tyler said in awe.

"Fuck yeah it is." 

Vanoss replied, continuing his mouth gaping in awe.