Goblin Slayers(4)

It was 20:00 PM in the evening, the two bright moons, each color blue and red were high in the sky. Thanks to them, it shines on the forest below, making a normal human see clearly a bit. There. two figures could be seen walking inside the forest.

Naturally, it was our two idiot duos, the two were heading Northeast, toward the goblin's base.

"Hey Brian, does your shopping system have some items to make me use some magic?" Nogla raised a question. "I would like to use magic, even though I doubt if I could but is there any?" 

"Oh? Why do you want to use Magic so much? I thought you were a science dude. Why the sudden change?" 

Instead of answering Nogla's question, Terroriser asked him a question.

"Why do you ask?" Terroriser continuellement.

"It's simple, before I didn't think much but seeing it several times in this fantasy world for the past few days, I'm starting to get interested." Nogla replied with a smile.

Terroriser chuckles, "You seem to have read too many fairy tales and animes. I've checked and there is really nothing to give you any unexplained magic spell shits or something, you know."

"Ah, I see..." Nogla mumbled under his breath.

"Actually, I think there's one that might possibly give you one."

"Wonderful, can you buy it in your little system." Nogla pleaded because he truly wanted to know how he would be able to use magic, Nogla was truly excited, his heart started pounding hard just by thinking about it.

"Ahhhhh... sorry, can't. That spell I thought of cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of mana to consume, I only have 6000M." Terroriser explained.

"Ah, right."

The two continued to chat, exchanging a few jokes as they continued walking silently toward the goblin's location. Then suddenly they mention their other friends, but they don't need to feel worried as they could chat indirectly with their phones or the minecraft chat.

The two immediately got rid of the topic, because they have now finally arrived at their destination. The two immediately hid behind a tree and observed what was in front of them.

There was something that looked like a cave, at the entrance of the cave stood two goblins guarding it. The one on the left had a club in its hand while to the one on the right held a crudely-made bow and a quiver containing arrows.

"Hm, I expect their base will be, you know, quanky and shitty." Nogla said.

"Shitty or not, let's go massacre these kids with oversized noses." Terroriser says while laughing. His ARM Casull appeared in his right hand and raised it. His laughter sends a chill down his spine.

Terroriser chuckled and said, "Okay, let's take care of those two first. However, I can't use it now because it might definitely draw the other goblin's attention in case they heard the gunshots. But..."

With a brief silence for a few moments, to Nogla's confusion, a large metallic box appeared in front of the two.

There is a M107 Sniper Rifle equipped with a Silencer. Like the one you often saw in movies. 


Receiving the gun from Terroriser, Nogla gave out a smile, "Thanks Brian."

"Yeah, no problem, but we should get this shit goin' before this scene will become Fifty Shades of fucking Grey." Terroriser said in a serious tone before aiming the two aims at the two goblins who had no idea about their incoming death.

*Pui!* *Pui!*

Without waiting, the two immediately fired bullets toward the goblins.

*Thud!* *Thud!*

The two goblins fell onto the ground dying, their eyes were filled with unwillingness. They did not know how they had died.

After dismantling the corpses, the two stood at the entrance cave, before they could move forward, Terroriser immediately activated his Advance Surveillance System. Like the last time, a tridimensional map appeared in his head. Terroriser was able to see inside the cave, there were a lot of little dots on the map, they were red in color. If he hasn't guessed wrong, Red is an Enemy

There was no Green dot on the map, only eighteen red dots. Three red dots were not too far from the entrance, while the remaining stood in the same location, Brian did not know what they were doing, but it helps him and Nogla, they will quickly eliminate these three goblins before proceeding towards the remaining goblins.

After switching it off, the two silently entered the cave. Darkness welcomed them, the inside of the cave was dark. Nogla could not even see what was in front of him.

"Shit, everything is dark, what to do?" Nogla mumbled.

"Sigh! Why do I have to always be the helper!" Terroriser groans, tired of being that role before purchasing another Item then giving him it.

"What is that?" Nogla asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Its a fucking Night Vision Potion." Terroriser answered.

"You should've told me, I can't even see when everything around here is too dark!"

"Okay, you have a point." 

Taking the potion fron Terroriser, Nogla dranks it, and immediately his vision becomes clear, he is able to clearly see what is in front of him. 

"Wait, why didn't you wear night vision potion of your own?" Nogla asked, who already drank the potion and looked at Terroriser who didn't use any.

"I'm a cyborg, duh!"

"Oh..." Nogla said, realizing Terroriser could see the darkness bright as day.

With their Night Visions activated, the two proceeded deeper into the cave. They tried to silently walk through the dark tunnels, not to alert the three goblins ahead.

"Stealth Level 100, bitches." Nogla muttered.

"Shut the fuck up, Nogla."

Like a ninja, the two walked sneakingly, and soon he was able to see three goblins chatting around a table.

They stopped walking and studied the three goblins, even though they sat around a crudely made table and chairs, they were still vigilant, as their weapons were not far from them. Still, it seemed they had not noticed their presence which was a good thing.

"Gyi! Gyi! Gyieyeye?" One of the Goblins said.

(Translation: Hey guys, do you think the others will come back?)

"Giggeti, gigetty gyakaka." The second one said,

(Translation: Don't know, maybe they are busy group fucking the intruders.)

"Gyi gyi gyi gyi kok," The third one said.

(Translation: Shame we didn't get invited, I love to fuck some female Adventurers.)

"Nyenye ka kowerko." The first Goblin once again said.

(Translation: Guys, do you always wonder why females always wore armor bikinis, such typical stereotype shit, you know.)

"Blak Blak Blurgh jajakulu waro som zimp? Yayokyo singyi ga? Leroy Mipunto gayi allatok pervert."

(Translation: Bruh, the topic seems random but what? Since when did they wear Armor bikinis? Sounds very ridiculous and seems like it came from a Hentai.)

While the three goblins continue to converse, Nogla and Terroriser that the goblins were unaware of their presence already ready their weapons.

''Let's rock baby,'' Nogla mumbled, trying to sound cool.

"Wow... that sounds so cringy." Terroriser said with a chuckle.

Still hiding, the two aimed their guns at the goblins and fired.


It was instant death, a bullet in the head.

"Taw Gyi da KUPH?!"

(Translation: What the FUCK?!)

The goblin was startled after seeing his brethrens with whom he was talking a few seconds earlier fall head first onto the table.

Without giving it time to search for the intruder, Terroriser and Nogla fired at the same time in quick succession. And unlike the two goblins, the two bullets completely obliterate the goblin's head from the great force of two bullets combined. It instantly died with its upper body crashing onto the table. The poor table was broken into pieces.

There was a little noise, hopefully, it did not alert the other goblins.

The two then quickly started to dismantle the dead goblin's corpses.

Suddenly, Brian stopped because he saw a small pouch. When he opened it, he realized this was no ordinary pouch, more like a Dimensional Pouch filled with many coins inside it. Roughly counting it, there were at least 300 Euros coins inside the pouch.

Terroriser's hands became heavy, his breathing quickened.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Terroriser muttered, feeling something ominous. As though there was something on the other side he would not like.

"What's wrong, Brian?" Nogla asked.

" I don't know but it seems like something is wrong. However, we can not stop here now. So, Let's go." Terroriser says.

"Okayyy...'' Nogla replied, hearing what his friend explained, he also felt some dread.

With a heavy step, the duos continued, going where the remaining goblins were located, in the depth of the cave.