An Unknown Organization

The fight between Samara and the mysterious demigod continued. The two mighty powerhouses exchange a hundred moves each second, trying to kill each other but sometimes end up causing numerous collateral damage, such as destroying a huge area down below, some small number of attacks even hit the city and killing hundreds of both civilians and magical beasts.

Even after fighting for a long time, none of them was able to get an edge over the other.

Although, both were SS-rank Saint Demigods, Samara was a bit stronger than her enemy, her level was at the pinnacle of Rank 14 while her opponent is just a mere Rank 13, but even though she is far stronger than her opponent, the mysterious demigod had some skill to halve the power of Samara's attacks. Due to that, neither of them could come close to land a decisive blow.

Samara's expression had become chilling. She could see how the monsters broke into the city and started to slaughter the citizens. More than once, she attempted to leave the fight to deal with the monsters.

But in the end, there was not much she could do under the watch of another Demigod. In fact, each time she tried to ditch the fight and assist the city she ended up getting a new injury.

"What the hell do you want?" Samara yelled without hiding the anger and hostility in her voice. "Are you happy causing this meaningless slaughter!?"

"It's not meaningless," The Demigod chuckled, "No, there is a very noble purpose, Ms. Leviantine. All these people are nurturing my Boss' plan with their lives."

"Boss? Who in the hell is your Boss!"

"You don't need to know. Not yet at least." The mysterious demigod shook his head. He then raised an eyebrow as he heard a vibration located on his pocket, he placed his hand and took an item out which revealed to be a magical communication item.

After he heard the message of his subordinates, he smiled.

"...Well, it looks like my men finished their job. Perfect. Then, Ms. Leviantine, it was a pleasure to meet you but I have to go. Till the next time we meet." The mysterious demigod bowed funnily and smirked. Then, he kicked the air and fly away in the direction of the city.

"You! Do you think you can escape like this!?" The Holy Paladin Captain was enraged and sent a wave of sword energy in her direction. "Nobody that attacks this kingdom will escape punishment!"

"Hahahaha! We will, Ms. Leviantine. Because nobody can stop us, just like nobody can stop the day from turning into night."

Samara froze. Instantly, a memory of many, many years ago appeared in her mind.

Her body shook briefly. Softly, she whispered something.

"You... Those words... Are you a member of this shadow organization? Are you..... Marrow Breemin?

"Oh? You know about me and the organization I worked for?" The mysterious man named Marrow Breemin asked in mirth.

Samara did not reply. Instead, her mana and killing intent was completely released, turning the world into blood-red color as though she went into Saber Alter mode. Then, she raised her sword and pointed at the enemy demigod.

"Marrow Breemin! You killed my father!! All of you and that forsaken organization you work for will burn in hell!!!"

The next second, a sword slash cut everything in its path into two.


A group of men dressed in dark robes and strange white mask were standing above the 25 meter tall walls of the city while looking at the destruction caused by the monsters.

None of them seemed to care about the human lives slaughtered by the monsters. Quite the opposite, some of them seemed delighted by this destruction.

"...This is what you called real art right there," One of them spoke in a lazy tone as he watched the screams and horror down below. "I wonder how long we will have to wait before seeing something so beautiful like this again."

"Stop spacing out." A black-dressed man that has the androgynous features of a young man with long black hair and sharp red eyes arrived, while carrying an unconscious girl on his shoulder and scolded them. "Don't you know the importance of this mission? If something bad happens, the boss will definitely kill our asses."

"Come on, Captain Cost. We already finished everything the boss asked for. Can't we relax a bit now?" The man said as he lazily laid down on the concrete floor, pulling out his flask and drinking it.

"Our mission ends only when we report to the Boss. Until then, we can't relax. You never know what can happen during a mission!" The Captain shouted before sighing in frustration, "Why can't you be serious? You're a Legendary Realm expert for goodness sake! Be like one!"

The scolded black-dressed man snorted. He mumbled some curses underneath his breath before raising his hands, "I understand, I understand. Geez, so strict."

The leader, goes by the name of Captain Cost, frowned and shook his head. "How is the other girl? Did you get her?"

The black-dressed man shrugged and pointed to a corner where another girl lay unconscious.

The young silver-haired girl was uninjured, but her face carried an expression of fear, and her cheeks had marks of dried tears.

It was Karen, the Count's daughter.

"It is not that hard. The mens guarding her were so weak that Quaiesse just lazily walked and lightly punched them without any effort." A third black-dressed men said. "You gotta love to see how their heads explode into a bloody pulp with just a lazy punch!"

"Whatever, I don't give a shit, I got the other girl. Now take the creature and get ready to leave."

"Yeah, yeah. So boring." The black-dressed man named Quaiesse put Karen on his shoulder while the third one walked towards a cage nearby.

The cage appears to be some box with white energy surrounding it, somehow that energy doesn't feel magic in nature but something else.

Inside the box, a horrendous black creature screeched. The creature had several appendages twisting violently, and a mouth-like thing filled with serrated teeth that clattered ominously.


"Calm down, little buddy. Nobody will hurt you here," The black-dressed man laughed, "To think this little thing caused all this disaster."

"Be careful, the boss will kill us if something happens to it."

"Come on, what can happe-"


"Hey, calm down!"

"What happened!?" Captain Cost asked in a panic.

"I don't know! It started to scream suddenly! What the hell?"


Captain Cost frowned. But suddenly, his expression changed.

"Dammit! Shut it up! Hurry up you fucks!"

"What is the problem?"

"It's calling the monsters! Shut that piece of shit down!"

The third black-dressed man's face changed. He hurriedly cast a barrier to block the sound of the cries of the monster, but it was already too late.

Suddenly, four powerful auras rushed towards the city walls, revealing to be a two story size eagle, a wolf, a panther, and a two horn Titanoboa. Four powerful A-Rank monsters surrounded the group.

"Dammit! I thought it would not attack us!" Quaiesse said.

"...It wants to escape!" Another black-dressed man said.

The black thing in the box twisted and thrashed violently, ignoring the white energy that burns its skin. It continued screeching as though it wanted to call more monsters. Fortunately, the barrier blocked its streams, and no more monsters rushed towards the black-dressed men.

"Captain, what now?"

Captain Cost sighed. It walked towards the box and stared at the black thing with ice-cold eyes.

"Stop it. Now."


"Last warning, monster. I know you can understand the common tongue. Stop it, or I will do that make you would not like the Cost."

The black mass-like thing stopped moving. It moved its appendages in the direction of the captain as though it wanted to say something.

Then, it started to crackle.

"K̷͉̇e̵̟͑ḩ̸̆…̵͉̐ ̷̤̓Ķ̴̛e̵̼̕h̵̩͐k̴̼̿ȇ̵̜ĥ̴̟k̶͓͝e̸̞̒h̷̙̀... ̴̯͠f̴̙̕Ü̴̱c̷̹͐K̷͖͂... y̸̢͋O̷̩͗u̸͙͗

"Stupid piece of shit." With a snort, Captain Cost took a special Magic Item from his pocket. Looking towards the monsters around them, he infused mana into the item. "Do you think we were not expecting your little tricks?



A soft whistle sounded.

At the next instant, the monsters around them let out blood curdling cries of pain resounded and started to thrash around.

But the monsters were not the only ones that suffered. The thing trapped in the Box screams were just as bloodcurdling and terrifying.

Soon, a terrifying scene happened. The four thrashing monsters started to bleed from their pores. Black blood dyed the city walls while the monsters were turned into lumps of flesh.

"Your kind are very dangerous, little creatures. How can we not prepare countermeasures in case you try to escape? This type of Magic Item that never even belongs to our world resonates with the blood of your kind, making it rot...

...Perhaps, you can endure this process. But what about the monsters that have a part of you inside after we added you with that mixed up."

The monster thrashed and screamed in pain. It only stopped moving when Captain Cost stopped supplying mana to the Item.

By then, the four A-rank monsters plus all the monsters in one kilometer around the black-dressed men had turned into black goo.

The four very powerful A-rank monsters, being legends in the Forest of Death and capable of toppling countries and causing widespread damage to an entire continent in more than a week, died just like that.

Captain Cost looked at the creature in the box indifferently, "In the end, you are nothing more than a weapon and a tool for our own needs." He then walked forward while hurrying his men. "Let's go, we are already late."

His men nodded.

But at that moment-

"Hey, do you guys hear that? Sounds kinda familiar." The fourth black-dressed man said.

The third one nodded, "Yeah, kinda sounds like one of those Earth's games. What was it called? Call of Duty?"

Quaiesse laughed, "Ha! Duty. Sounds funny."

Hearing what his men said, the Captain indeed heard something odd. When he looks up, his expression immediately changes.

"Incoming!!" Captain Cost's face changed. He hurriedly jumped aside while warning his subordinates.

Hearing their captain's alert, the black-dressed mens moved without hesitation. Each one jumped away from their positions in an attempt to escape the unknown danger.

A good choice.

The next instant-


A large object impacted the city walls, blowing the entire upper parts where they are into dust, and the large object in question is like some sort of missile striking it. 

Not before long, four people jumped down alongside with a large Golem, while another one flying through with an Elytra appeared in front of the group of black-dressed men.

"Good, we are not too late yet."