
The man did not return to see its boss after his encounter with the group. Instead, he strolled through the market like a normal person.

Our heroes, the Banana Bus Crew, meanwhile, already expected to have to wait for a while before they could get useful information, so they did not mind it. 

Thus, the group made sure to keep the man's in the range of the transmitter without arousing his suspicion.

What they were not expecting was that they had to wait until the late afternoon before they could get results.

When it was almost night, the man finally changed his behavior and walked towards the south of the city.

The group, by the time they noticed him moving...


"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey. If you still haven't gotten the hint, that's my clichéd way of saying get the fuck up, prontos! We got another damn Ladin to find! Let's go, Seal Team!" Wildcat shouted at the group after barging in the room unexpectedly, causing them to stop what they were doing.

Everyone groaned, but they had no choice but to go and follow after him.

When the man arrived in the southern region of the city, he increased his pace and went through several alleys and streets repeatedly. It was a trick used to detect and lose anyone following him. Unfortunately for him, this trick was completely useless when his location was being transmitted directly to them.

After a few minutes and after confirming nobody was following him, the man slowed down and walked towards a building near the slums.

By the time our heroes made it to the street where the man headed, they all frowned. This place...

"It's completely different from the city we saw before." Moo said with furrowed brows.

His friends nodded. If the Orazvil city they saw earlier was a beautiful artwork, this part of the city was like a box of used condoms was thrown to the Recycling bin

"More like Chicago or San Francisco." Vanoss added, and everyone once again nodded his statement.

The part of the 7th city section was filled with garbage, waste, and excrement; the houses and buildings were dilapidated, and the people they could see were malnourished.

A stench of rotting filth filled the streets, and homeless children together with suspicious-looking men threw the group gazes filled with caution and greed. In less than ten minutes, the group was the target of pickpockets thrice.

"Nah, it's most likely California, that's why you don't vote for the libtards." Wildcat said as he and the others could only sigh and lament the difference between the beautiful Orazvil City and its slums.

When the man entered the building, Terroriser, who peered from a corner, frowned who intentionally uses both X-rays and infrared in the building.

"Guys, I can see several heat signatures were suspiciously spying on us inside that building.

"It's them, alright." Basically nodded, laying his head above Terroriser who cussed at him to get off.

"Are we going to enter?" Nogla asked.

"Of course we are. We are going there first to hear their conversation before going FBI at them." Wildcat said.

"But... How are we supposed to enter there?" Moo asked, he glanced at Terroriser, "Brian, does that tracking chip you put have a listening device?"

"Umm... no."

"Damn it."

Deep in thought, Vanoss gave out an idea, saying, "Guys! What about we'll do it the old fashion way?"

Basically raised a brow in curiosity, "What's the old fashion way, Evan?"

Giving out a smug look, he looks at Terroriser who just raises his brow.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"What the fuck am I? A psychic? No. No, I can't tell what you are thinking!"

Vanoss smirked.


In the next scene, it shows the interior of the building, showing someone walking by passing five blue soda cans. After he left the halls, the blue soda cans all made sudden moves.

"Ha! Ha! I can't believe he didn't even notice!" One of the soda cans laughed.

"Shut the fuck up, Nogla, we need to focus without getting caught." The other soda can warnes him.

"So that's what it feels like to be a prop?" The third soda can said.

"You're not alone, Moo." The fourth soda can said to the other can who turns out to be Moo, "Can't believe Evan's plan worked."

"Speaking about Evan, where is he?"

"Sorry I'm late, guys. Finding the perfect Prop all over the building is kinda hard."

Seeing the newcomer, everyone couldn't help but scream on looking at the monstrosity.


"Jesus Christ! Is that what the creepy ass baby doll looks like up close?" The soda can, with Wildcat's voice, shouted.

"Haha, it is creepy as hell just like in the game." The one with Nogla's voice said.

"Evan, what the hell are you a creepy baby doll?" The Lil can with the voice of Basically asked.

"What? Isn't it okay?"

"No. No it's not."


Few minutes have passed, five Soda cans and one creepy baby doll roams around the building without letting any guards or people around notice them. 

Not much later, they finally made it to the room where their target was, then the conversation inside the room reached their ears.

"How were the results today?" A hoarse voice asked.

"Senator Brandon, we got a great prey today!" A man said excitedly.

"Prey?" Moo was startled upon hearing this. Not only that is surprising for him and the others, it's that...

"Senator!? Is this dude a politician?" Wildcat asked in surprise by this revelation.

"Well shit, if its true, then this country is fucked." Terroriser said solemnly. At that moment, his expression suddenly changes, "But what the hell, is that our problem?" he asked smugly.

"...Nahhh." Everyone said both simultaneously, before returning to listen to the conversation.

"Oh? How good?

"A group of boys around 17-20 years old. They seem interesting and I think they can be a good price for the Big Boss, he might like these pigs for them. We also checked that six of them are the peak Intermediate Realm, strong, but nothing too difficult for us.

"Intermediate Realm? Seems to be very common for youngsters with such cultivation around these days. I've remembered in history that thousands of years ago none of the people in the world even surpassed Rank 3 except for being so-called Demigods who are just merely at Rank 6 to 7. Haha, histories are weird. Aside from what I've just said, did you check their background?"

"Yes. We got the information from the inn they are staying in. The boys registered the room with their names, Vanoss, Delirious, Wildcat, Terroriser, Basically, Moo, and Nogla, but we did not get information about their backgrounds. After we investigated, we discovered there is not even anything about these people, like they even exist in the first place. But we indeed got information about them participating and slain fifty A-rank beasts in the monster wave at the City of Kalren just a month ago."

"Is it so...? Seven Intermediate Realm twenty-year-old kids slain magical beast capable of destroying small nations is definitely not normal. Even if the Boss is needing talented slaves, we must not act before making sure they are clean. It'll be bad if they have a mysterious background and we'll be fucked if we offend them."

Just then, another voice spoke at that moment, "Senator Brandon, I have information that perhaps can interest you."

"Do speak."

"They were asking for an information dealer. We can use that information to lay them a trap."

The man, who turns out to be a Senator named Brandon, fell silent for a brief moment, before saying, "Good idea. Moreover, we can use that opportunity to sound them out and learn about their background. Oh right, did they have any noticeable features?

"Well, one of them had a strange black outfit and sunglasses... but what's even more unusual. His left eye... They did not seem normal."

"His left eye?"

"Yes. It was glowing red with an unnatural aura. Why is anything wrong?"

"I think I heard something about that recently in the reports I've heard. Wait a moment, I'll ask the Boss about this."


"Well, this was unexpected." Terroriser, as a Soda Can said with a complicated expression but didn't shown because his a fucking Soda Can. To be honest, he had his expectations betrayed. Because he and his friends were ready and expecting to face another local gang. But instead, they only got a politician.

Beside him, Wildcat's face was darkened which didn't shown because his obviously a fucking Soda Can!

"Slaves!? They were planning to capture us as slaves!? I thought they would only capture girls as slaves because they are men. But young mens? Are they gay? Are they into young men? Is this fucking children sex trafficking? Were they working for Hollywood? Goddamn it, this Qanon bullshit is getting real!"

His friends all frowned. Yeah, things are getting political and they are gonna be involve in it soon.

"Guys, there is something wrong." Said Moo, with his expression frowned.


Moo smiled wryly, "What I've heard from the Village Chief back in that Exiled Village. Slavery was forbidden in Orazvil. Not only that, slavery is forbidden in most of the continent, it was demolished two hundred years ago but it's still practiced secretly, mostly by nobles. However... Normally, slavery is limited to people of other kingdoms and races. At least, it was so in the Western Empire. I thought it was the same in the Kingdom of Floral, but it looks I'm mistaken."

"It doesn't matter." Basically shook his head and looked at his friends, "Guys, how do you want to deal with this?"

"Let's kill them!" Vanoss said immediately.

Wildcat follows, "Yeah! Fuckers like them deserves to die."

"Lock em up!" Nogla added, "We will send them to execution! Showing to thousands of people then after death, they will be judge by the lord before sending them to the depths of hell! Besides suffering from the pit of fire for eternity, they will get raped by three Gorillas with big black cocks and will ravage them to fu-"

"Okay! Okay! That is too deep, Nogla." Widlcat cut him off as he and everyone else had nervous expressions, "We'll just have to simply kill them instead. Hearing what you said, I'm not in the mood for being a psychopath right now."

Terroriser nodded, "Yeah, that is the best option. They look like they will cause us trouble later, so it's better to attack first and take the initiative."

"Kill them, huh. How is their strength?"

"Based on the amount of mana in my scannings. Two Rank 5. The rest are just Rank 2 to 3. But as for that Senator guy, its kinda larger than the rest, maybe Rank 6."

"Hm, that's a bit good. Anyone have a plan to attack?" Basically asked.

"Yeah, I think I have one." Vanoss responded.

"Evan, what is it this time? Some other good and stupid plan of yours?" Basically asked him in a deadpan expression.

"What's with that face? The Prop Hunt idea thing works, did it?"

"Whatever. Fine, let us hear out."