High Priestess of Fate(2)

A few hours later, several people were gathered in the headquarters of Midnight Kairos. Matilda, Julian, Ellies, Team 6, and Samara were standing behind Sherene. After a few minutes of talking, Matilda gave Sherene a recount of the situation.

"...In other words, you are telling me that the duke, a demigod of the church of carnage, a powerful merchant of the city, and the archbishop of an unknown church are among the people related to this case?

Matilda nodded, confirming her words.

"It looks like the situation is more complicated than we thought," Sheren said as her expression turned grave.

"It feels like you believed our story about the Blight very easily." Matilda said with a suspicious expression.

Sherene shrugged, "Well, I know that you are not one to joke with something like this. Besides, I already knew about the Blight before coming here.

Hearing her words, the others were stunned.

"What are you talking about?" Matilda asked.

Instead of Sherene who was the one who replied, It was the female knight who answered.

"Recently, her Majesty received an oracle from the goddess. 'There is chaos in Kalren City. Remnants of an otherworldly danger have appeared, and the time of chaos is approaching.' I think you can understand what that means."

"The Blight? In Kalren city?" Julian asked with a look of surprise visible in his face.

Sherene nodded, "Yes, I think that our other friends encountered one, right?"

All the eyes in the room turned towards the Banana Bus Crew. The others looked kinda nervous with all of the eyes on them, but some were not.

"We encountered it during the disaster in that city," Vanoss stated, "Also, there is even people behind the monster wave that destroyed part of the city and used that shitto control the monsters."


Vanoss could see expressions of shock on Matilda, Ellies, and Julian's face.

"And you didn't tell us about it!?" Matilda snapped, she stood up and sharply glared at Vanoss alongside some of the people in the room.

Vanoss simply shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look, "No one asks."

"You little shi-"

Interrupting before things got ugly, Sherene returned to the topic and continued the conversation.

"We already knew that the Blight was related to the disaster in Kalren City. When we received reports from our branch in Orazvil about the Blight, I did not hesitate to come here. Unfortunately, we have hit a deadlock in our investigations about the Blight. It's not like we can go to interrogate the Duke about it, can we?"

Nogla turns his gaze at Sherene and asks, "Can't you use your powers of fate or something to learn about the duke's plottings? Perhaps we can find something that way."

"I agree with Nogla." Delirious said.

"That is... not so simple as it looks," Sherene smiled bitterly, "The goddess's ability to see through fate is not omnipotent. In fact, many people in this world have found ways to hide things from the goddess's sight. Plus, the other deities don't like it when the goddess tries to see through fate, so they tend to use their power to interfere. Due to that, the probabilities of success are very small, probably 20% or smaller when it's something related to other churches. In fact, even observing Fate was very complicated."

Team 6 were confused. There were several things about Sherene's explanation some of them found strange. It seemed like the gods of this world also have their limits.

"Then, what are we going to do?" Moo asked.

Sherene thought for a moment before looking at the female Knight behind her.

"Samara, do you think it's possible to catch that Barney guy?"

Sherene nodded, "Your majesty, you only need to give the order and we will catch him this same night.

Matilda was startled, "Wait wait wait! You are going to attack an important merchant of the city without any proof!? Are you insane!? Everything will be alright if you find something linking him to the Blight. But if you don't, you will put the entire city against your church!"

Sherene tilted her head before smiling sweetly, "It looks like you have a small misunderstanding about us, Miss Matilda. We are not like a private organization like the Midnight Order who is overly concerned with diplomatic issues and avoids causing trouble."

"Just get to my question!"

Hearing it, the Queen of Goldrose and High Priestess of the Golden Dawn Stood from her seat and raised her voice.

"It's because we are the Church of the Golden Dawn! Our duty is to protect this world from danger! And if that means going against the world itself, we will not hesitate! As for Barney, he is just a merchant. Even if we kill him wrongly, what can the duke do about it?"

"What a very weird church and a carefree one," Nogla commented quietly to his friends, "Even though I'm Christian, these guys are weird as shit."

His friends couldn't help but fully agree to their retarded friend's words.

Sherene then chuckled and stroked her habit like an innocent girl.

"To be honest, I would have liked to confront the duke directly, but just Samara alone is not enough to take care of all of the duke's forces, especially the two demigods. We need at least three demigods if we want to have an opportunity, and that is assuming the demigods of the Church of Carnage don't participate."

Matilda put on a strained smile, "Now I understand why Boss says that you are crazy."

Sherene just smiled and changed the topic, "Then, it's decided. We of the church of the Golden Dawn will capture Barney tonight. With luck, that will lead us to the Blight."

Matilda smiled wryly. But in the end, she agreed, and was aware that catching Barney was the best option. If not for the fact that she could not afford the backlash of catching an important person like him without enough proof, she would have ordered it herself.

"Then, we will leave this conversation here." Sherene stood up elegantly and bowed to the group, "We will contact you after tonight's operation."

Before leaving, though, Sherne seemed to remember something and turned around to face the members of the Banana Bus Crew, who were just laying around in the room's couches, not paying attention to most of their conversation.

With her innocent look remaining in her face, she spoke out, "By the way, you boys. I forgot to tell you something. Before this, the Goddess also saw a bit about your fate. Do you want to know?"

"Oh god, don't tell me she saw my search history." Wildcat remarked, receiving several giggles and laughs from his friends.

"Don't know what it is but it seems some of you are interested."

"Probably we are," Vanoss said nonchalantly.

"Perfect. Before you guys go, there is a trial waiting for you soon. The eyes of a powerful force are looking at you closely. One of you will face more harder obstacles. Encountering more peculiar individuals. Then... you will face an unstoppable force that none of this world could stop."

Hearing her words, they couldn't help but confuse her words.

"You know. I'm tired of her little riddle bullshit words," Wildcat whispers to Nogla who nodded in agreement.

"Told ya, they are more weirder,"

"I feel like I should either send her to the army or beat some sense into her myself. if not for that hoochie in armor," Delirious added, pointing to Samara, who glares at them, seeming to hear their conversation, but none of the crew were bothered by it. "

"Yeah, that Sherene girl is literally telling a bunch of strangers about their future, something that could be quite fatal for anybody," Basically stated, "But all she tells us is almost vaguest form of information as possible, which is TOTALLY BULLSHIT." he raised his voice in a calm tone at the end.

Wildcat added, "I mean, it isn't like, 'something will happen to you in the future', with absolutely zero info on what that 'something' is."

Stepping forward towards them until she reaches just a few feet from the group. She continues, "Banana Bus Squad, or whatever your weird name is, by the time comes, we ask you to aid us in the upcoming war, help this world, so some of the innocents in Fordalt will live on." she said to the entirety of Team 6.

"Man, I feel pity for them." Terroriser whispered to Moo, who nodded his head in agreement. But Vanoss overheard him.

"What! Why? You heard the nun girl, we will be heroes in the future!" The Owl Canadian whispered sharply to the cyborg Irishman.

"Because it's 'us'."


After the meeting with Sherene and Samantha, the group was led by Julian and Matilda to a warehouse-like room.

"I did my words, guys. I promised you all rewards when you agreed to help us to rescue the prince," Julian said with a smile, "You all already received the information you requested from Ellies, and now I'll give you the other two things I promised."

Julian then took out a folder containing some documents and passed it to Vanoss.

"What is this?" Vanoss says dissatisfied, he expects money or even better than that.

"A money account. This document certificates that you own an account with money in Midnight Kairos. You can use it to deposit or withdraw money from any of our branches, or even some other churches. The specifics are in the documents."

"Woah, so it's a super account," Vanoss remarked as he revised the documents and was slightly surprised, "Holy shit, boys…"

With confused looks, his friends stare at Vanoss who stares at them back with flames blazing in his eyes… literally.

"We. Are. FUCKING. Rich!"


The document Julian gave Evan served as proof of ownership for an account in Midnight Order, the problem was the amount of money in there.

There were over ONE HUNDRED BILLION Euros deposited in the account. Normally, a family of four needed around ten thousand Euros to live for one month, so a hundred billion Euros was a big fortune! So big that is enough to create a whole legion and invade Ukraine!

"Money… a hundred billion Euros..... Brian, what is the currency on it between a US dollar?" Basically asked, his face froze.

"105,865,000,000 dollars."


For a brief moment of silence, Basically glanced at Nogla who glanced back at him, the two exchanged glances for a second before they all screamed.



"Wow! We are rich!"

"We are fucking ruch, BITCHES!"

As if the world turned completely white with raining gold coins, Basically and Nogla swam in a sea of coins, wearing sunglasses and expensive items.

"Let's goooooo!"


"Dope, Dope, Money! Money! Moneyyy!!"


"Ah by the gods, you two, shut the hell up!"

Interrupting the two is when Julian yelled at them, rubbing his temples in exasperation.

'Of course, they often act like toddlers. Should've expected that.' He mused, staring back at the group, he added.

"But still, you can all keep the money."

Not only Vanoss was very surprised by Julian's generosity. Even some of the richest among the group, was agape when they saw the number in the documents.

'Haha, I guess that a prince is just that important.' Wildcat thought.

"Of course, that is only a part of the reward." Julian said as though all that money was not important, "...I was not sure about what to give you besides the money. Fortunately, Matilda gave me a good suggestion." he then looked at Matilda and asked her to continue.

Matilda smiled and took seven badges from a pocket, giving each of them.

"Take this."

Everyone received the badge confused. It was a silver badge depicting a fox gazing to the moon. Moreover, they could feel a slight magical pulse inside the badge.

"This badge makes you a guest of honor of the Midnight Order. With this badge, you can go to any of our branches to request accommodation, information, and even assistance in case you need it. But pay attention to how you use it. If the Midnight Order deems that you don't deserve the badge anymore, they will take it away.

Now the group are truly surprised this time, even more than when they received the money.

With this badge, it was the same as having one of the strongest churches of the continent backing them.

Of course, backing them was exaggerating a bit, but it did not make the badge less valuable. The Midnight Kairos was a very huge private organization, and the help it could provide them was incredibly high.

"Are you sure about this?" Moo, at the back, asked a little moved.

Matilda smiled, "Don't worry. In fact, part of the reason I'm giving this badge to the seven of you is due to your talents. The seven of you are among the most talented people I have seen in your generation," she said while looking at the team, "Thus, giving you this badge now is a way to create a tie with you. If one day in the future, one of you becomes a demigod, then today's badge will have become a great investment."

None of them says a word for a moment before nodding and keeping the badge.

Although Matilda was trying to make it sound that it was not a big deal, the ones who knew well knew how valuable this badge was. This was the kind of thing that was not easily given out.

"Then, are you all satisfied with the reward?" Julian asked.

Vanoss narrowed his eyes and let out a smile, "Hell yeah, thank god helping you was the right choice."

"Hahaha, I'm also glad that I asked for your help back then. To be honest, it was a risky bet, but it worked. I hope we can cooperate like this again in the future."

Vanoss suddenly exclaimed, "Hold up! Our cooperation has not ended yet. Right, guys?"

Hearing his words, Julian nodded. Right, they still needed to deal with Orazvil City's problems.

"By the way, Julian... maybe we will need your help with something."


After asking Julian their request, our idiotic heroes went to the same tavern where they had a massive fight with a group of asshole adventurers, having a nice drink in the afternoon.

Turns out, Vanoss requested Julian that they should be unbanned to every bar and tavern in the city. While there were people who knew about the group, especially the bar owner, they could only glare at them.

Before any of them could sit, Delirious looked around before saying.

"Hope we are not dealing with a bar fight like a few days ago."

"Especially those Razor Axe assholes." Wildcat added.

"Yeah, I like to chop them with an axe again if I see them." Nogla laughed and he drank a huge beer in one gulp.

"Guys, guys," Vanoss calmly says, "Chill down, we are not here for a fight. We are here for a bit of a drink, ey?"

"He's right, guys," Terroriser said in satisfaction, "We are so tired right now. I just need a bit of drink."

"Well, lucky for you all, drink on me, boys! We got a hundred billion, so wasting a drink is no problemo!"

"Fuck yeah!"


After a few rounds, the group began to feel a bit drunk, after buying a lot of drinks, it didn't even dented their pockets.

But as the group takes another round...


"ALRIGHT!!" Vanoss yelled as he slammed his fist on a table, getting the group and nearby people's attention.

"Boys, I have a word for y'all, which is not totally something related to Five Nights at Freddies."

"You mean Five Nights at N*ggas?" Basically said as he smiled jokingly.

"Oh that, I remember I was scared of that since I was little." Nogla stated.

Wildcat scoffed, "Little? You do know that game was first made in 2014, when you were just a twenty year old man? Hahahaha!"

Soon later, the whole group burst out laughing, and Nogla couldn't help but to join.

Well… except for one person.

"RAHHHH! EVAN, GET TO THE FUCKING POINT!" Moo exclaimed, silencing most of the group while Vanoss nodded at a rapid pace.

"Alright! Alright! Firstly, we may not know how, or why we got into this mess of a planet. BUT! After hearing that Queen, High Priestess, or whoever that bitch was, I BELIEVE we are here for a reason." Vanoss said with extreme determination, catching his friends' interest as they leaned forward to listen to their leaders' words.

"And I believe THAT reason... is to be the heroes this world needs."


He finally said it, while the rest of the Banana Bus Crew stared at him for a while.

"Nope. Fuck this. Goin' home, Goin' to bed. See you masterbaters for the next mission." Wildcat said as he started to leave the bar, giving the middle finger at his friends without looking back.

"Well, at least there is no bar fight happening." Delirious said.

"E-Ei, you FUCKING asshole, get in my way, *burp*!"

Nogla glanced at the masked man deadpanly, "You're saying?"

"Damn it."