like grabbing a drop of water.

It was getting dark.

As long as Jun continues to accompany Miya on the way home, somehow she seems to have experienced it. Far from what she remembered. Not only that, every time Miya sees Jun. He always gives her a genuine smile. As if always telling her not to worry.

Until the middle of the journey..

"I'm sorry Jun. You want to take me home. You don't even want to eat anything while there.. I'm so guilty. " said miya who looked sad.

Hearing that, Jun fell silent. however..

(I can't stand to see you constantly being used as an outlet for their anger until no one wants to help you.) Jun whispered while trying to hold back his feelings of anger.

"What's wrong Jun? Why are you silent?"

Spontaneously, Jun even diverted the conversation while laughing.

"It's okay. I'm just enjoying this cold air for too long to make me daydream. Oh yes. Do you remember the smell of the medicine you said earlier? "

"I am. I even wrote down the chemical formula in case I forgot. You can look in my bag if you want." She said.

For Jun, it felt like it had been a long time since he'd felt that caring feeling again. For him, who has been doing what he likes all this time, it is enough to make him happy, even though it is deep in his heart.

Once he took the book, unfortunately he didn't intend to read it...

Instead, he took his cellphone and took a photo of the paper, lucky if there was a street lamp around it that was bright enough so that it was clear enough to take pictures.

He then returned the paper to Miya's bag as soon as he got a clear photo.

"Done." Jun said as he put the book into Miya's bag.

Miya was silent when she heard Jun say it was over. Until..

"Jun. You didn't answer my question earlier, did you?"

Funny thing is, Jun even laughed..

"Really? Well, let's just say you have a very good friend who really cares about you who is willing to take you even if you have to be late for work"

Miya smiled because this was the first time anyone wanted to be her best friend.

On the other hand, Jun sends the photo along with a message to his deaf boss quickly

(The writing is from the key witness herself.

As evidence because she smelled and remembered the smell of medicine from one of the students who had bullied her.

I'm sure you are very familiar with chemical formulas.







Commander. )

So far, Jun can still control the other side he is hiding very carefully..