Sexual Encounters in a Grimm World Pt. VI (RWBY)

Featuring: Humanoid Grimm and Yang Xiao Long

"What are you studs waiting for~?" Yang called out to three humanoid Grimm several feet in front of her, smirking as she struck a sexy pose. The blonde brawler was naked as her E-cup breasts with each movements, her pussy being shaved and a plump ass to boot. "Enjoy this body while you can, because I'm dragging your asses back when I'm done with all of you!" She said as she turns her back to them and began wiggling her ass, enticing the humanoid Grimm to jump.

After such an action, one of them Grimm had enough of Yang's teasing. Before she knew it, the first Grimm had tentacles grew from its back and attacked her. She yelped as she is pushed to the ground and had her arms and legs wrapped in tentacles as she laid flat on her stomach. Two tentacles in the shaped of massive cocks with mushroom tips slithers towards Yang's pussy and ass, making her moan as they prodded her entrances.

After the newest discovery had been that that the humanoid Grimm was be incapacitated by having sex with them, a law as established in that Huntresses would be deployed to the sightings of the new Grimm and have sexual intercourse in with so that their bodies can be studied further.

Team RWBY with Pyrrha, Nora, Coco and Velvet were been assigned to the Emerald Forest and everyone went their separate ways or in groups. Judging from the moans coming from other parts of the forests, they were already banging one or two Grimm by themselves or a partner. However Yang, up for an adventure and eager for a challenge, decided to go solo and had encountered the three Grimm and did not hesitated the slightest in stripping and making her presence known.

After poking her entrances nonstop, the humanoid Grimm shoved both his tentacle-cocks into Yang's holes, making her moan in pleasure as she was completely filled by the huge girth of them. The Grimm didn't wait for the Huntress time and started thrusting his tentacles in and out repeatedly. "Oum!" Yang moaned out again as she bucked her her hips against the tentacles, her fingers clawing at the dirt below as she was penetrated in both holes.

The tentacles squelching noises as they thrust into Yang's vaginal and anal walls, stretching them out as the went in and out like a machine. The blonde brawler, unable to move thanks to the tendrils restraining her, could only and wriggle in place as her lower holes. Her pussy and ass getting wet as a result which provided lubrication for them to slid in with ease as they ravaged her holes.

Yang bit her lip and squirmed as she clenched her legs as she savored the tentacles shoving into her and moaning helplessly as the humanoid Grimm continued his. It was not every day that she would be the submissive one in these types of situations. This continued on for several minutes before the humanoid Grimm tensed and growled as his tentacles began to swell up inside before cumming hard. Yang moans as as thick, black semen spews from the tentacles tip and filled the blonde up to the brim. Excess cum soon leaked out and dripped down to the dirt.

This lasted for two minutes before the humanoid Grimm growled in satisfaction and withdrew his tentacles, letting out loud pops as they retracted from her pussy and asshole, the former leaking copious amounts with nothing to plug it back in. The Grimm looked at the other two and nodded. The bigger Grimm growled as he walked forward and yanked Yang off the ground.

"Ow! Ow! Watch the hair!" Yang yelped pains as she was face to face with the Grimm who lifted one of her legs up and positioned his cock beneath her pussy before shoving all 12-inches of his cock inside. Yang's protests turns to moans as the Grimm began thrusting up with vigor, his hand still gripping on her hair as he pounded the Huntress.

His balls slapped against Yang's ass as he moved his hips in a fast and hard pace as the teasing Yang made before made him really hard and thus taking it out on her. Her E-cup breasts rubbed against his chest of the Grimm her her hardening nipples scraped the smooth surface. Cum from earlier proved easily penetration as the humanoid Grimm spears through Yang's cunt repeatedly. "Oh Oum yes! Fuck me harder!" Yang cried out as her body rocked up and down as she was ruthlessly dominated.

Bits of old cum leaked down her legs as the Grimm was unmerciful in his advances on the Huntress. Yang could only place her hands on his chest and moaned as she became submissive to her partner who' yanked on her hair, which she lets slide as long as her hair remains intact. The resonation of flesh slapping flesh echoing in that area. Eventually, the Grimm yanked Yang's hair once more and roars as he cums deep inside the Huntress.

"Fuuuuuck!" Yang screamed as she came as well. Her pussy clenching and squirting love juices as the Grimm's cock fires huge loads of black semen into her already filled cunt, filling her again as her lilac eyes rolled into her head as she rode her orgasm. Now old and new cum mixed in began leaking out of her and trickles down her legs as he continued to pump the brute of Team RWBY full of his essence.

After cumming, the Grimm then laid down with his cock still inside. He then motioned the other Grimm to come and fuck the exhausted blonde brawler. ".....Shit." Yang gulped as she saw their hardened cocks staring right into her soul. The third Grimm got behind Yang and entered her once used asshole, making her moan from having both holes filled again. But her moans are muffled by a cock belonging to the first Grimm who'd used his tentacles from earlier on.

Soon the Grimm began to fuck Yang simultaneously. The first Grimm's hands placed on Yang's head and bobbing her up back and forth on his cock. The Grimm beneath had one of his arms around Yang's waist and the other hand on her E-cup to grope them as he moved his hips up so that his cock stretched her pussy once more. The final Grimm gripped her ass to get leverage as he thrusts his shaft into her secondary hole.

"MMMPH!" Yang's lilac eyes rolled into her head once again as she was stuff in all three holes, and with cocks bigger than most Human or Faunus men she'd seen. Regardless, she began to move her hips up and down as to not let the humanoid Grimm have all the fun. Her pussy and ass made squelching noises with the two cocks inside her lower holes scraping every nook and cranny as she slobbered the cock in front of her with her saliva. She used one hand to grope her own tits in order to bring herself and the Grimm to climax.

The foursome lasted 5 minutes before the Grimm all roared at once and Yang giving off a muffled moan as they came together. Yang's pussy and ass squeezing the two cocks very tightly for all their liquids. The cocks swelled up inside her holes and depositing black cum inside the Huntress. Yang gulped all of the of the semen in her mouth while her pussy and ass getting creampied for the third and second time respectively. Her snatch once again ejecting semen it was unable to contain, forming a pool of black puddle.

The climax lasted an astounding 3 minutes before the Grimm stopped pumping semen into Yang. The cock in Yang's mouth detached with a loud pop as the first Grimm fell over, incapacitated from the sex. Yang gasped for air as the cock in her ass popped out as well with the other Grimm falling over too. The Grimm beneath Yang simply released his hold on her waist and breasts as he laid there unmoving.

"Heh, eat your heart out Weiss." Yang chuckled as she cuddled with the knocked out Grimm, not wanting to waste the cum inside her pussy. She decided take a rest for a bit before proceeding to take the Grimm back to Beacon Academy.