The Ice Kunoichi and the Obsidian Dragon Pt. I

Featuring: Original characters

A/N: This is inspired by "The Wasp and The Dragon" by Denarive_Ritner on Literotica.

"Damn you Damian!" A mature woman with long brown haired tied to a ponytail and a red and white kunoichi outfit yelled as she punched her desk, creating an audible crack as the wooden table broken under her strength. "Just what kinds of plan do you have with my daughter?!" Several female ninjas inside with her flinched as they heard their matriarch's scream of anger and the room slowly being covered by ice. Though they can all understand why she had every right to be angry like every mother would if her child was captured.

Kuno Senkori, head and Matriarch of the Senkori clan, took several breaths to recomposed herself as the ice dissipates. She looked at her subordinates once more. "Thank you for the information. You are dismissed." She nodded to them and they bowed before disappearing from the room. Once they were gone, Kuno gave a displeased sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to calm herself.

The reports had come in and needless to say, Kuno was pissed off about it. Her daughter and heiress to the clan, Hikari Senkori, had been captured by Damian Ballard, leader of the Brotherhod of the Crimson Fang, an evil organization comprised of both humans and orcs, the latter whom seek nothing more than to turn every woman they see into their cumdumps with some men joining in.

The Senkori clan, a group of kunoichis with ice powers, were one of the many ninja clans seeking to stop the Brotherhood in their takeover of Japan. But recently, they were slowly getting overwhelmed thanks to Damians's shadow powers, Several ninja clans had fallen with their women becoming sex slaves to the Brotherhood. Hikari had been sent on an infiltration mission and investigate suspicious activities in the area. But turns out the informant was a double agent for the Brotherhood and despite taking out dozens of orcs, she was ultimately overpowered and taken by Damian.

Kuno wanted to sent a rescue squad to save her daughter from his clutches, but with the Senkori having only 30 members left, many either dead or quitting from the humiliation, they lacked the sufficient manpower and the remaining clans are busy with their own wars against the Brotherhood. Kuno knew Hikari is being raped by Damian's forces by now and she was helpless to save her.

Kuno paced around the room back and forth, her brain going into overdrive as to come up with ANYTHING that could give her the power to rescue Hikari from the Brotherhood of the Crimson Fang. Her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks as she remembered something, or rather someone, who might help her. It was risky, but with her daughter's life on the line, Kuno knows it would be worth the effort.

She made several hand signs before teleporting away from her office and in front of a secret shrine, one that her ancestor had created to seal someone very powerful away, and wouldn't be released unless it was a dire situation. She walked inside of it and stood at the center of it. In front of Kuno was a painting of an obsidian dragon with one side covered in ice, the other side surrounded by fire. She lit several candles beneath it with emitted aroma akin to aphrodisiacs. The scent reached her nostrils which made her face flush from the smell before shaking her head.

"Let's do this." Kuno whispered before going on one knee and began performing multiple hand signs. Took an entire minute given how it requires specific gestures and timing lest she messed up and unleash chaos, but she finished and slams her her palm into the floor. Glowing red and blue runes appeared as the painting with the the dragon on it began to glow as well before a white light engulfs the shrine, forcing Kuno to cover her eyes.

When the light died out and Kuno lowered her hand, her face became etched with serious and worry. The dragon in the painting was gone, but now there is someone standing in front of the Matriarch a few feet away. He stood 6'5 ft tall with black skin and having heterochromia eyes, his left eye blue and right eye red with black slits. Likewise, his left arm is covered in bluish scales and his right with red scales. He had spiky black hair with a dragon tail behind him. Of course, none could compare to the massive 12-inch cock between his legs, covered in scales as well.

"Hmph." He scoffed with his arms crossed as he looks down on the female ninja, his eyebrow raised. "What's this? A pathetic woman coming to challenge me?" He bared his fangs at Kuno. "Hopefully you'll provide a better challenge than the bitch who'd sealed me centuries ago. Then again, she did had a nice pussy when I fucked her." He laughed as Kuno sighed. Years ago, the Senkori's ancestors had fought the dragon that was in their territory. However, due to the combination of possessing both ice and fire, the dragon proved too powerful.

But rather than killing them, he'd settled on fucking them into submission before leaving. Eventually one of Kuno's ancestors decided to use his lust against him by creating a powerful seduction ninjutsu that was used on the dragon. She'd managed to seal the dragon away, but not before being raped for 3 days straight as a result of the powerful effects of the ninjutsu. With that said though, they still managed use the dragon's powers from time to time. Specifically, they offered their bodies in exchange for his powers.

"So what is it that you want, girl?" His face went from a smile to a glare as he crossed his arms. "If you want to use me my powers like your whore of ancestors did, forget it. I'd rather get sealed again that have my power used for petty uses." He scoffed.

Kuno remained silent at that before coming up with a deal. "Then how about a two for one price, dragon?" She bargained, catching his attention. "If you let me use your powers to save my daughter from Damian's grip, you can fuck not only me but my daughter Hikari as well."

The dragon hummed as he tapped his chin, before smirking and looks at Kuno. "Very well then, I accept your deal. Now let's get to fucking!" Kuno smiled at this and performed the seduction ninjutsu which made him drool and his cock twitched. She then proceeds to take off her clothes. The MILF Matriarch had a bodacious hourglass with slender legs and a shaved pussy to boot. Of course, the dragon had eyes on her massive pair of H-cup size breasts that bounce with every move now that nothing held them back.

Kuno sat down on the floor and leans back before spreading her legs. "Here's your prize, big boy. And get it~" She used her fingers to widened her vaginal hole to the ice-fire dragon, while licking her lips to seduce him furthermore. Kuno yelped as the dragon roared and jumped at the prone kunoichi. His claws hands immediately went for her massive breasts and began kneading them in his grasp, making the Senkori Matriarch moan as her chest is molested by him.

However, her moans into a gasp as the dragon penetrated her fresh cunt in one movement. Her legs immediately wrapped around the dragon's waist as the dragon began thrusting into her with vigor. "Mmm~!" Kuno arched her back and mewled as her freshly taken pussy is stretched wide open for his cock to pierce. "Hmph, you're as tight as your third ancestor I've fucked." The dragon chuckled as his hands groped her massive tits as he pounded the Senkori Matriarch like he did with the other women that bargained with him.

Mm~!" Kuno arched her back and and moaned loudly as her body rocked back and forth from the powerful forces of the dragon's impact. The shrine was made with sound proof seals so she didn't worry about the sounds escaping. She winced in pain as the ice-fire dragon pinched her nipples, but her pains turned to pleasure as his cock got bigger which each thrust. Kuno looked down and gulped as she witness her stomach slightly bulge from his size.

Saliva drools down the side of her mouth as Kuno's eyes rolled into her head and her tongue sticking as the kunoichi is getting dominated by the beast. However, the dragon didn't show sympathy as his own tongue sticks out from how tight the current Senkori Matriarch is. "I'm cumming. Better take all my seed in you!" The dragon growled, his thrusts becoming harder and faster while his hands squeezed her tits even tighter. Kuno whimpered but continued to let the dragon have his way with her if she is to rescue Hikari.

With a final thrust of his hips, the dragon's roar mixed with Kuno's scream as they came together. The Matriarch's pussy clenched tightly around the twitching dragon's cock, squirted love juices as it milks it for his essence, which it succeeds. Kuno gasped in delight as hot and cold semen spews from the tip of the cock and begins filling her vaginal walls to the fullest with his essence. The dragon groaned as he pumps his newest bitch with his semen and asserting his dominance once more.

The combination of hot and cold cum raging inside her pussy proved too much for Kuno and the kunoichi went limp in the dragon's, moaning as fiery red and ice blue semen leaked around her pussy and created a puddle of red and blue beneath her. The climax lasted for an entire minute before the dragon stopped cumming. Yet despite the intense climax, the dragon was barely exhausted whereas Kuno looked like she'd run a marathon from the amount of sweat she has accumulated.

Though tired, Kuno steeled herself and was prepared to another round or two with the beast, but she is surprised when the dragon pulls his cock out, her unplugged pussy squirting out more cum. He noticed her stare and explained. "You offered me your body and that of your daughter's in exchange for using my powers. As such, one climax is enough for me today. But once you've rescued her, I expect the both of you with those pussies ready." He then squeezed her sore breasts before a golden light erupted in the room that made Kuno cover her eyes.

When the light subsided, Kuno saw the dragon nowhere in sight. However, she gasped when she felt a huge surge of power swell inside her. Looking at nearby mirror, she twists her body to get a look at her back and sure enough, the dragon's picture similar to the painting in the shrine was on her back. Kuno stood up and she raised her arms which began emitting ice from the palm of her hands. But the one on her right also had flams coming out which didn't hurt her despite using the opposite element.

"Hang in there Hikari. Mother is coming." She said with determination as her eyes glowed ice blue with fiery red round the pupils. She is ready to rescue her daughter and destroy the Damian once and for all.