What's that on your hair?

Just as Tenten was about to get up after they both finished their breakfast, Rey said.

" Mom?"

Tenten looked towards Rey and said softly.

" Yes."

' Let's put my acting skills to the test. ' Rey thought as he initiated his plan.

He started acting hesitant as if he wanted to say something but couldn't. Noticing the troubled expression on Rey's face, Tenten leaned on the table and held Rey's hand in hers.

" What's the matter, Rey? "

Feeling her soft hand, Rey's mind wanted to think various thing, but he focused on his plan.

" Mom, I-Its just I am feeling somewhat strange." Rey said as he looked down.

Tenten tightened her grasp and encouraged.

" Rey, you can tell me?"

Rey looked upward towards her and said in a nervous tone.

" I-It's as if I am sensing a d-different energy somewhat similar to chakra, b-but whenever I try to absorb it, I feel like I will turn into a stone and d-die. "



Tenten's heart shook as she heard that, She didn't even need to think about it to know it was Nature Energy that Rey was talking about. She knew about senjutsu and also knew how people would turn into stone if they were not careful while absorbing nature energy.

Although there were many questions in her heart, she stood up from her chair and took Rey in her arms.

" D-Don't ever say you will d-die." Tenten said as tears dropped from her eyes.

Rey felt a strange emotion in his heart, but decided not to think too much about it. A devilish smile formed on his face as he saw her reacting the way he predicted.

' I will take good care of you. ' Rey said inwardly and wrapped his arms around Tenten's waist, hugging her.

Finally they separated after Tenten calmed down, She looked at Rey and said with a serious face.

" Let's go."

Saying that she held Rey's hand and started walking towards the exit, dragging him with her.

" Where?" Rey asked even though he already knew the answer.

" To Naruto. "



Tenten and Rey finally reached the hokage's office where Tenten asked the receptionist for a meeting with Naruto, even though she was panicked, She was still keeping her nerves in check.

The receptionist called the phone in Naruto's office and told him about the request.

Naruto agreed and the receptionist told Tenten that she could go.

As Rey was walking with Tenten through the corridor, he noticed the scientific ninja tool guy (Katasuke) exiting Naruto's office with a sullen face, followed by Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki and Konohamuru.

Rey carefully eyed everyone but his gaze mostly stayed on the Uchiha beauty with glasses ' Sarada ', feeling that he might get noticed, Rey quickly averted his eyes.



Boruto was the first to notice Rey and Tenten, as he waved his hand towards Rey. Although they were not close friends, they were still friends nonetheless.

Rey had also gone to everyone's home a few times except Mitsuki's.

Seeing the idiot Boruto waving at him, Rey also waved back like usual.

The whole team stopped to greet Tenten and then Konohamuru and Tenten started talking about a few things.

" Hello Rey." ×2 Boruto and Sarada said while Mitsuki stayed silent.

Rey greeted the two back and nodded toward Mitsuki who nodded back in return.

" What are you doing at dad's office?" Boruto asked.

" Just something to prepare for the upcoming Chunin Exam." Rey knew from his memory that Hanabi had talked about the chunin exams yesterday and his team had decided to take part in it.



" Huh.. You are participating in the chunin exams?" Boruto asked, while Sarada and Mitsuki looked toward Rey for an answer.

" Yes and I will win. " Rey said confidently, he knew that Sarada wanted to be the Hokage and it wouldn't be wrong to say that she thought that hokage was the strongest in the village, meaning if she wanted to be the hokage, she would need to be the strongest.

Rey had purposefully said that to spark some interest in her toward himself, and seeing her eyes slightly narrowing, he knew he had succeeded.

" Seems like it is your lucky chance as I am not participating in the Chunin Exam. " Boruto said while smirking.



" Rey, let's go." Tenten said and started walking forward.

Rey looked at Boruto and pointed at his hair as he said

" What's that on your hair? "

Boruto used his hand to check, but couldn't find anything, when he was about to ask, he heard Rey's voice again.

" Let me. "

Rey then moved his hand towards Boruto's head and patted it as he said.

" It wouldn't matter even if you were participating. "

After saying that Rey once again bowed toward Konohamuru and started walking forward, leaving Boruto startled.

Just as he was about to enter Naruto's office, he heard Sarada's and Konohamuru's laugh, followed by angry shouts of Boruto.