Battle against Boro Part-2

"Found it!" Sarada exclaimed as she looked towards the wooden clone beside her, who nodded towards her and then transferred the information to Rey.



" Left side of his abdomen, huh? " The wood clone transmitted the location of Boro's core to Rey.

He ordered the clone not to let Sarada interfere, as he was about to start the final phase of his plan.

Rey then told his wood clones fighting Boro to start the performance, and they obliged. One of the clones, disguised as Sarada, fell to the ground as if unable to move. The other, a clone of Rey, followed suit.

"Hahaha!!" Seeing both his opponents go down, Boro let out a loud laugh.

"You put up a decent fight, but it's time to say goodbye to your precious little lives." he said as he walked towards Rey's wood clone.

"S-Stop!" the wood clone begged, acting afraid in an attempt to make Boro lower his guard.


That's what I like to see." Boro replied, his arrogance getting the better of him.



Rey, who had used a transformation jutsu to turn into a sealing container, waited for the perfect moment. When he saw Boro with his back turned, approaching the wood clone, Rey decided to make his move. He entered sage mode and summoned the Chidori, a fast and accurate jutsu.

The wood clone knew what to do next and started screaming,


Go away!

Aahhhhh!!" This was all part of Rey's plan to distract Boro and prevent him from hearing the chirping sound of the Chidori.

"Hahaha!!" Boro laughed at the seemingly pitiful display in front of him, unaware of the danger behind him.

Rey knew that the speed of the Chidori required the user to have Sharingan to avoid tunnel vision.

However, Rey's heightened senses in sage mode allowed him to accurately perceive his surroundings without the need for such a special ability.



Sarada watched in amazement as Rey carefully executed his plan against the opponent that Kawaki deemed very clever and sly. But what shocked her even more was the jutsu Rey was about to use: the Chidori.

Sarada had also been trying to learn the jutsu under her father, but had not yet mastered it.

And seeing Rey use that jutsu, she couldn't help but wonder, 'How much more advanced is Rey compared to everyone else? '

Rey, on the other hand, was completely focused on Boro.

As he made his move, Sarada saw him lean forward before disappearing in a blur of speed. To a normal person, it may have seemed like Rey vanished, but Sarada, with her Sharingan, was able to track him. She thought in astonishment, ' So fast! '



As Rey closed in on Boro, he entered a strange state of heightened awareness. Time seemed to slow down and he could hear his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.

He had never experienced anything like this before, not even during his battle with Momoshiki.

Normally, he would have tried to remember as much as possible about this strange sensation, but at the moment, his sole focus was on killing Boro.

When he finally reached him, Rey saw Boro tense up and try to jump away, but everything was moving in slow motion for him. Without hesitation, Rey adjusted his aim and felt the satisfying sensation of his hand piercing Boro's body and making contact with the small spherical object inside: Boro's core.



With a sharp sound, Rey's hand pierced through Boro's abdomen and grabbed the spherical core, pulling it out on the other side.

Boro gasped in shock as he looked down and saw what had happened.

"Looking for this?" Rey said with a smirk, holding up the strange core.

Boro glared at him, only to see Rey give him a sweet smile before crushing the core right in front of his eyes.

"How.. dare.. you!!" Boro shouted in anger, but his body suddenly started growing to an abnormal size.

Rey's smirk fell and he quickly moved away as Boro transformed into a giant, mindless beast, destroying everything in sight.



Realizing there was no point in continuing the fight, Rey abandoned his plan to kill Boro and joined Sarada.

"We need to get out of here." Rey said urgently, not giving Sarada a chance to hesitate.

She nodded and turned to run, but Rey's instincts kicked in at the moment.

He looked back and saw a massive boulder flying towards them at high speed. Instantly he knew that even if he managed to dodge, there was no way Sarada could. So he placed his hands on the ground and used "Wood Style: Wooden Gates," creating several giant wooden gates to block the boulder's path.

"It's not enough!!" Rey thought, realizing there wasn't enough time to create enough gates.

"Damn it!!" Rey cursed inwardly as the boulder broke through the gates and continued towards them. He instantly changed his plan, remembering Sakura's teachings and quickly channeling chakra through his body.



"BOOM!!" Rey struck the massive boulder with all his strength, his body reinforced by Sage Mode and the superhuman power granted by Sakura's precise chakra control.

His wood clone had already moved to protect Sarada, but a decent-sized piece of the boulder still managed to reach them. The impact was so great that it dispersed the wood clone and sent the stunned Sarada flying through the air, eventually hitting her head on a rock before losing consciousness.

"Sarada!!" Rey shouted as he ran towards her unconscious body, his own face bleeding from the small cuts caused by the high-speed pieces of the boulder. But he was unaware of his own injuries, his focus solely on the woman in front of him.

The sound of everything else faded for Rey other than the sound of Sarada's breathing.

He covered the distance between them in an instant and crouched down, lifting her body into his arms as he listened to her heartbeat.

"Thump... Thump... Thump..."



While Rey was in a state of shock, his wood clones that had been initially fighting Boro caught up with him and waited for instructions while keeping an eye on the monstrous creature slowly approaching them.

"Treat her and get her back to safety!" Rey commanded, his face devoid of its usual calmness, just pure coldness seeping through his sharp gaze.