Chpater IV „First kill of a monster"

„Goblins have strength similar to that of a child, the only problem is that they have weapons and an army of children with weapons is quite dangerous .This one is alone so I should be able to kill it fairly easily. " said Grisha as he followed the goblin's tracks.

„Looks like he took a left here."deducted the boy from the footprints.

After a few steps...

„I see him!! So...from that I remember the easiest way to kill a goblin is to cut off his head."remembered Grisha.

The goblin was walking slowly forward, by the signs you could see that he was lost from the group.

Stealthy crawling up to the beast he approaches it and tries to cut off its head with one blow, but the beast turns reflexively and manages to block the attack with its shield, seeing that the dagger is stuck,he goes to plan B ,summoning the Shadows , thus four shadows appear behind the goblin and stab him all at once. Even though the shadows were armed with only simple knives they proved to be quite useful , killing the goblin instantly.

„It was pretty easy to kill this goblin with the shadows,even though the strategy of cutting off the head right away didn't quite work.

With the help of shadows i should be able to attack three or four goblins at once." said Grisha as he removed the core from the goblin.

„Ten goblin cores sell for a thousand dollars, if I manage to collect about 10 cores today I could buy a dagger for one of my shadows and with time also for the others" planned Grisha.

Suddenly he hears some footsteps behind him, it seems that the goblins heard their comrade's cry for help. Fifteen goblins armed with knives come out of the bushes.

„I don't know if I'll be able to kill this many " said Grisha alarmed as the goblins approached him.

He launched a sneak attack summoning the four shadows behind the goblin and killed 4 goblins, there were still 11 left, the shadows were keeping four goblins busy but there were still seven heading straight to the red haired boy.

He knew that if he tried to cut off their heads he wouldn't succeed, so the only option was to keep them busy until the shadows finished the four goblins.

It was difficult for one person to do this, a goblin jumps towards him with a knife, Grisha dodges and hits the left hand of the goblin that attacked him.

Strangely, he looks ahead and sees only six goblins, one of them had sneaked behind giving a hidden blow that was almost successful. Grisha avoids the fatal attack but is wounded in the back.Good thing the goblins were a bit stupid and attacked in turn not simultaneously, because the boy would have been killed a long time ago.

When it seemed he was at his limits the shadows returned , with their help he manages to cut off a goblin's head and then to split another in half, and the shadows also manage to kill the other four.It seemed that they were done but one was missing, the one whose hand was cut off. They follow the trail of blood and then funded him dead leaning against a tree.

*The subject has leveled up 3 levels (Aquired 6 undistributed stat points)

*Congratulations on completing the Quest

*Reward received: Assassin Skill Book [ Basic ] and 5 undistributed stat points.

„For now I'd better collect the goblin cores. I'll analyze the Skill Book at home , Also when I get back I need to take some treatments for this back wound and distribute the stat points."

Grisha collected the cores and knives that the goblins had , put them in his backpack and headed for the exit.

He was happy when he came out of the Gate because he managed to survive and collect so many cores .

Walking, he is met by guards at the exit of the Gate perimeter.

„Welcome back,if you have loot that you want to sell, you can go to the association's store, which is only 400 meters away, and there is also a hospital there to treat your wounds for free" said the guards.

„Sounds like a good deal to me, thanks for the tip."Said Grisha as he walked to the Association's Shop.

He enter the Association's Store and goes to the person who buys the loot from Blesseds.

„Hi,please put your loot here"

Grisha takes out the cores and knives from the goblins, 16 cores and 8 knives,and puts them on the table .

„ This loot is worth 1600 dollars, cash or card?"

„ On the card please."

After seeing the money on the card, his heart jumped with joy.

„This is just the beginning, after a while I'm sure I'll be making millions. "said Grisha confidently in his way to the nursery.

After receiving the necessary treatment so that untill tomorrow the wound is going to be healed and he is fit to raid the Gate again,he goes home, his old and welcoming room.

„Let's see what I should invest the accumulated points in."says Grisha as he opened the status window.

*Host name:Grisha Efron

[HP 10/10]

*Level: level 11

*Skills owned: Shadow Summoning lvl 1 [Rank C]



*Intelligence:15 +

*Speed:10 +

*Stamina:10 +

*Mana power: 11 +

*Undistributed stat points: 11

„Looking at my stats it would be best to invest in strength .Yeah, I will invest in strength because today I could have destroyed the goblin shields if I had more strength."

As he said so and did, Grisha invested all the accumulated points in Strength.

„Now let's open the Assassin Skill Book."

This time the book did the same pirouette in the air and disappeared and then he received a system notification .


The subject has aquired Dagger Mastery [Rank D] .

„Well, I really needed something like this, because I noticed in the fight with the goblins that I'm not very good at handling the dagger"said Grisha happily.

„Now i think i better buy two more daggers for my shadows, too bad i don't have another 2000 dollars to buy all the shadows daggers."

[Two of the shadows were jumping up and hugging each other because they were going to get new daggers, while the other two sat jealously with their arms crossed and looked at the lucky two,but they realized that the master had not named who would receive the daggers and began to fight among themselves to determine the winners.(⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) ]

Grisha went out to buy some daggers from the old man Davis he had bought last time, he arrives at the store and notices two individuals threatening the old man.

„When are you going to pay the protection tax, baldhead. "says one of the thugs.

„I did not receive the money for this month, I will pay next week, says the weak old man ."

Grisha increases his pace and quickly throws a strong punch in front of an aggressor, the hited aggressor faints on the spot and pisses himself .

„Don't come near if you don't want to get into trouble, maybe I don't look like it but I'm a Blessed of Rank D from the Tirges Guild." said the scared aggressor.

„You are a D Rank?Let's compare our powers!Shadow Summoning! "shouted Grisha aggressively.

„Fire Sword!" shouted the aggressor.

„Looks like you're not just talk , even though I don't really think that candle of yours will help you to compete against my shadows "

Grisha commanded he's shadows to attack the aggressor, and after a few exchanges of blows , the aggressor wasn't able to protect from the strong attacks coming from the shadows and is killed painfully.

„It seems that after getting Dagger Mastery, the shadow's skill also improved."

„Hey,and now what do we do with the corpses?" says Davis scared.

„Let's just bury them somewhere around here"

says Grisha without caring too much.

The old man and Grisha dragged the bodies to the back of the store, made a pit, threw the bodies into the pit, then some gasoline,and then threw a match to burn the bodies. Even though bodies were burning in there, they were burning beautifully in the darkness of the night.

„So...are you used to .... mmm....killing people?"Said the old man looking at the flame in front of them .

„Not really,this was the first time I ... killed someone and surprisingly I didn't feel anything. Maybe because it's not a bad thing to kill the scum of society. " sayd Grisha with the reflection of fire in his eyes.

The thought that he was made for killing and that he liked it scared Grisha.

After the bodies burned completely, Grisha and the old man plugged the hole and returned to the store.

„So why did you come today ? " said the old man Davis.

„I wanted to buy two more daggers for my shadows."

„You have four shadows right? Why only buy two?" asked Davis.

„I don't really have enough money."

„Okay, for helping out today I'll give you two daggers for free."

„Thanks, old man."

Then Grisha returned home with the daggers and distributed them to the four shadows. (They were really happy that they all got a dagger, cause they were only going to get two but thanks to Davis they all received a dagger. "Thank you Daviss (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)" said the shadows in their minds.).

He throws himself on the mattress to sleep because he has a long day tomorrow, but he doesn't fall asleep right away, he thinks about the people killed and whether he did the right thing, but he can't find an answer because he falls asleep.