Twin Chronicles: Trials of Summer And Winter II

Within the Trials where a certain old queen of gods, Rani, was experiencing heats at excruciating temperatures over a million degrees celcius, the flames did nothing but continously climb up.

And as Rani's consciousness was about to be swallowed completely by the flames, she felt a warm light invade her primal soul spark. Causing her to feel extremely comfortable and at bliss.

And when she thought she was entering heaven, she heard an ethereal voice, one so Earthly it felt surreal and out of this world. "Congragulations for— the first— completely clear— trials of Summer.

"The— officially be opened— all mortals— this place. There will be rewards for those who succeed in walking through a layer. As the first to— to walk through all the layers, I ask you...

"Is there anything you desire?" Resounded throughout her consciousness, giving her peace ad tranquility she never thought could be attained by Deity Kings.