The En Siblings Vs Fredrick, Demon Lord of Fire


Transcendental Aura: The aura of a being that affects anyone below their realm of power physically, mentally and spiritually at the will of the being. "Aura Manipulation" and "Aura Generation".  You can use your Aura to create constructs of an essentially anything, that transcend the Universal rules slightly.

Environmental Scaling: Scale Up to your environment and gain strength parallel to that of your opponents, be it living or non-living. Has the Unique Skills "Self-Transcedence" and "Omni-Slayer". You can match up to anyone you desire, be who you want to, then adapt and transcend.

New Life: Bestow Life to the dead, give rejuvenation to the young, youth to the old and Stamina to the lazy. Has the Extra Skills "Empathy" and "Life Construct". Even galaxies could be reborn once the required divine power has been supplemented.