Environmental Scaling And Transcendental Bearing IV

He could fight two Deity kings, one being 0,05% adaption while the other was 0,01%. The strength of the opponent mattered as well. And one more discovery was that, the higher the adaption percentage, the stronger he got.

As of now, he could actually go toe to toe with Nia, stat wise. He guessed that by 100%, he would be able to fight ancient beings. That was a guess, but it seemed true by the day.

Plus, the higher the percentage was, the stronger he was becoming. And as the so called ancients were stronger than Deity Kings, even before 100%, he was already capable of matching them as well.

He was adapting to a high level of power, so it was obvious he would easily surpass anything lower than that. That was yet another theory he proved along the way.

Unfortunately, he would not have the chance to prove the first theory. The vagrant elves, who had been migrating since last year, making stops from time to time, were finally close to the Green River.