Environmental Scaling And Transcendental Bearing VII

"You think because we have these powers, we are not ordinary? You think we are extraordinary!!You think we are different from everyone?! Wrong!!! This is just the mortal realm, there are many places with beings far stronger than I am!!"


He roared out in anger, as all the anger and frustrations he accumulated was unleashed right there and then. He them continued, as he saw Enigma's silence.

"That naivity of yours will one day become your downfall. We are not special, never were and never will be!!! There is still, and will always be someone greater than you out there!!!" He ended his outburst by pulling out the air from the battleground once again.

'Old man, it's been two weeks.' Enigma retorted in his thoughts, tired of hearing these rants again and again, but right now, he had much bigger problems to solve.