Cheryl's Chronicles: Samsara - Six Worlds I

But the middle-aged man was not stupid. He could understand the hidden meaning in her words, but decided to not say anything about it. He was veteran at this.

"Oh, you jest mi'lady. The Emperor has sent me, and we would like to recruit you." He continued on with his gentle smile and amiable laugh as he faced her gentleness.

The impression he gave out was that of a gentle old man, and by his bearing, and the way he carries himself, he really seemed no different than a gentle old man.

"Oh? That's absolutely great. I would love to accept and be well taken care off by his majesty, unfortunately, there is a lot I have to do and I am not sure time will be on my side to attend to the matters of the Palace." Cheryl replied.

Her gentle tone and aggressive-less words made it tough for the middle-aged man to use threats on her. Since he came as a kind man, he would seem hypocritical if he suddenly changed moods all of a sudden. Affecting the image of the Empire.