Athena's Chronicles: Joyce's Misfortune I

Seeing the last message, Athena smiled proudly and called someone from outside her throne room. A man in ancient greek armor, walked in and bowed to her.

"Go and tell Lionel that he can officially accept the Spartans we have collected beforehand. Make sure that they train to keep up with the others alright? And they are not to exceed the threshold of a hundred thousand Spartans." She commanded from up above.

"Yes, your highness." The man hurriedly stood up and left the room. Yes, Athena was the Queen of Athens right now, a position she obtained as easily as taking candy from a child.

She had manifested her Providence and created a large city overnight, surprising the whole Plane with her feat. Most even claiming that she was Omnipotent!! Then from then on, she has been working on managing everything and stabilizing her situation.