Athena's Chronicles: Joyce's Misfortune III




He fell down once again. But this was just the beginning because, a punching bag was an understatement, the lump of darkness used enough force to torture him but not enough to kill him completely.

"Look down there, isn't that your friend, he looks cool with that extra hand on his back." It suddenly stopped punching him and said. Mew looked over, disregarding his bruised face and saw Oris.


Oris had an extra bloody hand on his back, it was covered in blood, organs and carapace. It was obvious whose hand that was, because it definitely was not Oris' hand!!

"Oris!!!" Mew roared out loud in hatred and anger, trying to stand up using will alone, but his body was way too bantered to be able to move. He could only watch and do nothing as a close friend of his suffered.