The Aspects of Existence

"Hey, about my promotion." Enigma called out after ten minutes of meditation. He was talking to no one, but he himself, knew who that was directed to.

And as for what he found out about his Aspects of Existence, it was actually quite terrifying. Firstly, his Soul was quite advanced, as he was a true god, and all true gods had Primal level souls thanks to being of the past Eras.

Primal was a rank that was at most Tier 3 ranked, out of all nine tiers. Tier 9 being the lowest, and Tier 1 being the highest so far. Thus one could say that the Providence of true gods was that of Primal beings that existed before Existence itself.

Im true god terms, it was a Fantasy Grade Soul. Which was why it was unaffected that much. Them there was the Body. This aspect was controlled by the Physique and Bloodline tab a true god had.