Achievements And Results I

Middle Realm, Central Middle

Rubrum Slumps, Mother Sanctuary

Cheryl was with her two daughters as usual, and was busy transforming her Immortal Humans to Eternals. It's been a year since she last promoted and gained 190 units of faith power since then.

Like usual, she used it to turn 190 Immortal Humans into her descendant, thus making them Eternals. Their potential kept on increasing and she realized that her Heavenly Dao Law was being strengthened.

She fused 8% with the Heavenly Dao, and was confident she could fuse 100% completely with it before a hundred years. Unfortunately she still had more than 260 000 Immortal Humans to transform.

She decided to forget about everything and focus on the achievements for now. "Hm? I managed to get through as well? How lucky, I wasn't even trying at all. What if I really, really did try my best?"