Transcendent And Supreme, Surpassing Limits IV

As if a storm just came and left, no signs of an explosion, no crater or sign of destructive powers. Only a land of barren-ness. It could've been worse though.

And from above, it looked like a large farm project, which just finished plowing the land.



The girls silently continued to watch, until a certain moment, when a powerful burst of aura created a crater on the surface. The Aura was a couple leagues higher than the girl's.

"Damned women!! Fucking bitches!! You whores!! How dare you, how dare you, HOW F–UCKING DARE YOU?! BITCHES LIKE YOU DESERVE TO CRAWL UNDER MY CROTCH!!! HOW DARE YOU—"

Suddenly out of nowhere, a large golden sword smashed into his side rib at insane speed, cracking a few in the process, before sending him flying through the sky like a baseball, crashing almost at the edge of the northern hemisphere like a cannonball.
