Battle of Gods: Domain Manifestation III

"This battle... is way above our league." Allen got out of Enigma's arms and casually interjected Enigma's thought with a weary expression and a helpless tone.

"True." Enigma agreed.


Name: Abigail Extremus


Age: 98 million years

Race: Eldritch Extremity

Cultivation: Perfected Transcendental Goddess (Nigh-Cosmic - 20 Manifested Authentic Cosmos, 1 Manifested Apocryphal Cosmos)

Source: 40 Trillion Reiki Units

Laws(3): [Discord: 45%]  [Abomination: 45%]  [Monsters: 45%]

Divinities(7): [Ancient Goddess of Discord and Abomination]  [Monster Queen]  [Ancient Mother of All Monsters]  [Eldritch Empress]  [Ancient Monster Prognitor]  [Cosmic Menace]  [Primal Evil]

Bloodline: Eldritch Emperor Queen

Physique: Outer Eldritch Physiology

Physical Strength: 25 Multiversal tons

Innate Speed: 3,2 Million Multiversal ly/s

Potential: ???

Domain Boosts: 0%

Extra Skills(40): [~~~]