Glossary 2 - Hierarchies


> This hierachy changes the more you read the novel (My other novel TA:HSC has a much more developed World hierarchy since it's in the future of this novel), but for the first three hundred or so chapters (if not 500), then it goes as such;






Rivers of Reality

Chaos (Not CHAOS)

Chaotic Branches (Not CHAOTIC BRANCHES)


Inner Void

Existence (Creation)

But basically, it's more understandable to say that they are represented in Realms.

A Pseudo Realm = Reality

A Lesser Realm = Rivers of Reality

A Greater Realm = Chaos

Divine Realm = Chaotic Branch

Abyss = Cosmology

Purgatory = Inner Void

Greater World = Creation

> But even this changes as the story progresses. But before then, let's talk about the Realms, each Realm has a time flow of seven times slower than the upcoming Realm, with seven times more Mana, Divine power, Reiki, Fortune etc

> Basically: A person in a Pseudo Realm would take a month to progress, while a person on Earth (example), would require seven months to do the same. And those seven months on earth, are merely one month in a Pseudo Realm. The higher the Realm, the higher the value (7×7×7×...).

> Makes no difference? Here's the catch. The seven-fold multiplier on a Pseudo Realm affects not only progress, but everything else. Including recovery rate, aging (7× slower), comprehension, and a +1 boost to potential. The higher the Realm, the higher the boost on potential (The higher the Realm, the minimum base of potential there can be. A Lesser Realm cannot birth someone with potential below +2, because it's considered the base minimum)

> But then, the Realm hierarchy changes, yet the bonus effects remain the same regardless. Each Realm representing an Outer Realm/Rank, from Stage 1 Realm being the equivalence of a Minor Outer God (Specifically Gods). But if you have yet to read past ch300, skip this info please~ And move to the TRUE-VERSE part, down below.

Stage 1 Realm = Above Reality

Stage 2 Realm = Rivers of Reality

Stage 3 Realm = Chaos

Stage 4 Realm = Above Chaos

Stage 5 Realm = Chatic Branch

Stage 6 Realm = Cosmology

Stage 7 Realm = Beyond Cosmological

Stage 8 Realm = Inner Void

Stage 9 Realm = Beyond Inner Void

Heavenly Divine Realm = Creation

Abyssal Hell = Multi Creations

Purgatory = Beyond Creation

Greater World = ???

Zenith World = ???

False Origin World = ???

Origin World = ???


> The True-verse is yet another abstruse term. Or rather, a domain not even registered within the minds of the most powerful beings of the Infinite Realms of its existence. It's so abstruse, it's existence is not even fictional to them. It just can't exist. Period. (Same for the Origin Era to the True Verse, but even more so).

[ Small Paradox (Or not?): The True-verse transcends the Infinite Realms, and cannot exist to it. But, the Infinite Realms are aware of the Origin Era, that transcends the True-verse. Whereby, the True-verse isn't aware of the Origin Era... hooked up? Read along to solve it~ ]

> As for the hierachy of the True-verse, it has none. It is just made up of Palaces, where they are no different than earth's modern Era, with more technology mixed in... and the fact that they are out of space, and stretch up to cover vast distances.

> Each of the one hundred and eight (108) Palaces, are well above the Infinite Realms in status and power, due to the True Creators being quite powerful first generational True Gods. Hence its not wrong to conclude that the True-verse is beyond even all Palaces put together.

> Basically, this is also well explained in the next coming novel properly. It's not important here until the later chapters... so please, skip along for now.