Existential Lore, The Misfortunate Primal Beings

Until... the sphere itself shattered into innumerable smaller Shards, which could literally amount to Infinity and beyond, flying in every direction like the flung out leaf-like constructs.

Their initial speed being unbelievable, as the force that flung them was just too disastrous!!!

The fastest of them flew past even the first flung out leaf-like construct, which covered Infinite number of miles every microsecond for Trillions upon Trillions of years.

And a single Shard... went past that in just an instant. Let alone the rest of them. Some even dared to enter the leaf-like constructs and asserted their dominance within.

And some just destroyed a few leaf-like constructs without restriction. And among those Infinite Fragments, an amalgamation of a few Fragments entered one of the more brighter leaf-like constructs.