Terrifying Waves of Power, Casual Link

「Does that satisfy you, O' God of Fate?」

Goddess Abigail inquired impassively, as if she was ready to throw in more. But what more, could be better than the servitude of seventy-two Ancient Gods?

What more could be grander than the [All-Source Dip]? A treasure that could defy the Rules of anything that Enigma thought watched over the Rules of Existence.

And though he knew nothing about the [Extremity Physiology Refinement Technique], he at least knew what the [Empyrean Blessing] implied.

Especially if you add it with True Gods... who literally held limitless potential. There was no Realm of power they could not reach in due time... and there was Enigma.

Who felt like... there was nothing he could not achieve in due time. It was a feeling from his potential, which he had yet to even evaluate himself... potential that still surpassed talented True Gods even when it was being restricted.