Year of Dancing Dragons VIII: The A-Series

Without it, he was weaker. 'No, I can just manifest them out of nothing!! Or create them using everything around me!! Whats more terrifying is that power he just used on me...'

As he had such a thought, he was about to do so, but the young boy, around 17 years old smiled, "That's great thinking.『Unfortunately, around me, swords are nonexistent』"

"What..?" And with that lapse in judgement, the young man looked up in confusion. 'What... was I about to do again? Was I about to summon something?'

The young boy smiled even brighter, his eyes turning even more menacing, like the eyes of a predator looking at its prey. Like a cat, playing with its dinner.

"『Did you know, breathing is a lie. Whoever told you that people can automatically breathe lied to you』" He added, then continued, "『And... it's unfortunate that nobody ever taught you how to, even as an Ancient God, you are not aware of the Primal Source all Ancient Being's breathe』"
