Year of Dancing Dragons X: Greater Divinities

"That's nice and all, but I wouldn't want to meet Creator-like beings at my level. I mean... what's the use of various Divine skills if they can just create my Nemesis?" He said out loud, but the system debunked him.

"You're fighting Ancient Gods aren't you? And weren't they the Creators of the so-called Creators? At the end of the day, your Fate is messed up... and will still be"


Enigma was speechless. It did make sense. He indeed did have a messed up Fate as things were. After all, not too long, he had miraculously survived a fight against an Ancient God.

"Dont worry, everything follows a certain thread of Relativity. Meaning everything is interconnected by Fate, Karma and Destiny"

"And as a God of Fate, I will have a bit of guidance over my own life, right, right?" He asked, just to be sure that he wasn't throwing himself to a pit of doom.
