Internal Problems And Solutions I

She now knew that Nia, and everyone else here, had a true God backing them. A genuine God from the higher Realms, not some fakes little gods like them, who are only Deities at most.

"It's nothing much, there is just something I want everyone to discuss. Do you have time? Yes? Then make some." She didn't even wait for Nature Goddess to respond before answering herself.

"...No, I have plenty of time for you, Goddess of Death." Nature Goddess wasn't offended anyhow. After staying here for seven years, she knew that Nia had a childish yet brutal personality.

She would do the silliest of things, work according to intuition and even start meaningless arguments. But once caught, she'd make your life horrible. Every action she made was calculated, and intended.

"Is that so?" Nia responded with a smile, but her tone sounded distant and disappointed. "Tsk, I won't have the chance to act superior if you guys are always obedient and so humble."

She finally let her true feelings out!!