Transcendent God, Entrance of Ragnarok IV

World of Terra, God Realm

Monster Domain, Castle of Blood

"What is the meaning of this?" A man in his early twenties shattered the wine glass in his hand in anger. Around him were three beauties, as well as five young individuals.

The three beauties were of course his wives, while the five young individuals were his children. They were supposed to be six, but unfortunately one died not too long ago, angering the Blood God.

"Husband, calm down. I-I think there is a better explanation for this." One of the three beauties tried to calm down the young man in his early twenties with her soothing voice.

She had long blonde hair, Western features and top class figure. Though not at the level of Louise or the Abyssal Monarch, she was still a beauty to most others.

"An explanation? Out with it, I'm curious what that whore of a brain of yours can come up with!!" The man roared at her with anger, causing her to shy back.