The Lord's Favor, Entrance of Ragnarok IX

"I know I'm weak—!!!"

『Then get stronger』

"It's not that... easy."

『Then struggle』

"I can't..."

『What are you doing now?』


『What are you... doing now?』


『Brother... what is it, that you're doing now? Look at yourself and tell me』


『You're struggling. Your hands are dead, yet you use them. Your will is broken, yet you refuse to back down. Your eyes are half blind, yet you still look at me. Your throat is torn, yet he still speak I defiance against my words.... So why, why are you being so depressed and down as if you've really done all you could?』


『You haven't done jack-shit, believe me. We are just teenagers out here seeking a life we can adapt to. A place we can belong, a place we can now call... home. If anything, we are children exposed to a new life. A life of suffering, a life of war, and life of death』