Altria's Struggle, Ragnarok II

"As expected of eldest brother." The mass of air floating besides him said in praise. This was Qua, the younger brother of Stur and older brother of Yig.

"Indeed, eldest brother is the most talented among us." Yig exclaimed as well, hissing in excitement. Even his parents praised him for his talent.

"Youngest brother, don't be so humble, who doesn't know that your talent is greater than mine?" Stur seemed like an easy going guy and laughed out in joy and casually brushed over their praises.

He would not get arrogant. As he was at most a Heaven defying Genius. And it took him more than ten thousand years to reach the current level of power he was at. An inch away from breaking through.

His appearance was also more humane than the others. Being completely humanoid, seemingly no different than any other human out there.

"...haha, haha." Yig could only awkwardly laugh as that was true, but he felt like it wasn't the right moment for it to be said.